telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
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Shortcuts #1060

Open auchri opened 9 years ago

auchri commented 9 years ago

The goal of this issue is to add the following shortcuts:


Voice messages


(by @DaFri-Nochiterov at #1706)


(Summary of #3163, #1904, #1706, #1688, #1330, #1244, #1139, #949, #873, #853, #830, #782, #703 and #78)

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

If you want to quickly start replying to the last message without ever touching your mouse, you can press Ctrl+Down and start replying.

Yep. But if you do it before starting to write your message, you can't cancel it from keyboard (eg. ESC) and it will make chat unreadable (flooded by unnecessary replies) if nobody sent any message while you were typing. I think, the best way is to reply after you finished typing your message by several presses of Ctrl+Down to select the message you wanted to reply, if it's already not the last one.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

Or just maybe make it so if you're replying, first Escape press removes "reply" from you message and second Escape press exits from current chat.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

Or both features: Esc to cancel reply and several Ctrl+Down to select what message reply to. When there are more than ~5 messages per minute (with different subjects) it's better to use first option, if less - second option.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

That's nice, but I think it should be clearly explained to everyone if this idea goes live.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

I still think direct navigation in the history and Ctrl+R for Reply would be a more logical behaviour :)

FUNExtreme commented 8 years ago

@auchri It appears "Insert last sent message into the text field with CTRL + Up, on mac CMD + Up" is now supported in the form of message editing. Or is this a different request? I'm currently looking into implementing a few of these, no promises

breakmt commented 8 years ago

Could you please do shortcut for hide/open Telegram Window? This hotkey exists in Skype and it is very handy for me.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@breakmt Ctrl+M hides Telegram window.

stek29 commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 But doesn't open hidden window.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@stek29 No, it doesn't. But to open particular window, Ctrl+M should be binded as "Open Telegram" globally in system, shouldn't it? I mean, you hide window with app-specific hotkey, but to open it, you use system-wide hotkey.

Since Skype is developed by Microsoft, they can make sure that their OS has a free shortcut for that action.

ehsaneam commented 8 years ago

how can i change alignment ?

stek29 commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 I don't think that App should create system-wide shortcuts by itself. IMO Your OS should allow to bind some keys to specific app.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@stek29 But Windows doesn't offer such facilities (if anything, the only desktop environment with a centralised global shortcut editing system I've seen is KDE), so it's apps that have options to set this up to whatever shortcut you want. This is idiomatic on Windows, and goes back to at least the WinAmp era.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@ehsaneam There are no paragraph formatting facilities in Telegram as far as I'm aware.

stek29 commented 8 years ago

@ralesk Then use other system which allows that :)

auchri commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 @ralesk Try AutoHotkey :)

constantx commented 8 years ago

is there a list of all keyboard shorcuts somewhere?

auchri commented 8 years ago

@constantx Some are in the wiki. But a PR which adds a new file to the doc folder with all available shortcuts would be highly appreciated.

axsuul commented 8 years ago

Is anyone experiencing ctrl+tab opening up the Emoji window instead of cycling through chats?

P.S. How do you stylize those keyboard shortcuts in Markdown? :)

beschoenen commented 8 years ago

Any update on when the fullscreen shortcut will be added?

WhyNotHugo commented 8 years ago

Any update on when the fullscreen shortcut will be added?

I see little point in a telegram-specific shortcut for this, just use your desktop's native hotkey for this (super+F in my case).

beschoenen commented 8 years ago

Well, that doesn't work. At least not on OS X(ctrl+cmd+f)

WhyNotHugo commented 8 years ago

@beschoenen Did you try simply cmd+f as well? I'm not sure what the hotkey is, maybe you should check the docs.

But I don't think telegram should have a specific one, just avoid messing up each desktop's hotkey (that may be the case on OS X, I'm not sure).

