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Categories in list of chats #1107

Closed brawaru closed 3 years ago

brawaru commented 8 years ago

When user have a large number of chats, the list looks dirty, it is inconvenient to navigate. I suggest making the possibility to sort chats in categories, as well as the ability to disable notifications for the entire category.

For example, I made a 'concept' new kind of list: image

When the user receive the messages: image

UPD from 20 Apr 2016:

There, on concept's images, you can see custom categories.

Default set of categories is:

Any of this categories can be changed. Also, you can create your own categories, like "School friends" or "My bots". In names of categories supported Emoji.

Settings for categories:

[■] Enable categories

Default category for..
 Users:           [ Users       🔽 ]
 Bots:            [ Bots        🔽 ]
 Groups:          [ Groups      🔽 ]
 Supergroups:     [ Groups      🔽 ]
 Сhannels:        [ Channels    🔽 ]


Users ✏️
  [■] Don't delete row on deleting chat
  [Members] [Remove]

Bots ✏️
  [■] Don't delete row on deleting chat
  [Members] [Remove]

Groups ✏️
  [ ] Don't delete row on deleting chat
  [Members] [Remove]

[ Channels| ] ✅
  [ ] Don't delete row on deleting chat
  [Members] [Remove]

[ + Add ]

And.. As you can see row of "Botfather" doesn't contain message, it's because chat is empty. You can enable it in settings of categories to keep row even on deleting chat (or unsubscribe from channel).

You can add users to categories in user's profile.

Sorry for my bad English

dentra commented 7 years ago

If the tabs do not fit into the ideology of the telegram interface, it is possible that category will represented as a normal contact or chat (with its message counter and settings for notifications) by clicking on which we will see a list of contacts, chats and channels from the selected category.

If we draw an analogy, then contacts, chats and channels are files, and categories are folders.

alexander-mart commented 7 years ago

Hi there! Anybody have a link to pull-request of something like this feature or fork repository which the realised that functional? I want to realize this by myself, but i have no idea how to start... Thanks! ☮️

stek29 commented 7 years ago

@GreenRobot777 if you really want I can try to find my old code, but it won't apply and had worst implementation I can think of.

And afaik there is no public fork with this feature implementated. There is however some Iranian fork which violates GPL and OpenSSL's licenses and doesn't provide it's source code.

ghost commented 7 years ago


That being said, is there a place to suggest and discuss feature requests for Telegram as a whole?

Twitter, maybe? 🙃

zippaaa commented 7 years ago

The end of 2017. Chat-list is a dump. People, bots, channels, work, friends, ... Everything jumps, nothing to find.

stek29 commented 7 years ago

The end of 2017. People keep sending comments with same meaning, which can only annoy. Please, use reactions and don't comment if your comment doesn't bring anything new. Opinion is my own, not @telegramdesktop's or Telegram's

dmitriy-dokshin commented 6 years ago

It's a "must have" feature! It's absolutely impossible to understand what's going on in multiple group chats, bots and so on after some time of usage. It's another problem when Telegram is used for work.

dmitriy-dokshin commented 6 years ago

And it's worth noting that these categories should be customizable and hierarchical, not only favorites, groups, bots, friends, as suggested at the beginning.

kochetkov-av commented 6 years ago

No changes since 2015. New channels every day, contacts list are getting messed up completely.

antonavy commented 6 years ago

This can be implemented with tags, for example. Different chats and channels, bots and groups can have tags attached to them.
You can have the default list as it is now, with tons of everything and impossible to find anything by hand, people getting buried under channels in a sec, even if you'd written a message 10 sec ago. Then you can have a list with optional tags, that get's filtered by them.

HamedBegloo commented 6 years ago

OK it seems it's nearly impossible for Devs to add it to the official apps. While we see many unofficial clients for both Desktop and Mobile devices which feature pre-defined tabs for general categories, I may want to know am I allowed to request from other people to introduce us any new unofficial Telegram client which supports "User-defined"/"User-created" tabs in this thread as soon as they get the information?

Keep in mind there is one Iranian unofficial client for Mobile devices named Mobogram which can do this( not by tabs however and rather with some sort of drop-down list) but the thing is, there is a strong rumor that this app has an unsafe client-side encryption or maybe even actively violating people's privacy for espionage purposes and being closed-source makes it more probable. Even Pavel Durov himself said it's a "potentially insecure" app.

AndreyAzimov commented 6 years ago

Please add folders

kt3 commented 6 years ago

Looking forward for such groups/folder feature. It would be a point for us to completely migrate all the chats from Slack, which out of the box supports spaces for teams (but IMHO it is the only reason we are using it - it is slow and buggy compared to Telegram).

ross999 commented 6 years ago

Who pays these developers? Twitter? This is a MUCH needed feature. If you guys can't get it done my developers in NYC can do it.

stek29 commented 6 years ago

@ross999 Do your cool developers in NYC know how to use Git and how to make a Pull Request on GitHub?

ross999 commented 6 years ago

They sure do. Why don't you lazy guys do this? People have been asking for 2 years now. What's the problem?

stek29 commented 6 years ago

This can't be done just on one platform, TDesktop isn't a standalone project, it's part of Telegram.

Speaking of "who pays these developer": nobody pays to me (and @auchri afaik). Not sure about @john-preston, but likely Telegram pays him. That's another reason why it can't be done separately from other Telegram apps.

ross999 commented 6 years ago

So it's impossible?

Appreciate that you guys are working hard for little to no money but Telegram is almost unusable in this form. And this is something that has been requested many times for a couple of years. That's why I and others are frustrated that nothing has been done or looks like even attempted.

ross999 commented 6 years ago

I just realize this is not official Telegram support but the github for a Telegram app? How do I report this to the official Telegram people?

anfimovir commented 6 years ago

@ross999 Via Telegram Support or Twitter.

Banane9 commented 6 years ago

I think one possible "bandaid" fix to the whole messy thing would be to assign a higher priority to non-muted chats that have unread messages. So they'd always appear at the top of the list, under the pinned chats.

At least theoretically that should work by just adding a line of

if (chatLeft.isMuted xor chatRight.isMuted) return chatLeft.isMuted ? chatRight : chatLeft
(replace chatRight / chatLeft) with -1 / 1 for a compare method)

after the pinned and before the date comparison in a Method that would return the most "important" chat (that should be at the top of the list).

PvUtrix commented 6 years ago

We need tabs in the list of channels, it's becoming a horrible mess. I suggest Contacts / Chats / Custom 1 / Custom 2

auchri commented 5 years ago

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