telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
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Some jpg files cannot be send in quick way on version 5.xx (works ok on 4.16.8) #27986

Open eugene-rom opened 1 month ago

eugene-rom commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce


To reproduce, try to send this image in quick way. (Drag and drop from folder, or click attachment icon from telegram.) Bug introduced on version 5 (4.16.8 works ok). Bug present in static binary (5.0.2) and in snap package (currently, 5.0.1-40-g4fddaef11 in edge channel).

Expected behaviour

Telegram will compress image and send it in quick way (inline image).

Actual behaviour

This image file cannot be send in quick view. It sends as attached file.

Operating system

Ubuntu 24.04, 20.04 (GNOME DE, Xorg)

Version of Telegram Desktop


Installation source

Static binary from official website

Crash ID

No response


No response

ilya-fedin commented 1 month ago

Forwarded to

taha-ghadirian commented 1 month ago

Well, I think it works for me on version 5.0.3.



eugene-rom commented 1 month ago

Well, I think it works for me on version 5.0.3.

Just updated, doesn't work for me. In console:

qt.gui.imageio.jpeg: ./lib/jpegli/ Unexpected marker 0xd3
taha-ghadirian commented 1 month ago

Well, I think it works for me on version 5.0.3.

Not working anymore in 5.0.4.

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

Confirm this issue on Telegram 5.1.4 (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS), with another image:

Will forward details to libjhl too.

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

Confirm this issue on Telegram 5.1.4 (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS), with another image:

Are you sure it is? I can't confirm this image leads to any issue.

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

@ilya-fedin sorry, I'm incorrectly attached my image. Github transformed it in some way. Here is IPFS link to original image: QmSKk6PE3oEok2gMeVBTxEkmA9qToQhZ7RaLEVvT2tUBjh

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

Here is IPFS link to original image: QmSKk6PE3oEok2gMeVBTxEkmA9qToQhZ7RaLEVvT2tUBjh

It still reads just fine

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

@ilya-fedin very strange. Just tested again and crashed my Telegram one more time. Maybe zip: ?

2024-06-09_19-02 2024-06-09_19-05

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

Stop. Are you sure you have this issue? This issue is that sending the image looks like this: And qt.gui.imageio.jpeg: ./lib/jpegli/ Unexpected marker 0xd3 message gets printed into terminal. If you don't have either of those then you don't have this issue. The issue description also doesn't say anything about crashes.

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

if you have mistaken then please remove the misleading comment from libjxl issue

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

Maybe you are correct. There is something different here. WOW. Something REALLY new. I tried to restart telegram-desktop from console after crash. At this time my Telegram starts completely "fresh": all my settings, sessions, anything dropped. Like fresh install: 2024-06-09_19-18 2024-06-09_19-17

I restarted Telegram, logged in using QR and my phone, entered my cloud password, see my contacts and chats again.

Than tried to attach broken image to favorites. Have another crash. Restarted Telegram. Got fresh app state again.

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

I see you're using a third party build. That is likely the reason of the crash, not the image.

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

@ilya-fedin no problem, let's try fresh build exactly from this repo: My actions was: 1) Go to 2) download Telegram for Linux x64 (url: - not flatpack, not snap, 175 Mb binary) 3) unpack downloaded files, run Telegram from console 4) restore access using mobile phone + cloud password 5) try to attach image again (clicked "send" button)

Crash again.

➜  telegram ./Telegram 
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
QWidget::render: Cannot render with an inactive painter
./lib/jpegli/ Sampling is not supported for simgle component imag
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::exception'
  what():  std::exception
[1]    607889 IOT instruction (core dumped)  ./Telegram


ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

@eugene-rom your problem doesn't seem related to this issue at all

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

if you have mistaken then please remove the misleading comment from libjxl issue

@ilya-fedin I had problems with "./lib/jpegli/" as you see above. Is it related to libjxl or not? Both problems looks like related to jpeg-encoding process but I don't know how exactly. Should I remove my cross-posted comment from libjxl issue or not?

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

It could be another issue with libjxl. But it's not this issue for sure. Thus off-topic for this issue and the issue on libjxl repo.

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

Should I remove my cross-posted comment from libjxl issue or not?

Yes, please.

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

@ilya-fedin ok, I got it. But can you, please, guide me about my next actions about this? Issue processing standards are important. I'm understand it and want to create some useful activity. Not mess.

Is it problem should be described as newly issue in libjxl repo (not in Telegram repo)? Is it my correct next action?

ilya-fedin commented 4 weeks ago

@uniconstructor create your own issue on tdesktop repo and fill all the fields (especially crash id) in the template

uniconstructor commented 4 weeks ago

@ilya-fedin got it, thanks. I will create new a issue on tdesktop repo using relevant issue template.