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Ability to save gifs as .gif #1484

Open chriseilander opened 8 years ago

chriseilander commented 8 years ago

Great that Telegram now turns gifs in mp4's, they load faster. I really wished I could still save the original .gif though... Me and my friends loved to save them to our shared dropbox for easy use (even outside of Telegram).

telegramdesktop commented 8 years ago

@chriseilander Server does not save original gifs at all. Perhaps there could be a converter from mp4 to gif added to Telegram Desktop, but I don't think this will be done soon.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

Probably best to save the originals instead of converting back — though that might use a lot of space, not sure.

telegramdesktop commented 8 years ago

@ralesk The originals are not saved on the server, only the .mp4

ralesk commented 8 years ago

I read that, yes :) My comment says that maybe they should be, rather than to convert back on request.

chriseilander commented 8 years ago

Converting back on request would be great. Now, when I right click on a "used to be gif but now mp4" it has an option saying "Save GIF" but as far as I know this doesn't do anything.

[edit] I see they are now saved in the same place as emoji but since they aren't GIF's anymore, isn't this the wrong name for it?

telegramdesktop commented 8 years ago

@chriseilander It saves gif to a separate tab in stickers panel.

mathifonseca commented 8 years ago

I also find this useful. Converting to MP4 makes the file great for in-app playback, but you should have the option to "export" it back to GIF to save it locally and share it to other apps. This could maybe be implemented by using an external tool like or similar.

amiremami commented 8 years ago

I came now to suggest a feature request about mp4 converter to gif, and I found this thread. So it would be great if you can add this converter. Because we want to save a lot of gifs but they are all in mp4. Thanks :)

stek29 commented 8 years ago

Telegram has beautiful bot platform for things like this one.

ucay commented 8 years ago

what is the difference between sending gif as file and as photo ? i tried both and got same result (coverted to mp4) send as file should send original file format.

but, i think download as gif from mp4 is very cool

chriseilander commented 8 years ago

@stek29 So I would send a .gif, telegram converts it to .mp4, and a bot would convert it back to .gif. Not really a good way to do things.

As @ucay suggested a way of sending the file should also matter. If I would send as a file it shouldn't change the fileformat. Or at least let us choose just like with photo's. I would be happy either way.

ccrowles commented 7 years ago

I'd really love to be able to save my gifs as, well, gifs. Or at least have a bot to convert them. Sometimes I find I'd like to use on other social networks one of my telegram gifs, and I just can't.

Cassolotl commented 7 years ago

+1, I want to export my gifs as gifs!

andlabs commented 7 years ago

Even if we can't save GIFs as GIFs, I have two things to note:

This might at least make things less confusing.

Draco18s commented 7 years ago

I ended up here because on Desktop there is an option called "Save GIF"

It does nothing.

john-preston commented 7 years ago

@Draco18s It saves gifs to a saved gifs tab in stickers panel.

Draco18s commented 7 years ago

@john-preston Ah, there they are. I even went looking for them when I saw the note to change the text to "save to stickers" and still couldn't find them. Rather than being where I expected (in the stickers list) it was in a semi-hidden "category" off where I'd mentally ignored the UI (because I give no foxes about popular sticker packs) that isn't accessible by scrolling.

Nachtalb commented 6 years ago

So will there ever be a function to save / download gifs as gifs on your file system and not to the gif tab in the sticker panel?

Fabian42 commented 5 years ago

To everyone who is in favour of this feature request: Why do you want .gif files? They are the same as .mp4, but much bigger, because .gif wasn't developed as a video format. What advantage is there in having a .gif file compared to .mp4?

Nachtalb commented 5 years ago


What advantage is there in having a .gif file compared to .mp4?

In my opinion it was a good choice of Telegram to use MP4's instead of GIFs. Because as you said it greatly decreases the file size, because not every frame is saved as an own image. But there is the problem. MP4s have more logic than GIFs behind them, which means GIFs are easier to display. That's why GIFs are much more common to be used on bulletin boards and other pages like 4chan. So it would be nice that we are able to save them as GIFs.

One further use case of GIFs is reverse search. You can't use most of reverse image search engines with videos. But almost all accept GIFs. Examples: Google, Yandex, Bing & IQDB

And for a more advanced use case. It is much easier (and faster) to edit or extract information of a GIF compared to other formats. Due to it being just a bunch of images in a sequence.

PS: even though I think it is a good way to use MP4s instead of GIFs in Telegram itself. The naming is to some extent misleading, because they are not actual GIFs.

Draco18s commented 5 years ago

What Nachtlab said.

Not to mention that if I save the file locally and try and open it, Windows opens mp4 as a video file (which does not loop automatically and I would not want my video player to remember to always loop due to other content that I would want to watch) while gifs open in the Photo Viewer (the same program every other image I view opens in) and loops automatically every time.

Also, Telegram is the only application that will embed and play an mp4 when it is posted. No other messaging or forum does this. Discord does not play mp4, no forum will let you use an img tag to link to an mp4, and you can't upload them to most image hosting websites (imgur I think is the only one).

Yes, the file size is smaller, and its fine for Telegram to use this format itself, but it's a right pain in the ass do deal with when trying to share it anywhere else.

chriseilander commented 5 years ago

Like some other people say, mp4's are still recognized as mostly an video format, and because of that terrible to use anywhere else.

Even just opening a mp4 on your computer often fires up a big and slow mediaplayer, for just playing a 2 second video.

So an option to locally convert an mp4 to gif when wanting to save an animation would be great.

waytootangled commented 5 years ago

This is great and would be awesome. Is there any plan to do apply this functionality?

mkg20001 commented 5 years ago should do just that Because of a restriction that all .gif files are automatically converted to .mp4s, the resulting file will have a .gif_ file ending. Currently working on a fix. Bot now offers URLs to download the file from, with a .gif ending. Storage is done entirely via telegram, so it's not a big deal for me.

BasixKOR commented 4 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if you could add this feature in Advanced -> Export Telegram data. Although I don't mind it's GIF or GIFV, I would be grateful for exporting all my GIFs stuck in Telegram.

Nachtalb commented 4 years ago


mind it's GIF or GIFV

GIFV is nothing but an MP4 or WEBM with a different extension name to inform the client it should be looped like a GIF so it wouldn't make much sense to save it as a GIFV. If you want a GIFV you can just use the normal MP4 that is downloaded and add .gifv.

But I don't think you should use it anyways because it is not widely used nor supported

waytootangled commented 4 years ago

who is this and why am I getting these messages? Please stop.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019, 5:02 AM Nicku wrote:


mind it's GIF or GIFV GIFV is nothing but an MP4 or WEBM with a different extension name to inform the client it should be looped like a GIF so it wouldn't make much sense to save it as a GIFV. If you want a GIFV you can just use the normal MP4 that is downloaded and add .gifv.

But I don't think you should use it anyways because it is not widely used nor supported

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RememberTheAir commented 4 years ago

@waytootangled this is Telegram Desktop's github issues, you are receiving email notifications because you've contributed to it on May 3. The email itself you received told you that "you are receiving this because you commented", with a link to this issue. You can disable these emails from your GitHub's notifications preferences

maxoku commented 4 years ago

For opening files on computer maybe it could be saved with m4v extension by default instead of mp4 that should be reserved only for videos. The extension m4v is rather rarely used, so it can be associated with another application than video player like IrfanView. It for sure doesn't solve all problems, but would make it more comfortable to use on computers.

mzji commented 4 years ago

Since the desktop client already links to FFMPEG, maybe allowing user to save MP4ed gifs as real gifs by adding a new filter (*.gif) in the Save File As dialog and doing convertion in the background is doable.

snowman commented 4 years ago

so is any workaround here? maybe ffmpeg is an option, but what the sample code convert mp4 to GIF looks like?


mzji commented 4 years ago

so is any workaround here? maybe ffmpeg is an option, but what the sample code convert mp4 to GIF looks like?

CALLING EXPERT... You could check this SU thread to get something usable.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hey there!

This issue will be automatically closed in 7 days if there would be no activity. We therefore assume that the user has lost interest or resolved the problem on their own.

Don't worry though; if this is an error, let us know with a comment and we'll be happy to reopen the issue.


Draco18s commented 3 years ago

Seeing as it isn't been fixed yet...

ucay commented 3 years ago

I tried to download gif file (save file as), there're file format options:

  1. MPEG-4 Video
  2. All Files (*.*)

Choose All Files, then rename file with extension .gif

Voilla, that's working for some GIF. But some (another) GIF still downloaded as MP4 file type (even though extention is .gif)


Draco18s commented 3 years ago

If it doesn't work for all files, then its not really a solution.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hey there!

This issue was inactive for a long time and will be automatically closed in 30 days if there isn't any further activity. We therefore assume that the user has lost interest or resolved the problem on their own.

Don't worry though; if this is an error, let us know with a comment and we'll be happy to reopen the issue.


Draco18s commented 3 years ago

This issue has not been addressed and is still an issue.

JohannesMP commented 2 years ago

The issue has not been addressed and is still an issue.

mirodil1 commented 2 years ago

The issue has not been addressed and is still an issue.

john-preston commented 2 years ago

@mirodil1 server provides .mp4 soundless videos, so saving those files to .gif can be done only by re-compressing. This is not planned.

Draco18s commented 2 years ago


server provides .mp4 soundless videos, so saving those files to .gif can be done only by re-compressing. This is not planned.

You know what would be really easy? Adding an export option that would recompress the file, done entirely locally on the client.

Just because "its not planned" is not a reason why it can't be added to the plan.

WebLeach commented 1 year ago

For those who thinks telegram don't save gif file, here's a gift for you. This was sent by my bot using pythin-telegram-bot IMG_20221015_221842

hyrious commented 1 year ago

It's weird that "Save GIF" button does not do anything from my view.

In the end I made a tiny web app to convert mp4 to gif 😅

Bengerthelorf commented 1 year ago

That's unbelievable that after over 7 years, it is still an issue. OMG 😰

john-preston commented 1 year ago

@Bengerthelorf I doubt this will ever be implemented. When somebody sends a .gif the server usually auto-converts it to .mp4 and the app receives only .mp4, so for a .gif to be saved back it must be converted from .mp4 to .gif - this is a non-trivial thing to do and you won't get the original .gif file anyway, some similar one maybe. And due to amount of effort this requires I don't have any plans to implement that myself. If someone from the community needs this bad enough a PR can be reviewed.

Draco18s commented 1 year ago

@Bengerthelorf I doubt this will ever be implemented. When somebody sends a .gif the server usually auto-converts it to .mp4 and the app receives only .mp4, so for a .gif to be saved back it must be converted from .mp4 to .gif - this is a non-trivial thing to do and you won't get the original .gif file anyway, some similar one maybe. And due to amount of effort this requires I don't have any plans to implement that myself. If someone from the community needs this bad enough a PR can be reviewed.

Me, some time ago

You know what would be really easy? Adding an export option that would recompress the file, done entirely locally on the client.

Just because "its not planned" is not a reason why it can't be added to the plan.

ilya-fedin commented 1 year ago

You know what would be really easy?

converted from .mp4 to .gif - this is a non-trivial thing to do

Just because "its not planned" is not a reason why it can't be added to the plan.

Being this non-trivial and definitely not easy is the reason.

Draco18s commented 1 year ago

Being this non-trivial and definitely not easy is the reason.

So? There's plenty of existing converters, use one of them. Here, have an open source one. It took me less than 5 seconds to find. It's even cross-platform. (and it's licensed under CC0)

Both mp4 and gif are open formats, so I don't see what the issue is.

ilya-fedin commented 1 year ago

There's plenty of existing converters, use one of them.

You probably misunderstand how it works. One application doesn't use other application to convert media data. It's done through libraries. tdesktop uses ffmpeg, a low-level library, so it has to implement a lot of code on top of it to be able to convert media data.