telegram-s / telegram-api-old

Telegram Api library for java
MIT License
138 stars 64 forks source link

messages.getDialogs does not return all of groups and channels! #53

Closed yasserzamani closed 8 years ago

yasserzamani commented 8 years ago

TLDialogs adials =(TLDialogs) api.doRpcCall(new TLRequestMessagesGetDialogs(0, 0, 1000));

The above code should return a complete list of the current user’s conversations. It returns all of new and old coversations with other users but it does not return many of groups and channels which current user has joined before.

Do we have to switch to and query other DCs for other list?!!! any other idea about why it does not return all of joined groups and channels please (e.g. maybe it does not return super groups!)?

yasserzamani commented 8 years ago

OK, this library is very old according to this so question - Telegram Api layer 52, super groups and channels which says:

i am java developer . i found telegram java api in github .but this api is old . i want to make new library for java (support channels and superGroups)