Hello and thanks for making this plugin. It could work really well for me if I can work out some kinks.
I just did a "vagrant up" with the below Vagrant file. I received some warnings, but the box did indeed clone and I could start it OK.
Most values in the Vagrantfile were ignored and the resulting VM had the same memory, HD size, and processesor as the qemu_template, which are much different than what I specified in the Vagrantfile (512 ram in Vagrantfile vs 4gb in the template, for example).
Also, I wonder if I can specify the proxmox VLAN using this plugin? I have lots of VLANs on my Proxmox cluster/LAN.
$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'box' up with 'proxmox' provider...
==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.cloning_vm
==> box: Done!
==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.adjust_forwarded_port_params
==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.configuring_vm
Unable to communicate with proxmox server:
Hello and thanks for making this plugin. It could work really well for me if I can work out some kinks.
I just did a "vagrant up" with the below Vagrant file. I received some warnings, but the box did indeed clone and I could start it OK.
Most values in the Vagrantfile were ignored and the resulting VM had the same memory, HD size, and processesor as the qemu_template, which are much different than what I specified in the Vagrantfile (512 ram in Vagrantfile vs 4gb in the template, for example).
Also, I wonder if I can specify the proxmox VLAN using this plugin? I have lots of VLANs on my Proxmox cluster/LAN.
$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'box' up with 'proxmox' provider... ==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.cloning_vm ==> box: Done! ==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.adjust_forwarded_port_params ==> box: translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.configuring_vm Unable to communicate with proxmox server:
translation missing: en.vagrant_proxmox.errors.vm_configure_error
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|