telegram-s / telegram-api-old

Telegram Api library for java
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TimeOut Exception while doRpcCall-Importing contacts #30

Open ashokcoolguys opened 9 years ago

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

I am trying to add and import a contact for sending message.but i am getting time out exception every time. Correct me if something wrong.


TLInputContact tlic=new TLInputContact(1, PhNo, Fname, Lname); TLVector contacts = new TLVector<>(); contacts.add(tlic); TLRequestContactsImportContacts importContacts = new TLRequestContactsImportContacts(contacts, true); TLImportedContacts importedContacts = api.doRpcCall(importContacts); TLAbsUser recipient=importedContacts.getUsers().get(0); TLInputPeerContact peer = new TLInputPeerContact(recipient.getId()); TLRequestMessagesSendMessage sendMessageRequest = new TLRequestMessagesSendMessage(peer, "Test", rnd.nextInt());

TLAbsSentMessage sentMessage = api.doRpcCall(sendMessageRequest);

Log:: TelegramApi#1001:Timeout Iteration ActorDispatcher:Dispatching action: schedule for scheduller ActorDispatcher:Dispatching action: schedule for scheduller TelegramApi#1001:Timeout Iteration TelegramApi#1001:RPC #3: Timeout (15001 ms) Exception in thread "main" org.telegram.api.engine.TimeoutException at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.doRpcCall( at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.doRpcCall( at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.doRpcCall( at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.doRpcCall( at testmsg.Testmsg.main( TelegramApi#1001:Timeout Iteration

alexkvak commented 9 years ago

See this solution for linux #9

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Hi ...thank u very much for the reference...but i am getting these exception in windows 7 64bit os with jdk1.7 Any clues on this... On Dec 2, 2014 7:08 PM, "Alex Kvak" wrote:

See this solution for linux #9

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alexkvak commented 9 years ago

Do you switch DC after code confirmation?

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago


ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

@alexkvak , I am using the same DC. Not able to get the list of DCs available.Also,can u share me some idea that how you are transforming the methods(like help.getConfig#c4f9186b) specified in telegram's website to Java or any other programming language

alexkvak commented 9 years ago
def switchToNearestDc() = {
    val dcInfo = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetNearestDc)
ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Hi Alex, Thanks for your time. I ve tried the method u've specified ..Thanks again. But Am getting null pointer exception ,which is generated in the ActorSystem class ..

Test Code::

TLNearestDc neardc=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetNearestDc()); System.out.println("Nearest DC"+neardc.getNearestDc()+" "+neardc.getCountry()+" "+neardc.getThisDc()+" "); api.switchToDc(neardc.getNearestDc());

Log:: Nearest DC2 IN 2 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.telegram.actors.ActorSystem.close( at org.telegram.mtproto.MTProto.close( at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.switchToDc( at testmsg.Testmsg.main( exception is thrown)

public void close() { for (int i = 0; i < holdersCount; i++) { if (holders[i].actorThread != null) { holders[i].actorThread.close(); } } }

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Alex Kvak wrote:

def switchToNearestDc() = { val dcInfo = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetNearestDc) api.switchToDc(dcInfo.getNearestDc) }

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alexkvak commented 9 years ago

Do you do TLRequestHelpGetConfig request?

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Yes I have tried this to get the DC Options.

TLConfig TLCCC=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetConfig()); TLVector TLCC_DC=TLCCC.getDcOptions(); state.updateSettings(TLCCC);

I tried switching DC with and without using the above code.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:32 AM, Alex Kvak wrote:

Do you do TLRequestHelpGetConfig request?

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alexkvak commented 9 years ago

Tell me, what you also do before this code?

I switch DC after this code.. I can advice you to log nearestDC value and changes of currentDC value

alexkvak commented 9 years ago

can you wrap your code as source code? See markdown documentation

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

@alexkvak ,Code in required format

            public class Testmsg {
             private static Random rnd = new Random();
                 * @param args the command line arguments
                public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{

               AppInfo appinfo=new AppInfo(APP_ID, "TestApp", "???", "???","en");

              //int apiId, String deviceModel, String systemVersion, String appVersion, String langCode

             //TLRequestAuthCheckPhone checkRequest = new TLRequestAuthCheckPhone("8939675043");

            MyApiStorage state=new MyApiStorage();
            TelegramApi api = new TelegramApi(state, appinfo, new ApiCallback()
                public void onApiDies(TelegramApi api) {
                // When auth key or user authorization dies
                public void onUpdatesInvalidated(TelegramApi api) {
                // When api engine expects that update sequence might be broken  

                   public void onAuthCancelled(TelegramApi ta) {
                       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

                   public void onUpdate(TLAbsUpdates updates) {
                       System.out.println("user Id ::::"+((TLUpdateShortMessage) updates).getFromId());
            //          if (updates instanceof TLUpdateShortMessage) {
            //                  onIncomingMessageUser(
            //                          ((TLUpdateShortMessage) updates).getFromId(),
            //                          ((TLUpdateShortMessage) updates).getMessage());
            //              } else if (updates instanceof TLUpdateShortChatMessage) {
            //                  onIncomingMessageChat(
            //                          ((TLUpdateShortChatMessage) updates).getFromId(),
            //                          ((TLUpdateShortChatMessage) updates).getChatId(),
            //                          ((TLUpdateShortChatMessage) updates).getMessage());
            //              }

            //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
            //TLCheckedPhone checkedPhone = api.doRpcCall(checkRequest);
            //TLConfig config = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetConfig());
            //      state.updateSettings(config);
                TLSentCode sentCode; 
                String phone ="+919999988888";
                //sentCode = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestAuthSendCode(phone, 0,5, "APP_ID", "en"));
                 try {
                    sentCode = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestAuthSendCode(phone, 0, APP_ID, APP_HASH, "en"));
                } catch (RpcException e) {
                    if (e.getErrorCode() == 303) {
                        int destDC;
                        if (e.getErrorTag().startsWith("NETWORK_MIGRATE_")) {
                            destDC = Integer.parseInt(e.getErrorTag().substring("NETWORK_MIGRATE_".length()));
                        } else if (e.getErrorTag().startsWith("PHONE_MIGRATE_")) {
                            destDC = Integer.parseInt(e.getErrorTag().substring("PHONE_MIGRATE_".length()));
                        } else if (e.getErrorTag().startsWith("USER_MIGRATE_")) {
                            destDC = Integer.parseInt(e.getErrorTag().substring("USER_MIGRATE_".length()));
                        } else {
                            throw e;
                        sentCode = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestAuthSendCode(phone, 0, APP_ID, APP_HASH, "en"));
                    } else {
                        throw e;

                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                 //String code ="12533";  
                String code = reader.readLine();
              // System.out.println("state before auth"+state.isAuthenticated(state.getPrimaryDc()));
               TLAuthorization auth = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestAuthSignIn(
                            phone, sentCode.getPhoneCodeHash(),code));
               //state.setAuthenticated(state.getPrimaryDc(), true);

             //  System.out.println("state after auth"+state.isAuthenticated(state.getPrimaryDc()));

                    //state.setAuthenticated(state.getPrimaryDc(), true);
            //        TLContacts tlcont=new TLContacts();
            //        TLVector<TLAbsUser> tlauser=tlcont.getUsers();
            //        TLVector<TLContact> a = null;
            //        a.add(1, new TLContact(12345,true));
                    TLInputContact tlic=new TLInputContact(100101, PH_NO, "Guhan", "K");
                     System.out.println("Phone Number"+tlic.getPhone());
                    TLVector<TLInputContact> contacts = new TLVector<>();

                    TLRequestContactsImportContacts importContacts = new TLRequestContactsImportContacts(contacts, true);
                   ///System.out.println("Contact:::"+ importContacts.toString());

                  /// TLContacts CCC=api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestContactsGetContacts("Guhan"));

            //       System.out.println(CCC.;

                     TLNearestDc neardc=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetNearestDc());
            System.out.println("Nearest DC"+neardc.getNearestDc()+" "+neardc.getCountry()+" "+neardc.getThisDc()+" ");  
            //TLConfig TLCCC=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetConfig());
            //TLVector<TLDcOption> TLCC_DC=TLCCC.getDcOptions();

            //     TLConfig TLCCC=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetConfig());
            //        TLVector<TLDcOption> TLCC_DC=TLCCC.getDcOptions();
            //        for(int i=0;i<TLCC_DC.size();i++)
            //                {
            //                System.out.println( TLCC_DC.get(i).getHostname()+" "+TLCC_DC.get(i).getIpAddress()+" "+TLCC_DC.get(i).getPort());
            //                } 
            //        state.updateSettings(TLCCC);
            //       System.out.println(state.getPrimaryDc()+"AAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD");
                   // api.switchToDc(state.getPrimaryDc());

