telegraf / session

Official storage adapters for Telegraf v4.12+ sessions
MIT License
34 stars 6 forks source link

Not able to store data into session after asynchronous method #6

Open KrishEnacton opened 7 months ago

KrishEnacton commented 7 months ago
// DB connection file
const store = MySQL({
  database: 'next-test',
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'root',
  port: 8889,

bot.use(session({ store, defaultSession: () => ({}) }));
bot.command(commandsList.start.command, async (ctx) => {
  const { getUserInfo } = useUserApi(ctx);
  const token = ctx.update.message.text.trim().replace('/start ', '').replace('-', '|').trim();
  if (token.length > 0 && ctx.update.message.text != '/start' && token.includes('|')) {
    try {
      // this is working fine
      ctx.session.userAuthToken = token;
      const user_info: any = await getUserInfo(token);
      if (user_info) {
    // this is not working  
        ctx.session.userAuthToken = token;
        ctx.session.user_id = user_info.user.user_id; =;

        ctx.reply(`${translate('login_success_msg')}`, {
          reply_markup: {
            remove_keyboard: true,
      } else {
        ctx.session.userAuthToken = '';
      console.log('🚀 ~ bot.command ~ ctx.session:', ctx.session);
    } catch (error) {
      ctx.reply(`${translate('something_wrong')}`, {
        reply_markup: {
          keyboard: replyWithKeyboard,
          resize_keyboard: true,
  } else {
    if (!ctx.session.userAuthToken) {
      ctx.reply(`${translate('start_msg')}`, {
        reply_markup: {
          keyboard: replyWithKeyboard,
          resize_keyboard: true,
MKRhere commented 7 months ago

The real issue isn't here but somewhere else where you have a missing await. This usually somewhere that you have called next(), but you haven't awaited or returned it.

Also see: