telegram-s / telegram-api-old

Telegram Api library for java
MIT License
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find channel access_hash #48

Open elia07 opened 8 years ago

elia07 commented 8 years ago

Hi there is an api for getting channels messages but it needs inputChannel and inputChannel needs access_hash , and channels.getDialogs#a9d3d249 does not return access_hash . how to find or calculate access_hash for channels ?

jamesmoriati commented 8 years ago

Hi I have the same problem. When I use channels.getDialogs question, instead of winding the object ChannelForbidden, object ChatForbidden returns. ChannelForbidden object has been access_Hash field. But ChatForbidden object has not access_Hash field.

jamesmoriati commented 8 years ago

please help. Nearly two weeks that my program is not driven.

vadimcoder commented 8 years ago

+1 How to get access_hash for a channel? I have a channel_id, but I also need to have an access_hash