telefonicaid / fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus

IoTAgent development framework for C++
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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IoTAgent sending measures to Orion Context Broker #364

Open cpuigaei opened 8 years ago

cpuigaei commented 8 years ago


I am trying to use the fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus. It is configured on a base centos 6.5 in the Fiware Lab cloud (region PiraeusU), in order to get measures from devices and send to the Orion Context Broker.

After installation I create an agent with:

iotagent -n t80 -p 8080 -d ./lib/Release/ -c ./config.json

The config.json contains the following:

        "cbroker": "http://**.***.***.85:1026",
       "updateContext": "/v1/updateContext",
        "registerContext": "/v1/registerContext",
        "queryContext": "/v1/queryContext"
    "timeout": 10,
    "http_proxy": "**.***.***.85:10000",
    "public_ip": "**.***.***.85:5371",
    "dir_log": "/home/centos/fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus/log/",
    "timezones": "/home/centos/fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus/src/services/date_time_zonespec.csv",
        "host": "localhost",
        "type": "mongodb",
        "port": "27017",
        "dbname": "iot"
         "resource": "/iot/d",
            "FileName": "UL20Service"

I check the correct operation:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/iot/about
Welcome to IoTAgents  identifier:t80:8080  1.7.1 commit 56c9900a094841f654f9ad8b2a50a9bd43c78896 in Dec 24 2015

Although the agent log shows an error message, that I dismiss because I don’t want OAuth security:

cat log/IoTAgent-t80.log 
time=2016-01-08T11:28:26,954.710UTC | lvl=ERROR | comp=iota:t80 | op=add_oauth_media_filters | file=[] | msg=OAuth for northbound is not configured

Then I create a service and a device:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/iot/services -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice80" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /" -d '{"services": [{ "apikey": "apikey80", "token": "token80", "cbroker": "http://**.***.***.85:1026", "entity_type": "thing", "resource": "/iot/d" }]}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0
Location: /iot/services/testservice80

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/iot/devices -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice80" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /" -d '{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "d80", "entity_name": "TestSoulFy", "entity_type": "Test", "protocol":"PDI-IoTA-UltraLight", "attributes": [ { "object_id": "t0", "name": "T0", "type": "Temperature" } ] } ] }'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0
Location: /iot/devices/d80

The problem comes when I send a measure to the device and the IoTAgent passes the information to the Orion Context Broker. Send the measure:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/iot/d?k=apikey80&i=d80' -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice80" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /" -d 't0|25'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0

I check in the Context Broker log that it receives the update:

time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.275CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=connectionTreat | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[952]: Starting transaction from ***.***.***.46:48657/v1/updateContext
time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.277CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /^\/$/ })
time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.277CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "T0", expiration: { $gt: 1452281899 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/$/, null ] } })
time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.278CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "TimeInstant", expiration: { $gt: 1452281899 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/$/, null ] } })
time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.279CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=collectionUpdate | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[362]: Database Operation Successful (update: <{ "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /\// }, { $set: { attrs.T0: { value: "25", type: "Temperature", md: [ { name: "TimeInstant", type: "ISO8601", value: "2016-01-08T19:38:19.107740" } ], creDate: 1452281899, modDate: 1452281899 }, attrs.TimeInstant: { value: "2016-01-08T19:38:19.107740", type: "ISO8601", creDate: 1452281182, modDate: 1452281899 }, modDate: 1452281899 }, $unset: { location: 1 }, $addToSet: { attrNames: { $each: [ "T0" ] } } }>)
time=2016-01-08T20:38:19.279CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1452195457-805-00000000018 | function=requestCompleted | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[475]: Transaction ended

But in the mongo database it doesn’t update:

mongo --shell
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
connecting to: test
type "help" for help
> use orion
switched to db orion
> db.entities.find()
{ "_id" : { "id" : "TestSoulFy", "type" : "Test", "servicePath" : "/" }, "attrNames" : [ "T0", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "V0" ], "attrs" : { "T0" : { "value" : "30", "type" : "Temperature", "creDate" : 1448038055, "modDate" : 1452195764 }, …

