telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
26.03k stars 5.17k forks source link

Telegram does not respond #26942

Closed astro-marco closed 11 months ago

astro-marco commented 11 months ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Telegram

Expected behaviour

Telegram opens up

Actual behaviour

Telegram (10.1.3) does not respond. I force quit the app and try opening it again. "Something's not right." pop up appears suggesting me to log out. I click on log out. It's taking a long time so I uninstall the app (it was 10.1.3 version).

I download it from the website. I install Telegram 10.1.4. I click to open it. It takes a while and then the QR code page finally appears. I log in. It works. I close it (CMD+Q). I click to open it again. Telegram (now 10.1.4) does not respond. I force quit and try reopening it. Same pop up asking me to log out.

Operating system

MacOS Sonoma 14.0 (23A344)

Version of Telegram Desktop


Installation source

Static binary from official website

Crash ID

No response


Date/Time:        2023-10-18 15:27:55.661 +0200
End time:         2023-10-18 15:28:02.367 +0200
OS Version:       macOS 14.0 (Build 23A344)
Architecture:     arm64e
Report Version:   44
Incident Identifier: 48657A99-CCD9-49E2-942B-C4E16D5BDB12
Share With Devs:  Yes

Data Source:      Stackshots
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Shared Cache:     6F0278CA-2AE0-33DC-A9C7-AEBA586755F3 slid base address 0x1ad06c000, slide 0x2d06c000 (DriverKit)
Shared Cache:     FB8BA21B-013A-3F11-B51E-5D5B4271240D slid base address 0x7ff801284000, slide 0x1284000 (Rosetta)

Command:          Telegram
Path:             /Applications/
Identifier:       ru.keepcoder.Telegram
Version:          10.1.4 (252330)
Team ID:          6N38VWS5BX
Is First Party:   No
Architecture:     arm64
Parent:           launchd [1]
PID:              25419
Time Since Fork:  11s

Event:            hang
Duration:         6.71s
Duration Sampled: 1.70s (process was unresponsive for 5 seconds before sampling)
Steps:            17 (100ms sampling interval)

Hardware model:   MacBookPro18,1
Active cpus:      10
HW page size:     16384
VM page size:     16384

Time Since Boot:  1733393s
Time Awake Since Boot: 394274s
Time Since Wake:  3952s

Fan speed:        0 rpm
Total CPU Time:   3.798s (8.5G cycles, 27.9G instructions, 0.30c/i)
Advisory levels:  Battery -> 3, User -> 2, ThermalPressure -> 0, Combined -> 2
Free disk space:  677.00 GB/926.35 GB, low space threshold 3072 MB
Vnodes Available: 78.29% (193529/247192)

Preferred User Language: it-IT, en-IT
Country Code:     IT
Keyboards:        Italian - Pro, Dvorak, British-PC
OS Cryptex File Extents: 81

Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting

Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:
  17  start + 2224 (dyld + 24664) [0x182fc9058]
  17  ??? (Telegram + 46016) [0x1043ff3c0]
  17  NSApplicationMain + 880 (AppKit + 18184) [0x186bc3708]
  17  -[NSApplication run] + 476 (AppKit + 185404) [0x186bec43c]
  17  -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716 (AppKit + 8444820) [0x1873ccb94]
  17  _DPSNextEvent + 1440 (AppKit + 238236) [0x186bf929c]
  17  AEProcessAppleEvent + 68 (HIToolbox + 262868) [0x18d9862d4]
  17  aeProcessAppleEvent + 488 (AE + 19652) [0x18a33fcc4]
  17  ??? (AE + 46772) [0x18a3466b4]
  17  ??? (AE + 48524) [0x18a346d8c]
  17  _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 80 (Foundation + 204680) [0x1844fcf88]
  17  -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 316 (Foundation + 205204) [0x1844fd194]
  17  -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 492 (AppKit + 260180) [0x186bfe854]
  17  -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 504 (AppKit + 261208) [0x186bfec58]
  17  -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 172 (AppKit + 268048) [0x186c00710]
  17  -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 284 (AppKit + 268640) [0x186c00960]
  17  -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88 (Foundation + 40052) [0x1844d4c74]
  17  _CFXNotificationPost + 764 (CoreFoundation + 267316) [0x1833e3434]
  17  _CFXRegistrationPost + 440 (CoreFoundation + 1075440) [0x1834a88f0]
  17  ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 (CoreFoundation + 1075624) [0x1834a89a8]
  17  __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 (CoreFoundation + 468864) [0x183414780]
  17  ??? (Telegram + 10966020) [0x104e69404]
  17  ??? (Telegram + 10911092) [0x104e5bd74]
  17  -[AVAudioPlayer prepareToPlay] + 40 (AVFAudio + 216932) [0x1ed3bcf64]
  17  AVAudioPlayerCpp::DoAction(unsigned int, unsigned long, void const*) + 264 (AVFAudio + 779276) [0x1ed44640c]
  17  AVAudioPlayerCpp::prepareToPlayQueue() + 160 (AVFAudio + 780656) [0x1ed446970]
  17  AudioQueueNewOutput + 196 (AudioToolbox + 54108) [0x1931a735c]
  17  caulk::lazy_injectable<AQ::API::Interface>::lazy_init() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 663716) [0x19323c0a4]
  17  AQ::API::Interface::injectable_global()::$_0::__invoke() + 388 (AudioToolbox + 772252) [0x19325689c]
  17  AQ::Server::global() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 1028048) [0x193294fd0]
  17  caulk::lazy_injectable<AT::MixServer::Base>::lazy_init() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 390336) [0x1931f94c0]
  17  AT::MixServer::Base::injectable_global()::$_0::__invoke() + 104 (AudioToolbox + 911616) [0x193278900]
  17  AT::MixServer::macOSImpl::macOSImpl(AT::MixServer::Base::Dependencies const&) + 1164 (AudioToolbox + 912820) [0x193278db4]
  17  CAListenerProxy::HALListener::HALListener(CAListenerProxy&, unsigned int, unsigned int, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*, std::__1::function<bool (unsigned int, CAListenerProxy::HALNotification const&)>) + 380 (AudioToolbox + 341552) [0x1931ed630]
  17  AudioObjectAddPropertyListenerInternal_mac_imp + 92 (CoreAudio + 2545300) [0x185beb694]
  17  HALSystem::CheckOutInstance() + 232 (CoreAudio + 9596) [0x18598057c]
  17  HALSystem::InitializeDevices() + 2468 (CoreAudio + 21276) [0x18598331c]
  17  HALPlugInManagement::CreateHALPlugIn(HALCFPlugIn const*) + 1728 (CoreAudio + 24860) [0x18598411c]
  17  HAL_HardwarePlugIn_InitializeWithObjectID(AudioHardwarePlugInInterface**, unsigned int) + 364 (CoreAudio + 1706736) [0x185b1eaf0]
  17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::ConnectToServer() + 212 (CoreAudio + 1698436) [0x185b1ca84]
  17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::ReconcileDeviceList(bool, bool) + 236 (CoreAudio + 1692852) [0x185b1b4b4]
  17  HALC_ShellObject::ExecuteCommand(void () block_pointer) const + 80 (CoreAudio + 3002368) [0x185c5b000]
  17  HALB_CommandGate::ExecuteCommand(void () block_pointer) const + 232 (CoreAudio + 5122420) [0x185e60974]
  17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::_ReconcileDeviceList(bool, bool, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int>>&, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int>>&) + 912 (CoreAudio + 1694064) [0x185b1b970]
  17  HALC_ProxyObjectMap::CopyObjectByObjectID(unsigned int) + 1372 (CoreAudio + 4995756) [0x185e41aac]
  17  HALC_ProxyObject::HALC_ProxyObject(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 200 (CoreAudio + 3875084) [0x185d3010c]
  17  HALC_Object_AddPropertyListener + 144 (CoreAudio + 5840432) [0x185f0fe30]
  17  mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38]
  17  mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0]
  17  mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 31396) [0xfffffe0008527aa4]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 1709380) [0xfffffe00086c1544]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 1663892) [0xfffffe00086b6394]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 310744) [0xfffffe000856bdd8]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 309612) [0xfffffe000856b96c]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 209864) [0xfffffe00085533c8]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 232496) [0xfffffe0008558c30]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 578848) [0xfffffe00085ad520]
 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 585440) [0xfffffe00085aeee0]

