telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
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Allow user to choose font and font size #90

Open Katzen-Gott opened 9 years ago

Katzen-Gott commented 9 years ago

It would be cool if user could choose fonts for conversations (and even 20% cooler if telegram would use system-default fonts)

solf commented 9 years ago

Please add this... current font looks awful and is mostly unusable when Font Smoothing is off.

AlexanderBelokon commented 9 years ago

:+1: without monospaced fonts it's really impossible to use for programming-related discussions

matteodellamico commented 9 years ago

Yes, please. The font looks horrible here (Ubuntu 14.10).

marco-solare commented 9 years ago

what about a textual prefix like ` or a mode triggered by a button to temporarily switch to a monospaced font for sending code (related) stuff?

iivmok commented 8 years ago

:+1: Please oh please.

Konekokonut commented 8 years ago

Oh please oh please.

dnmr commented 8 years ago

Yes please.

deconstruction commented 8 years ago

Much needed. Very important.

mr-love commented 8 years ago

The tilde ~ looks like a dash... one of many small gripes about the default font so :+1:

telegramdesktop commented 8 years ago

@mark-love It is not anymore in the latest dev release :) Will be in the stable in a week or two.

neesti commented 8 years ago

The defulat font of "Telegram Desktop" is not nice and is also small in Persian language texts.

Mnkai commented 8 years ago

This feature is really important - since default font in hidpi setting is way too narrow since it's bitmap font. Allowing user to select other font properly supporting hidpi will be more feasible.

SafaAlfulaij commented 8 years ago

@telegramdesktop I'd like to say something cool. I don't know how it will affect the performance, but you are a great developer :+1: So, what if you used Noto fonts (there are many, not sure how will you package them) and detected the language/script of each character in the chat and then use the suitable font for it? :innocent: Or maybe better, implement a font setting dialog to select a different font for each language/script. Because selecting one font only can cause problems such as bad-looking characters.

woj-tek commented 8 years ago



It is not anymore in the latest dev release :) Will be in the stable in a week or two.

is this comment still valid? ;-)

telegramdesktop commented 8 years ago

@woj-tek Tilde should be displayed correctly now.

javadghane commented 8 years ago

:+1: RTL Language like Persian doesn't look good (Ubuntu 14.04)

aliva commented 8 years ago

at least respect system font settings!

benbenolson commented 8 years ago

I agree. By default, Telegram should use the default sans-serif font for your computer's settings. For example, by default, I use Helvetica, so Telegram should use that font too. Is there any configuration file that I can edit to manually change the font, or do I have to compile from source to change it?

benbenolson commented 8 years ago

Not trying to derail the conversation, but I figured out how to change the font by modifying the source code and recompiling.

Assuming that you have three fonts to replace Open Sans in regular, bold, and semibold, place them in SourceFiles/art/fonts. Rename them to something simple that you don't mind typing a few times. Next, type grep OpenSans to find where they reference the font files that are currently in there. There will be a lot of references, especially in flatinput.cpp, text.h, and text.cpp, as well as some other places. Most of these are little fixes for the Open Sans font, so you can safely ignore them (at least, I think so).

I ended up replacing the Open Sans TTF files in SourceFiles/gui/twidget.cpp, SourceFiles/telegram.qrc, recompiled, and it works so far! I'll post any fixes if any are necessary, as I've only tested it for a bit.

mosajjal commented 8 years ago

I think following operating system's default font settings is the least Telegram can do. Although it must be a font with all the emoji embedded in them. Some fonts don't have them or they're partially included. Maybe use one font for Texts and another for emoji?

antistic commented 8 years ago

I'd love telegram to respect the system font settings as well, or at least prioritise it. For the code font, it goes through four fonts including courier before trying the system font. Which just looks ugly, and would likely come back as the system monospace font if it were installed anyway.

neesti commented 8 years ago

Hello. Dear Telegram Desktop developers, I wish at least say that you plan to add this feature to the Telegram or not! While the number of users requesting this feature are so much...

brawaru commented 8 years ago

@neesti people need to add reaction :+1: here for developers hear them and add some new feature. Just ∞ — It's not big value. 😊

It's a joke

stek29 commented 8 years ago

@DaFri-Nochiterov This feature is pretty hard to implement, because fonts and styles are configured on build time, so lots of things should be changed.

dandaka commented 8 years ago

OSX has a beautiful and functional font "San Francisco" since Nov 2014. Since Telegram does not use this default font, it looks inconsistent and lacking behind other application on the platform.