            //           api.getState().updateSettings(TLCCC);
            //        System.out.println(api.getState().getAvailableConnections(1)[0].getId()+"AAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD");
            //      api.getState().setPrimaryDc(api.getState().getAvailableConnections(1)[0].getId());
            //      state.setPrimaryDc(api.getState().getPrimaryDc());
                       TLImportedContacts  importedContacts = api.doRpcCall(importContacts);
            // api.doRpcCall(importContacts,30000,new RpcCallback(){ 
            //           @Override
            //           public void onResult(TLObject t) {
            //             System.out.println("Done::::::::::");
            //                TLImportedContacts  importedContacts=(TLImportedContacts) t;//To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
            //           }
            //           @Override
            //           public void onError(int i, String string) {
            //                System.out.println("Time1::::::::::"+System.currentTimeMillis());
            //               System.out.println("Error::::::::::"+i+string);
            //           }
            //       });
                  TLAbsUser recipient=importedContacts.getUsers().get(0);
                   TLInputPeerContact peer = new TLInputPeerContact(recipient.getId());
                   TLRequestMessagesSendMessage sendMessageRequest = new TLRequestMessagesSendMessage(peer, "Test", rnd.nextInt());
                   TLAbsSentMessage sentMessage = api.doRpcCall(sendMessageRequest);

                   catch(Exception eee)
            //        TLContacts tlcont=new TLContacts();
            //        tlcont.setContacts(a);
            //        System.out.println("User list"+tlauser.toString());
            //        TLVector<TLContact> tlvc;
            //        TLVector<TLAbsUser> tlauser;
            //    TLContacts contact=new TLContacts(tlvc,tlauser);
               // System.out.println("Contact***"+contact.getContacts().toString());
                    //TLState tlstate = api.doRpcCall(new TLRequestUpdatesGetState());    
             //TLCheckedPhone checkedPhone = api.doRpcCall(checkRequest);
                    //TLInputPeerContact a=new TLInputPeerContact();
                  // TLRequestContactsGetContacts contactsget=new TLRequestContactsGetContacts("Gughan Tools");
             api.doRpcCall(new TLRequestMessagesSendMessage(new TLInputPeerContact(111234), "test", rnd.nextInt()), 15 * 60000,
                            new RpcCallbackEx<TLAbsSentMessage>() {
                                public void onConfirmed() {


                                public void onResult(TLAbsSentMessage result) {


                                public void onError(int errorCode, String message) {
                                                        System.out.println("Error in sending"+errorCode+" "+message);


            //TLState tlsstate = api.doRpcCall(new TLRequestUpdatesGetState());


alexkvak commented 9 years ago

My app does so:

TLConfig config = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetConfig());




// TLRequestAuthSendCode
ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Tried this way also..Still getting same NullPointerException

Exception Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException TelegramApi#1001:<< #1 nearestDc#8e1a1775 in 180 ms MTProto#1001#Scheduller:Forgetting message: #20 at org.telegram.actors.ActorSystem.close( at org.telegram.actors.ActorSystem.close( at org.telegram.mtproto.MTProto.close( at org.telegram.api.engine.TelegramApi.switchToDc( at testmsg.Testmsg.main(

Code Changes::


TLConfig config = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetConfig()); state.updateSettings(config); TLNearestDc neardc=api.doRpcCallNonAuth( new TLRequestHelpGetNearestDc()); api.switchToDc(neardc.getNearestDc()); TLSentCode sentCode; String phone ="+919999988888"; try { sentCode = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestAuthSendCode(phone, 0, 19815, "19e19d5ce8ce398b828202f7cdc9f76c", "en")); } catch (RpcException e) { ......

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Alex Kvak wrote:

My app does so:

TLConfig config = api.doRpcCallNonAuth(new TLRequestHelpGetConfig()); state.updateSettings(config);




// TLRequestAuthSendCode

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alexkvak commented 9 years ago

so the problem is in you nearest dc. What is it address? By the way, did you debug the updateSettings method? It should update api's connections

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

My nearest server is dc2 in (india)[will share u the ip].. I ve debugged the update setting method ,there the connections were updated.. On Dec 4, 2014 9:00 PM, "Alex Kvak" wrote:

so the problem is in you nearest dc. What is it address? By the way, did you debug the updateSettings method? It should update api's connections

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alexkvak commented 9 years ago

show me the updateSetting method code

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Specified entire API Storage class (implement AbsApiState) below package testmsg; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap;

import org.telegram.api.TLConfig;
import org.telegram.api.TLDcOption;
import org.telegram.mtproto.state.AbsMTProtoState;
import org.telegram.mtproto.state.ConnectionInfo;
import org.telegram.mtproto.state.KnownSalt;
//import org.telegram.mtproto.pq.Authorizer;
public class MyApiStorage implements AbsApiState {

private HashMap<Integer, ConnectionInfo[]> connections = new HashMap<Integer, ConnectionInfo[]>();
private HashMap<Integer, byte[]> keys = new HashMap<Integer, byte[]>();
private HashMap<Integer, Boolean> isAuth = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();

private int primaryDc = 1;

public MyApiStorage() {
connections.put(1, new ConnectionInfo[]{
new ConnectionInfo(1, 0, "", 443) // Test
//new ConnectionInfo(1, 0, "", 443) // Production

