telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
25.92k stars 5.13k forks source link

Desktop client doesn't connect in some network environments #25364

Closed MikhailAMD closed 9 months ago

MikhailAMD commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start the app.
  2. Connection goes forever.

Expected behaviour

Connection stage should pass and app should show channels.

Actual behaviour

Connection goes forever. More info:

  1. Disabling firewall or antivirus doesn't help.
  2. The problem happens on Win11 Lenovo laptop.
  3. At home the laptop running behind TP-Link AD7200 router (WiFi or LAN) the app fails to connect but the same app works properly on Win10 PC behind the same router.
  4. In the office the app on the same Win11 laptop doesn't work behind ASUS RT-AC66U B1 router connected to the corporate LAN but does work if the laptop is connected to the office corporate WiFi.
  5. Android version on the same networks work OK
  6. All networks marked as private.
  7. I tried older versions till 4.0.0 - the same
  8. Tried WinStore version - the same
  9. Tried to run the EXE as administrator - the same
  10. Checked security settings for the EXE - full access
  11. Unigram is connected but fails to download pictures and videos in all possible connections.
  12. All other applications on this laptop work properly (Zoom, Teams, Skype and many others).

Operating system


Version of Telegram Desktop


Installation source

Static binary from official website


[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Launched version: 4003001, install beta: [FALSE], alpha: 0, debug mode: [FALSE]
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Executable dir: C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/, name: Telegram.exe
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Initial working dir: C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Working dir: C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Command line: C:\Users\mmironov.AMD\AppData\Roaming\Telegram Desktop\Telegram.exe -noupdate
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Executable path before check: C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/Telegram.exe
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Logs started
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Connecting local socket to Global\8ddbca3c41e25b61d1260de79664e9fe-{87A94AB0-E370-4cde-98D3-ACC110C5967D}...
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] This is the only instance of Telegram, starting server and app...
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Moved logging from 'C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/log_start0.txt' to 'C:/Users/mmironov.AMD/AppData/Roaming/Telegram Desktop/log.txt'!
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Primary screen DPI: 144
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansRegular.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansRegular'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirRegular.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirRegular'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansRegularItalic.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansRegularItalic'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirRegular.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirRegular'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansSemibold'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirMedium'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldItalicAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansSemiboldItalic'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirMedium'
[2022.11.16 13:20:00] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansSemibold'
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirMedium'
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAOpenSansSemiboldItalicAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAOpenSansSemiboldItalic'
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] Font: from ':/gui/fonts/DAVazirMediumAsBold.ttf' loaded 'DAVazirMedium'
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] Using DirectX compiler 'C:\Users\mmironov.AMD\AppData\Roaming\Telegram Desktop\modules\x64\d3d\d3dcompiler_47.dll'.
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] App Info: reading settings...
[2022.11.16 13:20:01] App Info: reading encrypted settings...
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenAL Logging Level: (not set)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] Audio Playback Devices: OpenAL Soft on Headphones (ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 USB Audio);OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] Audio Playback Default Device: OpenAL Soft on Headphones (ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 USB Audio)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] Audio Capture Devices: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 USB Audio);OpenAL Soft on Microphone Array (AMD Audio Device)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] Audio Capture Default Device: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 USB Audio)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] App Info: reading accounts info...
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] App Info: reading encrypted info...
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL: Using custom 'gpu_driver_bug_list.json'.
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL Profile: OpenGLES.
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL Renderer: ANGLE (AMD, AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL Vendor: Google Inc. (AMD)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL Version: OpenGL ES 3.0.0 (ANGLE 2.1.7 git hash: 0bb011f9e403)
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL Extensions: GL_ANGLE_multiview_multisample, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_sRGB8_alpha_texture, GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear, GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays, GL_OES_mapbuffer, GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile, GL_OVR_multiview2, GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order, GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3, GL_EXT_texture_storage, GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object, GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context, GL_EXT_unpack_subimage, GL_EXT_draw_buffers, GL_OES_standard_derivatives, GL_EXT_float_blend, GL_NV_fence, GL_ANGLE_copy_texture_3d, GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter, GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source, GL_EXT_texture_norm16, GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit, GL_ANGLE_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGBA8_texture, GL_EXT_blend_func_extended, GL_WEBGL_video_texture, GL_ANGLE_texture_usage, GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_EXT_debug_label, GL_OES_texture_stencil8, GL_KHR_debug, GL_ANGLE_explicit_context, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_signed_texture, GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource, GL_OES_element_index_uint, GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod, GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