Process:          Telegram [25419] [unique pid 125145]
UUID:             E4D6E3C8-FA0A-30AE-9D70-5F0D35D95097
Path:             /Applications/
Identifier:       ru.keepcoder.Telegram
Version:          10.1.4 (252330)
Team ID:          6N38VWS5BX
Is First Party:   No
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Architecture:     arm64
Parent:           launchd [1]
UID:              501
Footprint:        24.85 MB
Time Since Fork:  11s
Num samples:      17 (1-17)
CPU Time:         0.015s (18.9M cycles, 12.9M instructions, 1.46c/i)
Note:             Unresponsive for 5 seconds before sampling
Note:             4 idle work queue threads omitted

  Thread 0x532b9a    DispatchQueue ""(1)    17 samples (1-17)    priority 47 (base 47)
  <process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [14248], IO tier 0>
  17  start + 2224 (dyld + 24664) [0x182fc9058] 1-17
    17  ??? (Telegram + 46016) [0x1043ff3c0] 1-17
      17  NSApplicationMain + 880 (AppKit + 18184) [0x186bc3708] 1-17
        17  -[NSApplication run] + 476 (AppKit + 185404) [0x186bec43c] 1-17
          17  -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716 (AppKit + 8444820) [0x1873ccb94] 1-17
            17  _DPSNextEvent + 1440 (AppKit + 238236) [0x186bf929c] 1-17
              17  AEProcessAppleEvent + 68 (HIToolbox + 262868) [0x18d9862d4] 1-17
                17  aeProcessAppleEvent + 488 (AE + 19652) [0x18a33fcc4] 1-17
                  17  ??? (AE + 46772) [0x18a3466b4] 1-17
                    17  ??? (AE + 48524) [0x18a346d8c] 1-17
                      17  _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 80 (Foundation + 204680) [0x1844fcf88] 1-17
                        17  -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 316 (Foundation + 205204) [0x1844fd194] 1-17
                          17  -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 492 (AppKit + 260180) [0x186bfe854] 1-17
                            17  -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 504 (AppKit + 261208) [0x186bfec58] 1-17
                              17  -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 172 (AppKit + 268048) [0x186c00710] 1-17
                                17  -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 284 (AppKit + 268640) [0x186c00960] 1-17
                                  17  -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88 (Foundation + 40052) [0x1844d4c74] 1-17
                                    17  _CFXNotificationPost + 764 (CoreFoundation + 267316) [0x1833e3434] 1-17
                                      17  _CFXRegistrationPost + 440 (CoreFoundation + 1075440) [0x1834a88f0] 1-17
                                        17  ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 (CoreFoundation + 1075624) [0x1834a89a8] 1-17
                                          17  __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 (CoreFoundation + 468864) [0x183414780] 1-17
                                            17  ??? (Telegram + 10966020) [0x104e69404] 1-17
                                              17  ??? (Telegram + 10911092) [0x104e5bd74] 1-17
                                                17  -[AVAudioPlayer prepareToPlay] + 40 (AVFAudio + 216932) [0x1ed3bcf64] 1-17
                                                  17  AVAudioPlayerCpp::DoAction(unsigned int, unsigned long, void const*) + 264 (AVFAudio + 779276) [0x1ed44640c] 1-17
                                                    17  AVAudioPlayerCpp::prepareToPlayQueue() + 160 (AVFAudio + 780656) [0x1ed446970] 1-17
                                                      17  AudioQueueNewOutput + 196 (AudioToolbox + 54108) [0x1931a735c] 1-17
                                                        17  caulk::lazy_injectable<AQ::API::Interface>::lazy_init() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 663716) [0x19323c0a4] 1-17
                                                          17  AQ::API::Interface::injectable_global()::$_0::__invoke() + 388 (AudioToolbox + 772252) [0x19325689c] 1-17
                                                            17  AQ::Server::global() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 1028048) [0x193294fd0] 1-17
                                                              17  caulk::lazy_injectable<AT::MixServer::Base>::lazy_init() + 52 (AudioToolbox + 390336) [0x1931f94c0] 1-17
                                                                17  AT::MixServer::Base::injectable_global()::$_0::__invoke() + 104 (AudioToolbox + 911616) [0x193278900] 1-17
                                                                  17  AT::MixServer::macOSImpl::macOSImpl(AT::MixServer::Base::Dependencies const&) + 1164 (AudioToolbox + 912820) [0x193278db4] 1-17
                                                                    17  CAListenerProxy::HALListener::HALListener(CAListenerProxy&, unsigned int, unsigned int, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*, std::__1::function<bool (unsigned int, CAListenerProxy::HALNotification const&)>) + 380 (AudioToolbox + 341552) [0x1931ed630] 1-17
