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Inconsistent MTProto Proxy Behavior Across Telegram Desktop and Mobile #27858

Closed majidfathi69 closed 1 week ago

majidfathi69 commented 1 week ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. On Telegram Mobile:

    a. Navigate to the Settings > Advanced > Proxy settings menu. b. Enable the MTProto Proxy option. c. Input the following proxy details: such as: tg://socks?

  2. Observe: Telegram mobile successfully connects to the proxy.

  3. On Telegram Desktop: a. Repeat steps 1a and 1b. b. Input the same proxy details: such as: (same as Telegram Mobile config) tg://socks?

  4. Observe: Telegram desktop fails to connect to the proxy.

Expected behaviour

MTProto proxy functionality should be consistent across both Telegram desktop and mobile applications.

Actual behaviour

In most cases, MTProto proxies that work on Telegram mobile do not work on the Telegram desktop app. This discrepancy prevents a consistent user experience across operating systems.

Operating system

macOS, Windows, Android

Version of Telegram Desktop

Installation source

Mac App Store

Crash ID

No response


No response

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Sorry, but according to the version you specify in this issue, you are using the Telegram for macOS, not the Telegram Desktop. You can report your issue to the group or to the repository of Telegram for macOS.

If I made a mistake and closed your issue wrongly, please reopen it. Thanks!