Just to test, I send a value directly to the Orion Context Broker in order to check how it receives and generates the update. I observe that it is almost the same in comparison when it comes from the IoTAgent:

time=2016-01-05T11:59:10.993CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1448237445-955-00000000842 | function=connectionTreat | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[952]: Starting transaction from ***.***.***.46:50009/v1/updateContext
time=2016-01-05T11:59:11.094CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1448237445-955-00000000842 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /^\/$/ })
time=2016-01-05T11:59:11.095CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1448237445-955-00000000842 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "T0", expiration: { $gt: 1451991551 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/$/, null ] } })
time=2016-01-05T11:59:11.096CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1448237445-955-00000000842 | function=collectionUpdate | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[362]: Database Operation Successful (update: <{ "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /\// }, { $set: { attrs.T0: { value: "10", type: "Temperature", creDate: 1448038055, modDate: 1451991551 }, modDate: 1451991551 }, $unset: { location: 1 } }>)
time=2016-01-05T11:59:11.096CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1448237445-955-00000000842 | function=requestCompleted | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[475]: Transaction ended

I do not understand what could be the problem and where it comes from…

Thanks. -Carlos

dadivx commented 8 years ago

Hi Carlos,

I'm trying to reproduce this issue on docker containers, could you please let me know which version of ContextBroker you're using? Thanks

cpuigaei commented 8 years ago


ContextBroker version is 0.25.0 Thanks.

cpuigaei commented 8 years ago


This week I have faced problems in order to ContextBroker receive data from my device and notify to Cygnus and then pass it to Cosmos. Also, since yesterday I can't even access by ssh to the IoTAgent and ContextBroker machines in Fiware Lab Cloud. I haven't changed anything of this instances and they sometimes work or not. Are you probably testing something?


agonlucas commented 8 years ago

I send to Fiware Lab team.

De: cpuigaei<> Responder a: telefonicaid/fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus<> Fecha: viernes, 22 de enero de 2016, 12:42 Para: telefonicaid/fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus<> Asunto: Re: [fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus] IoTAgent sending measures to Orion Context Broker (#364)


This week I have faced problems in order to ContextBroker receive data from my device and notify to Cygnus and then pass it to Cosmos. Also, since yesterday I can't even access by ssh to the IoTAgent and ContextBroker machines in Fiware Lab Cloud. I haven't changed anything of this instances and they sometimes work or not. Are you probably testing something?


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dadivx commented 8 years ago

Sorry for this late reply, but is this issue still happening? If it's still happening, could you try doing a queryContext for that entity to check if the value was updated? Other thing you can try is: provide a different service-path, not the "/" alone. It has to be supported though, but just in case it was a bug.

cpuigaei commented 8 years ago


I have done a queryContext and the value doesn't update:

  "contextResponses" : [
      "contextElement" : {
        "type" : "Test",
        "isPattern" : "false",
        "id" : "TestSoulFy",
        "attributes" : [
            "name" : "T0",
            "type" : "Temperature",
            "value" : "30"
      "statusCode" : {
        "code" : "200",
        "reasonPhrase" : "OK"

The contextBroker log:

time=2016-02-01T13:00:54.445CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000040 | function=connectionTreat | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[952]: Starting transaction from ***.***.***.46:49939/v1/queryContext
time=2016-02-01T13:00:54.546CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000040 | function=collectionRangedQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[145]: Database Operation Successful (query: { query: { $or: [ { "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test" } ], _id.servicePath: { $in: [ null, /^$/, /^/.*/ ] } }, orderby: { creDate: 1 } })
time=2016-02-01T13:00:54.547CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000040 | function=collectionRangedQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[145]: Database Operation Successful (query: { query: { $or: [ { contextRegistration.entities: { $in: [ { id: "TestSoulFy", type: "Test" }, { type: "Test", id: "TestSoulFy" } ] } }, { { $in: [] } } ], expiration: { $gt: 1454328054 }, servicePath: { $in: [ null, /^$/, /^/.*/ ] } }, orderby: { _id: 1 } })
time=2016-02-01T13:00:54.547CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000040 | function=requestCompleted | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[475]: Transaction ended

I created another iotagent service with different servicePath:

iotagent -n t81 -p 8081 -d ./lib/Release/ -c ./config.json

curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/iot/services -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice81" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /TestService81" -d '{"services": [{ "apikey": "apikey81", "token": "token81", "cbroker": "http://**.***.***.85:1026", "entity_type": "thing", "resource": "/iot/d" }]}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Length: 0
Location: /iot/services/testservice81

[root@idas fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus]# curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/iot/devices -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice81" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /TestService81" -d '{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "d81", "entity_name": "TestSoulFy", "entity_type": "Test", "protocol":"PDI-IoTA-UltraLight", "attributes": [ { "object_id": "t0", "name": "T0", "type": "Temperature" } ] } ] }'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Length: 0
Location: /iot/devices/d81

[root@idas fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus]# curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/iot/d?k=apikey81&i=d81' -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: testservice81" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /TestService81" -d 't0|20'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8081
Content-Length: 0

And the value still doesn't update. Here is the contextBroker log:

time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.608CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=connectionTreat | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[952]: Starting transaction from ***.***.***.46:59588/v1/updateContext
time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.609CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /^\/TestService81$/ })
time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.820CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=collectionCreateIndex | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[467]: Database Operation Successful (createIndex: { location.coords: "2dsphere" })
time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.821CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=collectionInsert | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[307]: Database Operation Successful (insert: { _id: { id: "TestSoulFy", type: "Test", servicePath: "/TestService81" }, attrNames: [ "TimeInstant" ], attrs: { TimeInstant: { type: "ISO8601", creDate: 1454325675, modDate: 1454325675, value: "2016-02-01T11:21:15.039294" } }, creDate: 1454325675, modDate: 1454325675 })
time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.822CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "TimeInstant", expiration: { $gt: 1454325675 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/TestService81/#$|^/TestService81$/, null ] } })
time=2016-02-01T12:21:15.823CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000037 | function=requestCompleted | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[475]: Transaction ended
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.166CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=connectionTreat | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[952]: Starting transaction from ***.***.***.46:59593/v1/updateContext
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.168CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /^\/TestService81$/ })
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.169CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "T0", expiration: { $gt: 1454326013 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/TestService81/#$|^/TestService81$/, null ] } })
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.170CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=collectionQuery | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[74]: Database Operation Successful (query: { "TestSoulFy", $or: [ { entities.type: "Test" }, { entities.type: { $exists: false } } ], entities.isPattern: "false", conditions.type: "ONCHANGE", conditions.value: "TimeInstant", expiration: { $gt: 1454326013 }, servicePath: { $in: [ /^$|^/#$|^/TestService81/#$|^/TestService81$/, null ] } })
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.171CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=collectionUpdate | comp=Orion | msg=connectionOperations.cpp[362]: Database Operation Successful (update: <{ "TestSoulFy", _id.type: "Test", _id.servicePath: /\/TestService81/ }, { $set: { attrs.T0: { value: "20", type: "Temperature", md: [ { name: "TimeInstant", type: "ISO8601", value: "2016-02-01T11:26:52.619967" } ], creDate: 1454326013, modDate: 1454326013 }, attrs.TimeInstant: { value: "2016-02-01T11:26:52.619967", type: "ISO8601", creDate: 1454325675, modDate: 1454326013 }, modDate: 1454326013 }, $unset: { location: 1 }, $addToSet: { attrNames: { $each: [ "T0" ] } } }>)
time=2016-02-01T12:26:53.171CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1453896940-697-00000000038 | function=requestCompleted | comp=Orion | msg=rest.cpp[475]: Transaction ended
arilwan commented 5 years ago