CarlosLopezES commented 7 years ago

I think that the shortcut to start and stop recording voice messages would be very useful :)

auchri commented 7 years ago

@CarlosLopezES stop that spam please.

ralesk commented 7 years ago

I disagree that Ctrl + W would mean “completely close” in Windows parlance, it means “close window” at best, and as such mostly equivalent to Alt + F4, and with a program that does stay resident in the tray, it shouldn't do more than hiding the window. Ctrl + Q is the quit shortcut, if anything, but it is rare that programs set it.

ralesk commented 7 years ago

I'd like to also point out that Ctrl + X to hide the window is a very, very bad idea, certainly confusing to anyone who has never read about it, that something that usually just cuts text (and when nothing is selected, cuts nothing), has such a strange alternative, context sensitive behaviour. Chiming with my previous comment, hide window / minimise to tray should just be Ctrl + W.

mrjnox commented 7 years ago

Now that #2855 has been closed, please merge those requests into this.

ralesk commented 7 years ago

Mentioning #2109 here because it is also about shortcuts, but more specifically the keyboard navigation in chat.

MartinSG1 commented 7 years ago

anyone know of a mac hotkey/shortcut for desktop app to search repos? cheers.

auchri commented 7 years ago

"search repos"?

MartinSG1 commented 7 years ago

@auchri sure, so in the app on the left hand side there is a list of local repositories, I'm looking for a shortcut/hotkey to search through these without manually clicking on the "filter repositories" search box at the top.

auchri commented 7 years ago

You are not talking about Telegram Desktop ^^

secretcage commented 7 years ago

i think it would be nice to add ctrl + Arrow Up to editing previous wrote chat . it's getting annoying always when i want to navigate to top.

stek29 commented 7 years ago

@secretcage was asked for a lot of times. There's a simple workaround btw -- just type something and then use arrows.

louwers commented 7 years ago

Can you merge #3163?

- <kbd>Home</kbd> when message editor empty: go to beginning of message history.
- <kbd>End</kbd> when message editor empty: go to end of message history.
melroy89 commented 7 years ago

ctrl+home and ctrl+end keys shall jump to the begin/end of the conversation history.

louwers commented 7 years ago

I thought that was a good idea as well @danger89. But then I realized those are already reserved for jumping to the beginning and end of the editor window. As this is default behavior for all editors (on GNU/Linux at least), it probably shouldn't be meddled with.

Home and End are a nice compromise for this behavior when the editor is empty, just like PgUp and PgDown scroll the messages when the editor is emtpy, and get their default behavior (scrolling the editor) when the editor has content.

melroy89 commented 7 years ago

@louwers You are right! Just home and end, only when the editor is empty (similar as the page up/down keys).

holyavkin commented 7 years ago

Any shortcut for calling emoji panel on OS X?

rhnonose commented 7 years ago

ctrl + shift + tab is not working anymore in OS X Was it intentionally removed or is it a bug?

john-preston commented 7 years ago

@rhnonose Works fine for me on macOS 10.12.4 with Telegram Desktop 1.0.34 alpha. Nothing changed regarding that key shortcut for a couple of years at least.

rhnonose commented 7 years ago

@john-preston my telegram says version 2.96.94323 Stable Is the version disparity so large because of stable/alpha differences? Checking for update says there's no newer version. It stopped working a couple of days ago, maybe a week or two.

auchri commented 7 years ago

@rhnonose That's a different Telegram App.

rhnonose commented 7 years ago

@auchri appears so, thanks

john-preston commented 7 years ago

@rhnonose You can try Telegram Desktop from

jfernandz commented 7 years ago

CTRL + L does not work for me.

stek29 commented 7 years ago

@WyRe What's your system? And please, create a separate issue for this (possible) bug.

frizzby commented 7 years ago

How can I hide emoji panel on macosx? It's super annoying. Already tried every shortcut mentioned here. No result.

stek29 commented 7 years ago

@frizzby just click on button which opened it?