                                                                      17  AudioObjectAddPropertyListenerInternal_mac_imp + 92 (CoreAudio + 2545300) [0x185beb694] 1-17
                                                                        17  HALSystem::CheckOutInstance() + 232 (CoreAudio + 9596) [0x18598057c] 1-17
                                                                          17  HALSystem::InitializeDevices() + 2468 (CoreAudio + 21276) [0x18598331c] 1-17
                                                                            17  HALPlugInManagement::CreateHALPlugIn(HALCFPlugIn const*) + 1728 (CoreAudio + 24860) [0x18598411c] 1-17
                                                                              17  HAL_HardwarePlugIn_InitializeWithObjectID(AudioHardwarePlugInInterface**, unsigned int) + 364 (CoreAudio + 1706736) [0x185b1eaf0] 1-17
                                                                                17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::ConnectToServer() + 212 (CoreAudio + 1698436) [0x185b1ca84] 1-17
                                                                                  17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::ReconcileDeviceList(bool, bool) + 236 (CoreAudio + 1692852) [0x185b1b4b4] 1-17
                                                                                    17  HALC_ShellObject::ExecuteCommand(void () block_pointer) const + 80 (CoreAudio + 3002368) [0x185c5b000] 1-17
                                                                                      17  HALB_CommandGate::ExecuteCommand(void () block_pointer) const + 232 (CoreAudio + 5122420) [0x185e60974] 1-17
                                                                                        17  HALC_ShellPlugIn::_ReconcileDeviceList(bool, bool, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int>>&, std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int>>&) + 912 (CoreAudio + 1694064) [0x185b1b970] 1-17
                                                                                          17  HALC_ProxyObjectMap::CopyObjectByObjectID(unsigned int) + 1372 (CoreAudio + 4995756) [0x185e41aac] 1-17
                                                                                            17  HALC_ProxyObject::HALC_ProxyObject(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 200 (CoreAudio + 3875084) [0x185d3010c] 1-17
                                                                                              17  HALC_Object_AddPropertyListener + 144 (CoreAudio + 5840432) [0x185f0fe30] 1-17
                                                                                                17  mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 1-17
                                                                                                  17  mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 1-17
                                                                                                    17  mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 1-17
                                                                                                     *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 31396) [0xfffffe0008527aa4] 1-17
                                                                                                       *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 1709380) [0xfffffe00086c1544] 1-17
                                                                                                         *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 1663892) [0xfffffe00086b6394] 1-17
                                                                                                           *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 310744) [0xfffffe000856bdd8] 1-17
                                                                                                             *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 309612) [0xfffffe000856b96c] 1-17
                                                                                                               *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 209864) [0xfffffe00085533c8] 1-17
                                                                                                                 *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 232496) [0xfffffe0008558c30] 1-17
                                                                                                                   *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 578848) [0xfffffe00085ad520] 1-17
                                                                                                                     *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 585440) [0xfffffe00085aeee0] (blocked by turnstile waiting for coreaudiod [3059] [unique pid 102795]) 1-17

  Thread 0x532bfd    Thread name ""    17 samples (1-17)    priority 47 (base 47)    cpu time 0.014s (17.9M cycles, 11.9M instructions, 1.51c/i)
  <process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [14248], IO tier 0>
  17  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7740) [0x18333de3c] 1-17
    17  _pthread_start + 136 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28724) [0x183343034] 1-17
      17  _NSEventThread + 144 (AppKit + 1456352) [0x186d228e0] 1-17
        17  CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 (CoreFoundation + 506924) [0x18341dc2c] 1-17
          9   __CFRunLoopRun + 1208 (CoreFoundation + 509848) [0x18341e798] 1-9
            9   __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 (CoreFoundation + 515792) [0x18341fed0] 1-9
              9   mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 1-9
                9   mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 1-9
                  9   mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 1-9
                   *9   ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 233272) [0xfffffe0008558f38] 1-9
          1   __CFRunLoopRun + 2244 (CoreFoundation + 510884) [0x18341eba4] 10
            1   __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 520 (CoreFoundation + 516568) [0x1834201d8] 10
              1   __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 60 (CoreFoundation + 516792) [0x1834202b8] 10
                1   __CFMachPortPerform + 248 (CoreFoundation + 710584) [0x18344f7b8] 10
                  1   MessageHandler(__CFMachPort*, void*, long, void*) + 60 (HIToolbox + 243852) [0x18d98188c] 10
                    1   PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 256 (HIToolbox + 244168) [0x18d9819c8] 10
                     *1   ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 329740) [0xfffffe000857080c] (runnable) 10
          7   __CFRunLoopRun + 1208 (CoreFoundation + 509848) [0x18341e798] 11-17
            7   __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 (CoreFoundation + 515792) [0x18341fed0] 11-17
              7   mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 11-17
                7   mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 11-17
                  7   mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 11-17
                   *7   ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 233272) [0xfffffe0008558f38] 11-17

  Thread 0x532c1e    Thread name "caulk.messenger.shared:17"    17 samples (1-17)    priority 19 (base 19)
  <process frontmost, thread QoS utility (requested utility), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [14248], IO tier 1>
  17  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7740) [0x18333de3c] 1-17
    17  _pthread_start + 136 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28724) [0x183343034] 1-17
      17  void* caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, void (caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::*)(), std::__1::tuple<caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread*>>>(void*) + 96 (caulk + 8772) [0x18d677244] 1-17
        17  caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::run() + 36 (caulk + 9540) [0x18d677544] 1-17
          17  semaphore_wait_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6192) [0x183302830] 1-17
           *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 644184) [0xfffffe00085bd458] 1-17

  Thread 0x532c1f    Thread name "caulk.messenger.shared:high"    17 samples (1-17)    priority 55 (base 55)
  <process frontmost, process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [14248], IO tier 0>
  17  thread_start + 8 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7740) [0x18333de3c] 1-17
    17  _pthread_start + 136 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 28724) [0x183343034] 1-17
      17  void* caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, void (caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::*)(), std::__1::tuple<caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread*>>>(void*) + 96 (caulk + 8772) [0x18d677244] 1-17
        17  caulk::concurrent::details::worker_thread::run() + 36 (caulk + 9540) [0x18d677544] 1-17
          17  semaphore_wait_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6192) [0x183302830] 1-17
           *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 644184) [0xfffffe00085bd458] 1-17

  Binary Images:
           0x1043f4000 -        0x1080bffff  ru.keepcoder.Telegram 10.1.4 (252330)            <E4D6E3C8-FA0A-30AE-9D70-5F0D35D95097>             /Applications/
           0x182fc3000 -        0x183056873  dyld (1122.1)                                    <FFD8AB66-C9AB-31DF-AB80-3A3DFF367DDD>             /usr/lib/dyld
           0x183301000 -        0x18333bfef  libsystem_kernel.dylib (10002.1.13)              <A7D3C07D-0A1E-3C4C-8FBA-66905E16BF99>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
           0x18333c000 -        0x183348ff3  libsystem_pthread.dylib (519)                    <E4DEBB6E-421D-33D0-9E17-77AE0E0FE4DC>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
           0x1833a2000 -        0x183878fff 6.9 (2048.1.403)        <A68B8C77-1DBD-35B0-83FE-42AD58DD6629>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
           0x1844cb000 -        0x18511dfff 6.9 (2048.1.403)            <11EB37AE-355B-3A35-AF1B-13B599244410>             /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
           0x18597e000 -        0x18606afff 5.0 (5.0)              <637EAB2D-7674-3CE4-813A-20CE1B32F47E>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
           0x186bbf000 -        0x187ecffff 6.9 (2487)                      <A4E78DD1-6B6E-3F57-924A-4A6A2E679789>             /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
           0x18a33b000 -        0x18a3aefff 944 (944)                           <051C3D49-AC73-3FBC-B113-A1BA4D55B0A4>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE
           0x18d675000 -        0x18d69efff 1.0 (149.1.3)              <3863BF77-FB9E-3C5F-8790-D879A2BB092A>             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/caulk.framework/Versions/A/caulk
           0x18d946000 -        0x18dc05fff 2.1.1 (1201)                 <38EE0AC5-F6F6-391C-852E-6954B5D253E8>             /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
           0x19319a000 -        0x193317fff 1.14 (1.14) <823A414E-E3E2-3C9F-A01D-02A472B1FC73>             /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
           0x1ed388000 -        0x1ed4a6fff 1.0 (629.1.6)           <D56F9E62-8554-3EB6-B3CA-309DDC94095B>             /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFAudio.framework/Versions/A/AVFAudio
   *0xfffffe0008520000 - 0xfffffe0008d97fff  kernel.release.t6000 (10002.1.13)                <BBDD4971-4AC1-34C9-B0E3-26B569022090>__TEXT_EXEC  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t6000

Process:          accessoryd [19813] [unique pid 119539]
UUID:             0D396C6F-8391-33E6-A478-B19E64220943
Path:             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAccessories.framework/Support/accessoryd
Codesigning ID:
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
UID:              0
Sudden Term:      Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint:        3841 KB
Time Since Fork:  134573s
Num samples:      17 (1-17)
Note:             2 idle work queue threads omitted

  Thread 0x4f0e8f    17 samples (1-17)    priority 31 (base 31)
  <thread QoS default (requested default), process sudden termination clean, IO tier 0>
  17  start + 2224 (dyld + 24664) [0x182fc9058] 1-17
    17  main + 4560 (accessoryd + 543612) [0x105010b7c] 1-17
      17  -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 64 (Foundation + 870232) [0x18459f758] 1-17
        17  -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 212 (Foundation + 374680) [0x184526798] 1-17
          17  CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 (CoreFoundation + 506924) [0x18341dc2c] 1-17
            17  __CFRunLoopRun + 1208 (CoreFoundation + 509848) [0x18341e798] 1-17
              17  __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 (CoreFoundation + 515792) [0x18341fed0] 1-17
                17  mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 1-17
                  17  mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 1-17
                    17  <patched truncated backtrace> 1-17
                      17  mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 1-17
                       *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 233272) [0xfffffe0008558f38] 1-17