Having same issue here. Either the agent is having trouble forwarding measures to Orion or the Orion don't recognize which device sends measure. Agent logs: fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.180Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=LWM2MLib.COAPRouter | msg=Handling request with method [POST] on url [/rd/1] with messageId [24751] fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.181Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=LWM2MLib.UpdateRegistration | msg=Handling update registration request fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.181Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=LWM2MLib.COAPUtils | msg=Extracting query parameters from request fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.182Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=LWM2MLib.UpdateRegistration | msg=Updating device register with lifetime [undefined] and address []. fiware-iotagent | {"op":"IOTAgent.LWM2MHandlers","time":"2018-12-10T16:58:47.183Z","lvl":"DEBUG","msg":"Handling update registration of the device"} fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.187Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | trans=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.MongoDBGroupRegister | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=Looking for group params ["resource","apikey"] with queryObj {} | comp=IoTAgent fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.194Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | trans=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.MongoDBGroupRegister | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=Device group for fields [["resource","apikey"]] not found: [{}] | comp=IoTAgent fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.194Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | trans=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Alarms | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=Raising [MONGO-ALARM]: {"name":"DEVICE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND","message":"Couldn\t find device group","code":404} | comp=IoTAgent fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.195Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | trans=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.MongoDBDeviceRegister | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=Looking for device with id [raspiSensorTV]. | comp=IoTAgent fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.203Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | trans=54b6621d-65fd-43db-ac9b-fade34e4d947 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Alarms | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | msg=Releasing [MONGO-ALARM] | comp=IoTAgent fiware-iotagent | {"op":"IOTAgent.LWM2MHandlers","time":"2018-12-10T16:58:47.203Z","lvl":"DEBUG","msg":"Preregistered device found."} fiware-iotagent | time=2018-12-10T16:58:47.204Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=LWM2MLib.UpdateRegistration | msg=Update registration request ended successfully fiware-iotagent | {"time":"2018-12-10T16:58:47.254Z","lvl":"DEBUG","msg":"Observers created successfully."}

Orion CB logs:

fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.388Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[701]:runCollectionCommand | msg=Database Operation Successful (command: { listDatabases: 1 }) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.392Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[94]:collectionQuery | msg=Database Operation Successful (query: {}) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.392Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[94]:collectionQuery | msg=Database Operation Successful (query: {}) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.394Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e973f318837bebc0533fe'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460095 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460095 } }>) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.395Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e9850318837bebc0533ff'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460368 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460368 } }>) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 16:59:13 2018.396Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e9916318837bebc053400'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460566 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460566 } }>) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.400Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[701]:runCollectionCommand | msg=Database Operation Successful (command: { listDatabases: 1 }) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.401Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[94]:collectionQuery | msg=Database Operation Successful (query: {}) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.402Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[94]:collectionQuery | msg=Database Operation Successful (query: {}) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.404Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e973f318837bebc0533fe'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460095 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460095 } }>) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.404Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e9850318837bebc0533ff'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460368 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460368 } }>) fiware-orion | time=Monday 10 Dec 17:00:13 2018.405Z | lvl=INFO | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | from=N/A | srv=N/A | subsrv=N/A | comp=Orion | op=connectionOperations.cpp[449]:collectionUpdate | msg=Database Operation Successful (update: <{ _id: ObjectId('5c0e9916318837bebc053400'), $or: [ { lastSuccess: { $lt: 1544460566 } }, { lastSuccess: { $exists: false } } ] }, { $set: { lastSuccess: 1544460566 } }>)

fgalan commented 5 years ago

@arilwan are you sure the IOTA you are using is fiware-IoTAgent-Cplusplus? I see LWM2M in the log traces...

arilwan commented 5 years ago

I regret to have coursed confusion here, issue withdrawn.