8, , GL_ANGLE_multi_draw, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGB8_texture, GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance, GL_NV_pack_subimage, GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory, GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes, GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb, GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed, GL_OES_texture_half_float, GL_OES_vertex_array_object, GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5, GL_ANGLE_memory_size, GL_EXT_texture_rg, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_unsigned_texture, GL_EXT_read_format_bgra, GL_EXT_robustness, GL_ANGLE_explicit_context_gles1, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_alpha8_texture, GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture, GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_OES_texture_float, GL_CHROMIUM_sync_query, GL_OES_EGL_image, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_texture, GL_ANGLE_depth_texture, GL_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_signed_texture, GL_OES_get_program_binary, GL_EXT_sRGB, GL_ANGLE_lossy_etc_decode, GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control, GL_ANGLE_request_extension, GL_OES_depth24, GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query, GL_OES_texture_float_linear, GL_EXT_instanced_arrays, GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, GL_OES_EGL_image_external, GL_ANGLE_client_arrays, GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer, GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil, GL_ANGLE_get_serialized_context_string, GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888, GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed, GL_OES_surfaceless_context, GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location, GL_EXT_frag_depth, GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture, GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_unsigned_texture, GL_OES_texture_border_clamp, GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float, GL_EXT_map_buffer_range, GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_RGBA8_texture, GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture, GL_ANGLE_texture_multisample, GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc, GL_EXT_color_buffer_float, GL_OES_depth32, GL_OES_texture_npot, GL_OVR_multiview
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] EGL Extensions: EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness, EGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer, EGL_ANGLE_d3d_texture_client_buffer, EGL_ANGLE_surface_d3d_texture_2d_share_handle, EGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer, EGL_ANGLE_window_fixed_size, EGL_ANGLE_keyed_mutex, EGL_ANGLE_surface_orientation, EGL_ANGLE_direct_composition, EGL_ANGLE_windows_ui_composition, EGL_NV_post_sub_buffer, EGL_KHR_create_context, EGL_KHR_image, EGL_KHR_image_base, EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image, EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image, EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image, EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses, EGL_KHR_stream, EGL_KHR_stream_consumer_gltexture, EGL_NV_stream_consumer_gltexture_yuv, EGL_ANGLE_flexible_surface_compatibility, EGL_ANGLE_stream_producer_d3d_texture, EGL_ANGLE_create_context_webgl_compatibility, EGL_CHROMIUM_create_context_bind_generates_resource, EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control, EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float, EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context, EGL_ANGLE_display_texture_share_group, EGL_ANGLE_display_semaphore_share_group, EGL_ANGLE_create_context_client_arrays, EGL_ANGLE_program_cache_control, EGL_ANGLE_robust_resource_initialization, EGL_ANGLE_create_context_extensions_enabled, EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache, EGL_ANDROID_recordable, EGL_ANGLE_image_d3d11_texture, EGL_ANGLE_create_context_backwards_compatible, EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error, EGL_KHR_reusable_sync, 
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL: QOpenGLContext created, version: 3.3.
[2022.11.16 13:20:02] OpenGL: [TRUE] (OverlayWidget)
[2022.11.16 13:20:10] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:10] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:12] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622812.
[2022.11.16 13:20:13] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:13] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:14] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:14] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:15] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:15] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:16] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622816.
[2022.11.16 13:20:17] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622817.
[2022.11.16 13:20:17] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622817.
[2022.11.16 13:20:19] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:19] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:21] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622821.
[2022.11.16 13:20:21] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:21] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:22] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:22] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:23] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:23] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
[2022.11.16 13:20:24] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622824.
[2022.11.16 13:20:25] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622825.
[2022.11.16 13:20:25] Config Error: Bad date frame for simple config: 1641696876-1644288876, our time is 1668622825.
[2022.11.16 13:20:26] Config Error: Failed to parse dns response JSON, error: illegal value
[2022.11.16 13:20:26] Config Error: Bad data size 0 required 344
ilya-fedin commented 1 year ago

Is it possible you have some invalid proxy specified in system settings?

MikhailAMD commented 1 year ago

There is no proxy set up.

tng010286 commented 1 year ago

Is there a 100% solution? Is the proxy right?

MikhailAMD commented 1 year ago

There is no solution. I don't have proxy setup. I tried to disable proxy in Telegram app - result is the same failure to connect.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hey there!

This issue was inactive for a long time and will be automatically closed in 30 days if there isn't any further activity. We therefore assume that the user has lost interest or resolved the problem on their own.

Don't worry though; if this is an error, let us know with a comment and we'll be happy to reopen the issue.


MikhailAMD commented 1 year ago

It is still an issue.

github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

Hey there!

This issue was inactive for a long time and will be automatically closed in 30 days if there isn't any further activity. We therefore assume that the user has lost interest or resolved the problem on their own.

Don't worry though; if this is an error, let us know with a comment and we'll be happy to reopen the issue.
