telegram-s / telegram

Telegram S Edition Android App
MIT License
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Feature request: go to bottom button in chats. #58

Closed stefanmaric closed 6 years ago

stefanmaric commented 10 years ago

A button to directly scroll down to the end of the conversation when a new message comes in or when you're scrolling down would be nice. :D

Ecron commented 10 years ago

Yes, it would be great 'cause when searching in conversation's history it's a pain in the ass to get back to the very recent messages (you can always get out of the chat and go back in, but, you know, a button would be awesome) :smile:

Littleprince18 commented 4 years ago

When you click on a group chat that could have hundreds of messages, does the chat feed open at the top or the bottom of the feed please!? I keep reading conflicting information and I'm trying to find out what it currently does for iphone and android aswell as the version behaviour at the end of 2018/beginning if 2019 please

Ecron commented 4 years ago

This project was discontinued 5 years ago. The last code of the official app can be found here: