telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
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Messages on the left side when fullscreen #1587

Closed AOmelaienko closed 8 years ago

AOmelaienko commented 8 years ago

Just. WHY.

Kerberos91 commented 8 years ago

@Walkman100 I already did, it's the only way, be sure to disable the automatic update in settings.

jhalt commented 8 years ago

How do I downgrade? Revert this change or make it optional....

jhalt commented 8 years ago

@Walkman100 / @Kerberos91: Please share where we can find older versions. I can't stand this shit.

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

I have them backed up locally, I'll upload them somewhere

tgrondier commented 8 years ago

@jhalt I found an earlier version over there

Download the version you need, then turn off the internet before launching it. Go to settings, disable automatic updates before reconnecting to the internet.

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

@jgrondier ooh nice

jhalt commented 8 years ago

@jgrondier: Thanks so much :)

FlamebergUA commented 8 years ago

This is kinda obvious: so many posts - not a single positive review of this new feature. And this is only a github thread with people who actually found the source of this problem - the devs :D

Can't see how this could be called MUCH BETTER.

The problem is: someone says - "I use it fullscreen" - the dev says "I still can't understand why anyone on earth uses large (or even fullscreen) window for Telegram Desktop".

Why the hell not? I always used most of my messengers full-screen most of the time. More than that, I use most of software fullscreen. And it's not like I'm the only one doing this: there's simply not much space for constant multi-window working on 1366x768px laptop.

Yes, you can say that it's my problem, and all the progressive people have switched to high-res screens, but it's not like i'm asking for floppy drive support or something THAT rudimentary.

I could understand this kind of attitude if the dev was doing this software for himself only - then, ok, yeah, it's just my problem I can't use it. But ain't it supposed to be used by thousands and thousands of people all over the world? What works for some small percentage of them might not work for the majority of them. A compromise is where you should start looking, not imperative messages like 'I don't see the problem and I don't care'.

Also, this is now the most commented issue with Tdesktop on github since 2014, which should also mean that people are generally do not share the devs enthusiasm about this update.


Mrwebente commented 8 years ago

i seriously can't understand what everyone is talking about saying "there was too much space between the messages" this is far worse than what we had before with telegram desktop there was definitely not too much space in between the messages and if that was bothering anyone you could've just turned up the scale. i have mine set to 150% for much better readability etc. if someone likes it, just make it an option. Just write in the update message: all stuff now on right side but option to return to old layout. everyone is happy and no more threads about that. Sorry for beeing kind of rude but i think forcing other people to have a change made they don't want is not the right way, you've made better desicions before.

brawaru commented 8 years ago


... all stuff now on right side but options to switch between old, centered and one-side layouts. everyone is happy and no more threads about that. everyone is happy and no more threads about that ...


Mrwebente commented 8 years ago

@DaFri-Nochiterov yea ^^ you are right. that's better.

peteski22 commented 8 years ago

There are so many rational arguments and ideas on this thread.

It's never felt so obvious that the users en masse don't like this change, yet there's some serious push back from the developers in the face of this.

I love Telegram and Telegram Desktop, so it's a little disheartening to see a situation where the devs are pushing change onto the users when it's clear they don't want it. Also, people saying things like 'fork it and do it yourself' doesn't make sense as we could end up with hundreds of versions of the client.

Surely a product road-map would be useful (apologies if there is one I haven't seen), and changes like these, when they appear should be configurable as an option (even if this goes away later).

It's OK to admit you got something wrong and revert it, or allow users to have it the way that suits them best.

EDIT: I should add, we're actually only seeing people who have a GitHub account and made the effort to find this thread, there are a lot more people (usually non-techie) I know who don't like this change, but will just stop using Telegram or suck it up and have a bad taste for it when they tell people about it.

Mrwebente commented 8 years ago

unbenannt so this is how it looks like with 150% on 1920x1080 which is definitely acceptable. jonas while this is definitely worse for me and my brother whith which i was chatting right there

danwad commented 8 years ago

I want to expand my window more than currently allowed before the messages go into ugly mode.

Please let me.

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

This thread seems widespread tantrum. I have not seen arguments to show that the old system is best for use on the desktop.

Align left messages, improved tracking and reading messages in most cases, to which I propose the following changes to improve the current state of design:


UnAfraid commented 8 years ago

I think it would be best if there was two types of configuration:

That should make everyone happy, you may put current configuration as default if you really wanna suggest people to get use to the new layout, but for me and looks like for most of the people is not useful as it is now.

FlamebergUA commented 8 years ago

I have not seen arguments to show that the old system is best for use on the desktop.

It wasn't best, it was better. Fullscreen mode, low-resolution screen: go. how this is better than the old design?

LeeZarock commented 8 years ago

But.. what if they simply change the color of our bubbles? So they still have the layout they want, we have something to differentiate the freakin message about us and our friends, and everyone will be happy

Edit: I've notice that the colors are ACTUALLY different, but only slightly and on my monitor I can't tell the difference at all tbh

tgrondier commented 8 years ago

This thread seems widespread tantrum. I have not seen arguments to show that the old system is best for use on the desktop.

We haven't seen your argument as to why the new system is best for use on the desktop. well, you didn't bother to read the thread, you can't really be bothered to make an argument.

See, both camps can play the passive-agressive game.

Valansch commented 8 years ago


I have not seen arguments to show that the old system is best for use on the desktop.

Maybe you should read the comments then.

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@Valansch I'm following the thread carefully. any ideas? Thank you.

user890104 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am colorblind (deuteranomaly) and telling the difference between the two background colors is really hard for me. Please provide an option to switch to the old layout. Downgraded to 0.9.18.

cschmittiey commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian There's been plenty of suggestions on how to fix this, while still leaving the "feature" intact for the people that want to use it. Like others are saying, read the thread, let the users choose instead of assuming your thing is better.

for those of you who don't like this and want to downgrade, @Walkman100 put together this:

PandorasFox commented 8 years ago


I have not seen arguments to show that the old system is best for use on the desktop.

The old system may not be best, but the new system is pretty much definitely worse. I put a few reasons why here. Stickers aren't easily differentiated since there's no color, the color difference is weak, there's now a UI split between mobile and desktop (which, purportedly, they try to keep the different clients in line with eachother, but this is definitely a split), and smaller displays like 1366*768 get completely screwed. Message differentiation is just weak in general. Telling other people apart is going to take more than a glance anyways, telling my own messages apart from other people's messages should definitely be easier.

I don't really have anything more to add right now than what was already in my earlier comment, but there's plenty of reasons why the new system is much less usable.

carp3 commented 8 years ago

worst update ever ... please make this 'mess' optional ...

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@FlamebergUA It is a step up on the previous design. I'm not saying that things should be so, but it is best to think of further improving the design to take a step back to an inefficient design.

@jgrondier Not a game to see who wins or loses. The premise is to propose ideas to help improve the user experience. I am not a programmer and I can not provide lines of code. The bubble system is efficient small as smartphones or tablet screens, however, the design for an IM application on the desktop must be different to accommodate large screens while maintaining the readability of text and / or other content. The current design Telegram is a step in this direction, we help improve.

@cschmittiey I understand you, but unfortunately understanding the premises of many design projects, I conclude that we must maintain the same user experience, not fragment it. Did you seen the mockups for the new Android app? Have you used Webogram? ... their functioning is very similar to other IM apps on desktop (ex. Skype)

@Arcaena Sure, but I believe that the current design is a step to further improve TDesktop. I mean that there has been a small change (align everything to the left) and missing other changes to see improvement in perspective. From my point of view using the above design is to step back.


damaru2 commented 8 years ago

I can't distinguish well which messages are written by me, moreover it is confusing when one sends stickers. I think you should change this feature or make it optional. You can see in this thread that nobody likes it.

auchri commented 8 years ago


You can see in this thread that nobody likes it.

but you know why? because the people which like the new design don't write 23422 comments on github.

FlyingPumba commented 8 years ago


because the people which like the new design don't write 23422 comments on github.

What does that even mean ? You might aswell say people which like the new design doesn't care enough about Telegram to comment on this thread.

damaru2 commented 8 years ago

@auchri I see your point but anyway you have to admit that this feature is not welcomed by a big amount of users and it is not just a matter of liking or not, there are some good points in this thread that you guys should consider.

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@FlyingPumba Really only people who complain they write in Github ... is strange to see people congratulate the developers. People who like the new design just follow using.

I'm providing ideas for further improvements.

Mrwebente commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian @auchri Well you see. it really doesn't matter that some people may like it. There is a large group that doesn't like it and i frankly do not see any problem with that feature if it is optional to use it. it's not about that. it's about users like me and my brother and a lot of others in my contact list who strongly dislike it and the fact that those who do not like it are beeing forced to use it anyway disregarding our opinion just because. Now to reply to these comments:

Really only people who complain they write in Github ... is strange to see people congratulate the developers. People who like the new design just follow using.


but you know why? because the people which like the new design don't write 23422 comments on github.

the fact alone that people are writing, let alone the number of people doing it should be reason enough to add one tiny little darn checkbox. which should not be that much of a problem. (correct me if i'm wrong). finally, @diazbastian you are (on this thread) a very small minority that thinks this design is best and you are in fact right that the design should progress, but things like

The bubble system is efficient small as smartphones or tablet screens, however, the design for an IM application on the desktop must be different to accommodate large screens while maintaining the readability of text and / or other content. The current design Telegram is a step in this direction, we help improve.

are part of your opinion, and not part of mine or anyones who has spoken against this design, you shouldn't impose your opinion on these people. I for myself think that the choice to not let the user choose was a poor one and that everyone should be able to use the desktop client with the design they like.

