Automatic TLS certificate management works on a dev vm against Pebble, but fails on a internet-connected VM using letsencrypt.
The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge \"Wdvd1j-IR9RyHJCUVtcv0cslZzDazU3Zm3yWc9pf...PDf1A2nYtk7FqYJWan48sY\" != \"Hello UN-encrypted world!\"
This is failing an http-01 challenge. It seems the handler that is supposed to handle the challenge is just not doing its thing.
Automatic TLS certificate management works on a dev vm against Pebble, but fails on a internet-connected VM using letsencrypt.
This is failing an http-01 challenge. It seems the handler that is supposed to handle the challenge is just not doing its thing.