Qwerty-Space commented 8 years ago

I'd love a monospace font! It makes formatting rules in groups so much easier!

Here are some lists of good free monospaced fonts:

And a wikipedia page of some:

john-preston commented 8 years ago

@Qwerty-Space Use markdown (three ticks text three ticks).

scudmissile-kr commented 8 years ago

Please add the feature and rescue Korean users suffering under ugly Gulim font!

roberth1990 commented 8 years ago

I would like to able to not just change font but also adjust hinting and subpixel rendering on linux.


As you can see in the picture, the rest of the desktop has subpixel rendering disabled and full hinting enabled which gives me the sharp and clear fonts I want while telegram's fonts look butt ugly.

iMarwan-k commented 8 years ago

I use iMac, oh I can't tell you guys how hard to read anything from the desktop app, it's sooooooooo small. I really hope they will add this feature

ammardev commented 8 years ago

It's important feature and should be add. The font for Arabic language is very small. You should add options for choosing font for every language and add change font size feature.

this photo is showing how much that the font is small :


ranisalt commented 8 years ago

Please do it. I don't know what font Telegram expects my system to have, but I don't and I just can not see code. At all.


Leindurstit commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans for a font choice to be offered? The default thin font is difficult to read, and the fact that using the custom scaling keeps the font still razor-thin is very annoying. At least offer something like a simple 'Bold Fonts' toggle, like the system-wide setting offered on iOS for accessibility purposes.

Revod commented 7 years ago

Any news about this?

Qwerty-Space commented 7 years ago

@Revod I'm afraid not.

pmnxis commented 7 years ago

Please allow us to change font and size. This makes me tired

SafaAlfulaij commented 7 years ago

This is one of the main reasons why I deleted my Telegram account. The developers doesn't care about the user and what he needs. The Android version sourcecode didn't get updated since 2 months. There is no "issues" section to report about issues. This issue is opened since 2 years (and it's a feature that even a notepad provides). The structure of the Desktop app is just missed up. A new translation engine that miss important features like plurals (Nope, providing zero, one, other as variables isn't what plural forms is. It is like 3 different strings that limit the translator.) A request has been done to join the Arabic translations team, after many questions and answers from the support, waited 6 months for a feedback but never got it.

TopSpoiler commented 7 years ago

2016-08-08 1

Current Korean font 'Gulim' is too thin for high DPI displays. Should be able to change something like 'Malgun Gothic'.

anna-hope commented 7 years ago

It's ridiculous that this has been an issue for 2 years now. The user should be able to choose what font and what size they want the app to use.

The current font is too small on high-DPI displays, and the app does not honour the system's scaling settings. It's even worse for non-Latin based scripts: As a couple of people above have mentioned, Persian (and, therefore, Arabic) are impossibly tiny.

This issue makes me not want to use Telegram on my computer, because looking at the tiny fonts gives me a headache. I don't know why we can't get a choice.

omarabid commented 7 years ago

I stopped using Telegram for this exact same reason.

rclaver commented 7 years ago

The font size 12 in Telegram for Android v.3.11.2 is very large. It is necessary to dispose the small font size: 11, 10, 9

bardiarastin commented 7 years ago

in my opinion also a dark theme is necessary ... it kills my eyes in the night ...

biopolyhedron commented 7 years ago

In PC telegram, Mongolian is displayed totally wrong, that is, all the letters are separate, without being linked and transformed as it should be. (The same text ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ) image image

foxmajik commented 7 years ago

This basic feature was requested over 2 years ago.

This is day one functionality would be trivial to implement.

Please get it done.

stek29 commented 7 years ago

Trivial to implement

I doubt it is.

ranisalt commented 7 years ago

I doubt it is.

I'm pretty sure it's harder to select your own fonts than use system defaults anywhere. To hardcode a font you explicitly need to set it.

benbenolson commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it's definitely easier to just leave it to use the system default. Changing the font in the source code, which I've done locally, is as easy as replacing their hardcoded font with "sanserif" or whatever. It's just irritating that that's not the default. I mean, they even had to specifically include the otf or ttf files in the package.

On Oct 10, 2016 7:00 PM, "Ranieri Althoff" wrote:

I doubt it is.

I'm pretty sure it's harder to select your own fonts than use system defaults anywhere. To hardcode a font you explicitly need to set it.

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par6n commented 7 years ago

@benbenolson How did you do it locally? Did you compile your own version?

stek29 commented 7 years ago

@EhsaanF There's no other way (sane), so I think he did

ghost commented 7 years ago

@telegramdesktop any road map to finish this feature ?