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

There has been no argument at all to not put an option in, since there is no reason not to

FlamebergUA commented 8 years ago

Yeah, let's just ignore the most talked about issue ever and just assume that people complaining do not represent a big part of users of telegram. Let's also ignore a big list of ISSUES with this new update and tell users they are not being constructive with their criticism.

Colorblind? Can't tell the difference between your messages and the others? Oh, you're just trying not to move on!

Small screen resolution? Well, you're not being constructive!

Lol. Best counterarguments ever. Having some special Olympics over here at github - that's what not constructive. You like it - fine, but if others don't and you want to say something about it - please just take a moment and read what exact issues we are having and comment on those issues not on our personal traits. Thanks.

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@Mrwebente I gave my opinion and not the am imposing any user. Just I do not see anything good back in design changes with arguments.

@Walkman100 I have mentioned a couple of times. Keep similar user experience for all user I think it's a priority. It all depends on developers.

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian That is irrelevant, there are many users using old versions now because of this (me included) that will never get any updates because they have updates off. You cannot force a choice on a userbase as divided as this

MihaxXx commented 8 years ago

Today TD update made me very angry by broking logic and not lettinf to choose I Agree with @DaFri-Nochiterov

Give us possibility to change this option in settings with menu like this:

  • [ ] One side
  • [ ] Centred
  • [x] Old style

I think there should be a choice, becase there are as many opinions as many users e.g. I like old style (when my msg. were on the right, and the opponents msg on the left, for me it`s much more comfortable when all of them are on thr left and without dubt better than centred

damaru2 commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian All the people who run the program with a non-maximized window have a different user experience to those that use with a maximized windows because of this difference. I think these two scenarios are almost the same thing: 1 having a percentage of the users using the new feature because they execute the program in full-screen and other percentage not using it. 2 having a percentage of the users using the new feature because they want and other percentage of the user not using it because they want.

So don't use the argument "keeping similar user experience for all user it's a priority", because that may be true, but the UX is divided anyway in this case

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@damaru2 It is a unique user experience. TDesktop uses a responsive design, to adapt in the best way to the different sizes that can have a window. Webogram has the same behavior.

PandorasFox commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian Tdesktop isn't terribly responsive, just look at the sticker selector - it uses barely 1/12th of the conversation panel in a fullscreened 1920*1080 window.

That's not responsive. That's really static.


diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@Arcaena For now, TDesktop adapts its interface best. There are elements like the one you mention that seem out of place, however, it is referring to other problems in the interface and not on the issue of the alignment of messages. The interface remains responsive.

FlamebergUA commented 8 years ago

@diazbastian there is a lot of criticism of exactly message alignment, constructive criticizm, with people having usability issues, not just 'disliking' it. Yet you ignore those issues and keep commenting on matters irrelative to the subject. Shall I make a list for you?

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@FlamebergUA No, a efficient bug report is specific to a particular subject and behavior. So developers can more easily replicate the problem, understand and fix it.

In this discussion I have seen aesthetic arguments and the classic "I do not like", but had not considered usability arguments.

Note: If you consider other aspects of the interface as problematic, you can open a new report or make a pull request.

set92 commented 8 years ago

Ok, so we have a list of things we see are wrong with the new interface, we dont need a vote to see the majority of people wants a setting to choose between the new and the old interface, why you dont want to accept you are wrong @diazbastian ?

For me the most important thing in the list is what @txomon says in other issue

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@set92 Here no one is right or wrong. We are giving our opinion with arguments on a controversial issue. This is not a vote or who thinks more wins, Telegram team has the last word.

Please read the telegram design philosophy.

carp3 commented 8 years ago

if it's about space efficiency, do something similar to Viber. when screen is 'too big', it opens the sticker panel for fill it.

FlyingPumba commented 8 years ago


In this discussion I have seen aesthetic arguments and the classic "I do not like", but had not considered usability arguments.

Just ignore the colorblind guy who said that is really hard for him to distinguish between the different backgrounds.

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@FlyingPumba No, I have not ignored. You also know that there is software to enhance accessibility. Telegram unfortunately lacks such features and otherwise, depends on the host operating system (high contrast, larger font size, text-to-speech, etc.)

On the other hand, I know the problem closely and understand that people with color blindness are trained to distinguish colors and associate them socially correct colors. There are other keys that can be used to differentiate between messages from other users and themselves. For example, change the color for the bubbles...

Pablohn26 commented 8 years ago


There are other keys that can be used to differentiate between messages from other users and themselves. For example, change the color for the bubbles...

Why do they have to change the colour for the bubbles because this change (or find another ways)? Why not add an optional feature to switch to old layout and everybody happy? Please let's fix problems rather than create new ones.

BTW, people is still opening duplicates: capturatelegram

diazbastian commented 8 years ago

@FlamebergUA That's called workarounds that permit future modifications.

Note: All these duplicates are due to the dissatisfaction of users. It is necessary to to pay attention to the problem. The solution must be left to the developer. I have learned well that software development is not working under a democracy. It not always does what the mass requested. If you are a developer, remember that you can make a pullrequest in the project.