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Tekton dashboard interactive tutorial in Katacoda fails for cluster version 1.18 #307

Closed mustaFAB53 closed 3 years ago

mustaFAB53 commented 3 years ago

Tekton dashboard interactive tutorial in Katacoda fails for cluster version 1.18

{"level":"fatal","ts":"2021-08-26T14:06:09.866Z","logger":"tekton-pipelines-controller","caller":"sharedmain/main.go:273","msg":"Version check failed","commit":"e297768","error":"kubernetes version \"1.18.0\" is not compatible, need at least \"1.19.0-\" (this can be overridden with the env var \"KUBERNETES_MIN_VERSION\")","stacktrace":"github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/vendor/knative.dev/pkg/injection/sharedmain.CheckK8sClientMinimumVersionOrDie\n\tgithub.com/tektoncd/pipeline/vendor/knative.dev/pkg/injection/sharedmain/main.go:273\ngithub.com/tektoncd/pipeline/vendor/knative.dev/pkg/injection/sharedmain.MainWithConfig\n\tgithub.com/tektoncd/pipeline/vendor/knative.dev/pkg/injection/sharedmain/main.go:177\nmain.main\n\tgithub.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/controller/main.go:110\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:225"}

Please upgrade the tutorial to create the cluster of required version considering latest releases

Link to the interactive tutorial : https://katacoda.com/tektoncd/scenarios/dashboard

AlanGreene commented 3 years ago

We recently pinned the Pipelines and Triggers release versions in the Katacoda tutorials for a similar issue: https://github.com/tektoncd/website/issues/290

Looks like we need to do the same with the Dashboard until we can come up with a better solution or Katacoda starts providing a newer Kubernetes image. Currently supported images: https://www.katacoda.community/essentials/environments.html#supported-environments

Maybe we could switch to a default Ubuntu image and spin up a cluster ourselves using kind. One downside of this is that it will take longer for the tutorial environments to become available and ready for users to start interacting with them. The benefit is that we would have more control over the Kubernetes version and could re-enable 'latest' releases of the Tekton projects in the tutorials.

AlanGreene commented 3 years ago

Ah I misread the description, this is actually a duplicate of #290 which has been fixed. The latest Dashboard (v0.21) is still OK on Kubernetes 1.18. I just ran through the tutorials and they're working as expected.