// Authorizer a=new Authorizer();                    a.doAuth(connections.get(1));

public byte[] getAuthKey(int dcId) {

return keys.get(dcId);

public ConnectionInfo[] getAvailableConnections(int dcId) {
if (!connections.containsKey(dcId)) {
return new ConnectionInfo[0];
return connections.get(dcId);

public AbsMTProtoState getMtProtoState(final int dcId) {
return new AbsMTProtoState() {
private KnownSalt[] knownSalts = new KnownSalt[0];

public byte[] getAuthKey() {
return MyApiStorage.this.getAuthKey(dcId);

public ConnectionInfo[] getAvailableConnections() {
return MyApiStorage.this.getAvailableConnections(dcId);

public KnownSalt[] readKnownSalts() {
return knownSalts;

protected void writeKnownSalts(KnownSalt[] salts) {
knownSalts = salts;

public int getPrimaryDc() {
return primaryDc;

public boolean isAuthenticated(int dcId) {
if (isAuth.containsKey(dcId)) {
return isAuth.get(dcId);
return false;

public void putAuthKey(int dcId, byte[] key) {
keys.put(dcId, key);

public void reset() {

public void resetAuth() {

public void setAuthenticated(int dcId, boolean auth) {
isAuth.put(dcId, auth);

public void setPrimaryDc(int dc) {
primaryDc = dc;

public void updateSettings(TLConfig config) {
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ConnectionInfo>> tConnections = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ConnectionInfo>>();
int id = 0;
for (TLDcOption option : config.getDcOptions()) {
// System.out.println("BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB");
if (!tConnections.containsKey(option.getId())) {
//       System.out.println("CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc"+option.getId());
tConnections.put(option.getId(), new ArrayList<ConnectionInfo>());
tConnections.get(option.getId()).add(new ConnectionInfo(id++, 0, option.getIpAddress(), option.getPort()));

for (Integer dc : tConnections.keySet()) {
connections.put(dc, tConnections.get(dc).toArray(new ConnectionInfo[0]));

alexkvak commented 9 years ago

Did you see, how it's implemented in Telegram for Android? Maybe here is some mistake

VCGDEV commented 9 years ago

Hi I had the same problem and I fix updating the JDK of my Linux and changing the file



ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Am facing this issue in windows..

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Victor de la Cruz <


Hi I had the same problem and I fix updating the JDK of my Linux and changing the file



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anttorval commented 9 years ago

Hello, I want to use api telegram for android and I want to know about what operating system works correctly because I'm using windows 7 64 bit and eclipse and timeout exception for rpc call occurs. Help please! :(

9cat commented 9 years ago

I have got the same problem on windows 7 64bit. the timeout is only occur for RPC calls. and if I add "securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom" to the program even not able to connect to the DC . so right now the step is :

  1. fetch DC
  2. ask phone number
  3. ask auth code
  4. done and wait
  5. timeout come up
  6. actordispatcher:dispatching action: schedue for scheduller
  7. then nothing is working, not monitoring any incoming message too
jmoral commented 9 years ago

I had to change ip address for telegram server in ApiState

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Exactly... On Mar 5, 2015 12:25 AM, "9CAT" wrote:

I have got the same problem on windows 7 64bit. the timeout is only occur for RPC calls. and if I add "securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom" to the program even not able to connect to the DC . so right now the step is :

  1. fetch DC
  2. ask phone number
  3. ask auth code
  4. done and wait
  5. timeout come up. 6 and actordispatcher:dispatching action: schedue for scheduller.
  6. then nothing is working, not monitoring any incoming message too.

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cancerian0684 commented 9 years ago

It started working for me after I updated Server IP Address in the MemoryStateAPI class, as shown below -

 public void start(boolean isTest) {
        connections = new HashMap<>();
        connections.put(1, new ConnectionInfo[]{
                new ConnectionInfo(1, 0, isTest ? "" : "", 443)
ghaseminya commented 9 years ago

How can i get all contact list for my telegram application? I register new app in I looked and I was too tired....:(

ashokcoolguys commented 9 years ago

Munish,Pls share your working code. I ll try from my environment.I am assuming that there is some problem with my development environment ( Windows 7/2008 server 64 bit)

Regards Ashok Natarajan

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 1:21 AM, mohammad ghasemi wrote:

How can i get all contact list for my telegram application? I register new app in I looked and I was too tired....:(

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