  Binary Images:
           0x104f8c000 -        0x1051ebfff  accessoryd (898.                  <0D396C6F-8391-33E6-A478-B19E64220943>             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAccessories.framework/Support/accessoryd
           0x182fc3000 -        0x183056873  dyld (1122.1)                             <FFD8AB66-C9AB-31DF-AB80-3A3DFF367DDD>             /usr/lib/dyld
           0x183301000 -        0x18333bfef  libsystem_kernel.dylib (10002.1.13)       <A7D3C07D-0A1E-3C4C-8FBA-66905E16BF99>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
           0x1833a2000 -        0x183878fff 6.9 (2048.1.403) <A68B8C77-1DBD-35B0-83FE-42AD58DD6629>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
           0x1844cb000 -        0x18511dfff 6.9 (2048.1.403)     <11EB37AE-355B-3A35-AF1B-13B599244410>             /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
   *0xfffffe0008520000 - 0xfffffe0008d97fff  kernel.release.t6000 (10002.1.13)         <BBDD4971-4AC1-34C9-B0E3-26B569022090>__TEXT_EXEC  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t6000

Process:          accessoryupdaterd [19814] [unique pid 119540]
UUID:             B11F6454-1EC0-3D32-BA5A-94C4AD245939
Path:             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/accessoryupdaterd
Codesigning ID:
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
UID:              278
Sudden Term:      Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint:        6017 KB
Time Since Fork:  134573s
Num samples:      17 (1-17)
Note:             1 idle work queue thread omitted

  Thread 0x4f0eaf    17 samples (1-17)    priority 4 (base 4)
  <thread QoS background (requested default), process sudden termination clean, thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
  17  start + 2224 (dyld + 24664) [0x182fc9058] 1-17
    17  ??? (accessoryupdaterd + 39312) [0x104979990] 1-17
      17  CFRunLoopRun + 64 (CoreFoundation + 1022544) [0x18349ba50] 1-17
        17  CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 (CoreFoundation + 506924) [0x18341dc2c] 1-17
          17  __CFRunLoopRun + 1208 (CoreFoundation + 509848) [0x18341e798] 1-17
            17  __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 (CoreFoundation + 515792) [0x18341fed0] 1-17
              17  mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 1-17
                17  mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 1-17
                  17  <patched truncated backtrace> 1-17
                    17  mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 1-17
                     *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 233272) [0xfffffe0008558f38] 1-17

  Binary Images:
           0x104970000 -        0x104abffff  accessoryupdaterd (916.0.46)              <B11F6454-1EC0-3D32-BA5A-94C4AD245939>             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/accessoryupdaterd
           0x182fc3000 -        0x183056873  dyld (1122.1)                             <FFD8AB66-C9AB-31DF-AB80-3A3DFF367DDD>             /usr/lib/dyld
           0x183301000 -        0x18333bfef  libsystem_kernel.dylib (10002.1.13)       <A7D3C07D-0A1E-3C4C-8FBA-66905E16BF99>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
           0x1833a2000 -        0x183878fff 6.9 (2048.1.403) <A68B8C77-1DBD-35B0-83FE-42AD58DD6629>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
   *0xfffffe0008520000 - 0xfffffe0008d97fff  kernel.release.t6000 (10002.1.13)         <BBDD4971-4AC1-34C9-B0E3-26B569022090>__TEXT_EXEC  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t6000

Process:          accountsd [70964]
UUID:             ACA4BD04-35D8-3110-98D9-E49DC764C378
Path:             /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
Codesigning ID:
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
UID:              501
Sudden Term:      Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint:        18.44 MB
Time Since Fork:  1283586s
Num samples:      17 (1-17)
CPU Time:         <0.001s (130.3K cycles, 76.4K instructions, 1.70c/i)
Note:             2 idle work queue threads omitted

  Thread 0x1b287a    DispatchQueue ""(1)    17 samples (1-17)    priority 4 (base 4)
  <thread QoS background (requested default), process sudden termination clean, thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
  17  start + 2224 (dyld + 24664) [0x182fc9058] 1-17
    17  ??? (accountsd + 12148) [0x10443af74] 1-17
      17  -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 64 (Foundation + 870232) [0x18459f758] 1-17
        17  -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 212 (Foundation + 374680) [0x184526798] 1-17
          17  CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 (CoreFoundation + 506924) [0x18341dc2c] 1-17
            17  __CFRunLoopRun + 1208 (CoreFoundation + 509848) [0x18341e798] 1-17
              17  __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 (CoreFoundation + 515792) [0x18341fed0] 1-17
                17  mach_msg + 24 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7224) [0x183302c38] 1-17
                  17  mach_msg_overwrite + 476 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 42224) [0x18330b4f0] 1-17
                    17  mach_msg2_trap + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 6324) [0x1833028b4] 1-17
                     *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 233272) [0xfffffe0008558f38] 1-17

  Binary Images:
           0x104438000 -        0x104443fff  accountsd (947.1)                         <ACA4BD04-35D8-3110-98D9-E49DC764C378>             /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
           0x182fc3000 -        0x183056873  dyld (1122.1)                             <FFD8AB66-C9AB-31DF-AB80-3A3DFF367DDD>             /usr/lib/dyld
           0x183301000 -        0x18333bfef  libsystem_kernel.dylib (10002.1.13)       <A7D3C07D-0A1E-3C4C-8FBA-66905E16BF99>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
           0x1833a2000 -        0x183878fff 6.9 (2048.1.403) <A68B8C77-1DBD-35B0-83FE-42AD58DD6629>             /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
           0x1844cb000 -        0x18511dfff 6.9 (2048.1.403)     <11EB37AE-355B-3A35-AF1B-13B599244410>             /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
   *0xfffffe0008520000 - 0xfffffe0008d97fff  kernel.release.t6000 (10002.1.13)         <BBDD4971-4AC1-34C9-B0E3-26B569022090>__TEXT_EXEC  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t6000

Process:          AccountSubscriber [19898] [unique pid 119624]
UUID:             7B2DDE31-DF62-3318-BBD1-A481B56B7110
Path:             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteManagement.framework/XPCServices/AccountSubscriber.xpc/Contents/MacOS/AccountSubscriber
Version:          ??? (2.0)
Build Version:    168
Project Name:     RemoteManagement
Source Version:   500025000000000
Shared Cache:     7906534C-5D2B-3BA8-B9C6-93A5CF1B7B50 slid base address 0x182f0c000, slide 0x2f0c000 (System Primary)
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
Responsible:      remotemanagementd [19891] [unique pid 119617]
UID:              277
Sudden Term:      Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint:        5137 KB
Time Since Fork:  133586s
Num samples:      17 (1-17)
Note:             1 idle work queue thread omitted

  Thread 0x4f1736    17 samples (1-17)    priority 4 (base 4)
  <thread QoS background (requested default), process sudden termination clean, thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
  17  _dispatch_sig_thread + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 92332) [0x1831a88ac] 1-17
    17  <patched truncated backtrace> 1-17
      17  __sigsuspend_nocancel + 8 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 36864) [0x18330a000] 1-17
       *17  ??? (kernel.release.t6000 + 5654908) [0xfffffe0008a8497c] 1-17

  Binary Images:
           0x100a8c000 -                ??? (2.0) <7B2DDE31-DF62-3318-BBD1-A481B56B7110>             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteManagement.framework/XPCServices/AccountSubscriber.xpc/Contents/MacOS/AccountSubscriber
           0x183192000 -        0x1831d8fff  libdispatch.dylib (1462.0.4)                       <8790BA20-19EC-3A36-8975-E34382D9747C>             /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
           0x183301000 -        0x18333bfef  libsystem_kernel.dylib (10002.1.13)                <A7D3C07D-0A1E-3C4C-8FBA-66905E16BF99>             /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
   *0xfffffe0008520000 - 0xfffffe0008d97fff  kernel.release.t6000 (10002.1.13)                  <BBDD4971-4AC1-34C9-B0E3-26B569022090>__TEXT_EXEC  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel.release.t6000
github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

Sorry, but according to the version you specify in this issue, you are using the Telegram for macOS, not the Telegram Desktop. You can report your issue to the group or to the repository of Telegram for macOS.

If I made a mistake and closed your issue wrongly, please reopen it. Thanks!