tekumara / typos-lsp

Source code spell checker for Visual Studio Code, Neovim and other LSP clients
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LSP does not work with multiple workspaces #23

Closed chrisgrieser closed 7 months ago

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

So with most other LSPs, when I open a file from a different workspace, they attach correctly to the second workspace, using a different root-directory. This means (among other things that are less relevant for the typos-lsp) that when I am in a file of workspace A, the config file at the root of workspace A is active, and when I am in a file of workspace, the config file of workspace B is active.

However, when using the typos-lsp and opening a file from workspace B, typos-lsp still uses the root directory from workspace A. This results in the LSP using the typos.toml from workspace A, even though I am in workspace B, unsurprisingly resulting in various issues like wrong ignored words not being applied etc.

tekumara commented 7 months ago

Thanks for raising this! Could you share the file paths for both workspaces in question here? I'm wondering if they are nested 🤔

And what's an example of another open-source LSP that has the behaviour you'd like? This will be useful for me to compare behaviour with and potentially reverse engineer.

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

Hmmm, now that you mention it, it looks like most of the LSPs I use are closed source :/

But indeed, it was an issue with nested workspaces. Restructuring the repo to not have a typos.toml in one directory and its ancestors at the same time seems to solve the issue 🤔

tekumara commented 7 months ago

Glad you've found a solution. I'm still not sure how this is occurring. The default behaviour of typos is it will search the target path first and then its parent directories for a typos config file. The first config file found is used.

typos-lsp inherits this behaviour for consistency. In typos-lsp the target path is the workspace folder. Which means its parents will also be searched for a typos config file if there are none in the workspace folder.

So, if workspace folder B has a typos config file, and was a subdirectory of workspace folder A, then workspace B should still use its typos config file.

If you are noticing different behaviour from typos-lsp vs typos then that's something I can try replicating and looking into.

NB: in the case of a multi-root workspace containing both folder A and folder B the behaviour is different again. I'm assuming you don't have a multi-root workspace here.

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

might have something to do with the way the nvim LSP client searches root directories 🤔 https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/lua/lspconfig/server_configurations/typos_lsp.lua#L7

tekumara commented 7 months ago

Yeh possibly, if root_pattern searches parent directories too, and there's a typos.toml there, maybe? It's a bit hard for me to tell without being a nvim LSP user and knowing what your nested directory structure is.

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

yeah, the issue did not occur anymore after avoiding the nested typos.tomls. I think further investigation is probably not worth it – will re-open if I find a case where the issue occurs again

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

Okay, I now have found a case where nested workspaces can indeed create a problem.

So I have a mono-repo, where some subfolders have a typos.toml, and others do not:

- project
    - .git
    - subproject A
        - typos.toml
        - foobar-A.py
        - ...
    - subproject B
        - foobar-B.js
        - ...

When opening foobar-B.js in subproject B, typos-lsp cannot find a typos.toml and then uses project as root, since the .git is also used by nvim-lspconfig as indicators of a root directory.

If I then switch from foobar-B.js to foobar-A.py, the typos.toml file in project A is not picked up. A look at the LSP information in nvim (:LspInfo) shows that the typos-lsp still uses project as root, and not subproject A. So it seems that not the upward but rather the missing downward search is what causes an issue here.

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

Not 100% sure whether fix all issues, but as far as I can tell, removing .git as root pattern solves this particular problem. I've made a respective PR at nvim-lsp-config: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/pull/2935

tekumara commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the follow-up. So IIUC it sounds like an nvim-lsp-config thing.

chrisgrieser commented 7 months ago

Not 100% sure whether this is solely a nvim-lspconfig issue, or an issue resulting from the nvim-lspconfig and this LSP interacting in an unlucky way. At least for nvim, the issue appears to be fixed since my PR got merged, yes.