tekumara / typos-lsp

Source code spell checker for Visual Studio Code, Neovim and other LSP clients
MIT License
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Instructions for running in Helix #61

Closed sbromberger closed 2 months ago

sbromberger commented 2 months ago

For information (and possibly an update to the readme):

I got this working properly in Helix with the following configuration in languages.toml:

environment = {"RUST_LOG" = "info"} 
command = "typos-lsp"              
config.diagnosticSeverity = "Warning"

Without overriding the diagnosticSeverity the format used is ui.cursor. When the severity is explicitly specified, it will use the standard helix diagnostic formats.

(Thanks for making this LSP! It's really great. I wish there were some way to add words to a custom dictionary, but I'm not sure how hard that would be.)

tekumara commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion I've now added helix config here.

PS: If you don't want certain words to be corrected, add them to typos.toml like this. You can do the opposite too - ie: add corrections that typos doesn't yet know about.