telefonicaid / fiware-orion

Context Broker and CEF building block for context data management, providing NGSI interfaces.
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Feature request: Option to index Mongo DB automagically #3735

Open ilarimikkonen opened 3 years ago

ilarimikkonen commented 3 years ago

Story: As a system administrator or system owner, I'd like have an option to do Mongo indexing to get maximum performance out of the system so that my resources are efficiently used. I do not want to do this manually, as it is error prone and ties up human resources.

Options which have come up in the discussion:

related to #3254

Related discussion

kzangeli commented 3 years ago

I was under the impression that mongo "gives us" an index over _id ... I might be wrong. In general it's not possible (well, not a good idea) to automize the election of indices as the broker doesn't know what its users are interested in - what kind of queries. Remember that every index may make searches faster (depending on the query), but that it definitely makes inserts slower (as the index has to be rebuilt). What we did in Orion was to supply docs on indexing in mongo and IMHO the best way to improve this is improving those docs. (Unless I'm wrong and mongo doesn't have an "implicit" index for the _id field)

ilarimikkonen commented 3 years ago

to be more precise, the indexing we've been using:

db.entities.createIndex({"": 1});

and this seems to improve writes (POST / PATCH to Orion) quite dramatically.

kzangeli commented 3 years ago

ok, that is definitely interesting

fgalan commented 3 years ago

I agree with @kzangeli : indexes configuration depends on usage and indexes introduce tradeoffs which Orion cannot infer itself. The best approach is to provide good documentation about it. I think the documentation we have now at is pretty good, but of course if @ilarimikkonen you have suggestions about how to improve it, let us know.

Even in the case Orion would implement some kind of indexing feature, note that when used in multitenancy mode (i.e. -multiservice), which is the usual one in production environments, per-service databases (pe. orion-myservice) are created on the fly first time an entity/subscription/registration is created in that service. This would introduce additional challenges regarding indexes management, such as:

fgalan commented 3 years ago

With regards to

Should Orion keep some kind of memory to avoid re-creating each time? How to deal with out-of-band operations in this case (e.g. somebody drops and index that Orion, based on its memory, thinks already exists)?

I have found this issue that describes some ideas, but in the context of the functional geo-index used by Orion for geo-location features.