Closed telegraphic closed 1 year ago
Proof-of-concept code:
import numpy as np
import h5py
from astropy import units
import healpy as hp
import ephem
from .component_data import GSM2016_FILEPATH
from .plot_utils import show_plt
from .base_observer import BaseObserver
from .base_skymodel import BaseSkyModel
kB = 1.38065e-23
C = 2.99792e8
h = 6.62607e-34
T = 2.725
hoverk = h / kB
def K_CMB2MJysr(K_CMB, nu):#in Kelvin and Hz
B_nu = 2 * (h * nu)* (nu / C)**2 / (np.exp(hoverk * nu / T) - 1)
conversion_factor = (B_nu * C / nu / T)**2 / 2 * np.exp(hoverk * nu / T) / kB
return K_CMB * conversion_factor * 1e20#1e-26 for Jy and 1e6 for MJy
def K_RJ2MJysr(K_RJ, nu):#in Kelvin and Hz
conversion_factor = 2 * (nu / C)**2 * kB
return K_RJ * conversion_factor * 1e20#1e-26 for Jy and 1e6 for MJy
def rotate_map(hmap, rot_theta, rot_phi, nest=True):
nside = hp.npix2nside(len(hmap))
# Get theta, phi for non-rotated map
t, p = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)), nest= nest) # theta, phi
# Define a rotator
r = hp.Rotator(deg=False, rot=[rot_phi, rot_theta])
# Get theta, phi under rotated co-ordinates
trot, prot = r(t, p)
# Inerpolate map onto these co-ordinates
rot_map = hp.get_interp_val(hmap, trot, prot, nest= nest)
return rot_map
class GlobalSkyModel2016(BaseSkyModel):
""" Global sky model (GSM) class for generating sky models.
def __init__(self, freq_unit='MHz', data_unit='TCMB', resolution='hi', theta_rot=0, phi_rot=0):
""" Global sky model (GSM) class for generating sky models.
Upon initialization, the map PCA data are loaded into memory and interpolation
functions are pre-computed.
freq_unit: 'Hz', 'MHz', or 'GHz'
Unit of frequency. Defaults to 'MHz'.
data_unit: 'MJysr', 'TCMB', 'TRJ'
Unit of output data. MJy/Steradian, T_CMB in Kelvin, or T_RJ.
resolution: 'hi' or 'low'
Resolution of output map. Either 300 arcmin (low) or 24 arcmin (hi).
For frequencies under 10 GHz, output is 48 arcmin.
if data_unit not in ['MJysr', 'TCMB', 'TRJ']:
raise RuntimeError("UNIT ERROR: %s not supported. Only MJysr, TCMB, TRJ are allowed." % data_unit)
if resolution.lower() in ('hi', 'high', 'h'):
resolution = 'hi'
elif resolution.lower() in ('low', 'lo', 'l'):
resolution = 'low'
raise RuntimeError("RESOLUTION ERROR: Must be either hi or low, not %s" % resolution)
super(GlobalSkyModel2016, self).__init__('GSM2016', GSM2016_FILEPATH, freq_unit, data_unit, basemap='')
self.resolution = resolution
# Map data to load
labels = ['Synchrotron', 'CMB', 'HI', 'Dust1', 'Dust2', 'Free-Free']
self.n_comp = len(labels)
if resolution=='hi':
self.nside = 1024
self.map_ni = np.array([self.h5['highres_%s_map'%lb][:] for lb in labels])
self.nside = 64
self.map_ni = np.array(self.h5['lowres_maps'])
self.spec_nf = self.h5['spectra'][:]
if theta_rot or phi_rot:
for i,map in enumerate(self.map_ni):
self.map_ni[i] = rotate_map(map, theta_rot, phi_rot, nest=True)
def generate(self, freqs, freq_min, freq_max):
""" Generate a global sky model at a given frequency or frequencies
freqs: float or np.array
Frequency for which to return GSM model
gsm: np.array
Global sky model in healpix format, with NSIDE=1024. Output map
is in galactic coordinates, ring format.
# convert frequency values into Hz
freqs = np.array(freqs) * units.Unit(self.freq_unit)
freq_min = np.array(freq_min) * units.Unit(self.freq_unit)
freq_max = np.array(freq_max) * units.Unit(self.freq_unit)
freqs_ghz ='GHz').value
freq_min_ghz ='GHz').value
freq_max_ghz ='GHz').value
if isinstance(freqs_ghz, float):
freqs_ghz = np.array([freqs_ghz])
assert np.min(freqs_ghz) >= 0.01
assert np.max(freqs_ghz) <= 5000
except AssertionError:
raise RuntimeError("Frequency values lie outside 10 MHz < f < 5 THz: %s")
map_ni = self.map_ni
# if self.resolution == 'hi':
# map_ni = self.map_ni_hr
# else:
# map_ni = self.map_ni_lr
spec_nf = self.spec_nf
nfreq = spec_nf.shape[1]
output = np.zeros((len(freqs_ghz), map_ni.shape[1]), dtype='float32')
for ifreq, freq in enumerate(freqs_ghz):
left_index = -1
for i in range(nfreq - 1):
if spec_nf[0, i] <= freq <= spec_nf[0, i + 1]:
left_index = i
gleft_index = -1
for i in range(nfreq - 1):
if spec_nf[0, i] <= freq_min_ghz <= spec_nf[0, i + 1]:
left_index = i
gright_index = -1
for i in range(1, nfreq):
if spec_nf[0, i - 1] <= freq_max_ghz <= spec_nf[0, i]:
right_index = i
# Do the interpolation
# First determine the order of interpolation to use (only quadratic or linear in log(nu) supported)
if ((gright_index - gleft_index) == 2):
interp_spec_nf = np.copy(spec_nf)
interp_spec_nf[0:2] = np.log10(interp_spec_nf[0:2])
x0 = interp_spec_nf[0, gleft_index]
x1 = interp_spec_nf[0, gleft_index + 1]
x2 = interp_spec_nf[0, gleft_index + 2]
y0 = interp_spec_nf[1:, gleft_index]
y1 = interp_spec_nf[1:, gleft_index + 1]
y2 = interp_spec_nf[1:, gleft_index + 2]
x = np.log10(freq)
L0 = ((x-x1)*(x-x2))/((x0-x1)*(x0-x2))
L1 = ((x-x0)*(x-x2))/((x1-x0)*(x1-x2))
L2 = ((x-x0)*(x-x1))/((x2-x0)*(x2-x1))
interpolated_vals = y0*L0 + y1*L1 + y2*L2
output[ifreq] = np.sum(10.**interpolated_vals[0] * (interpolated_vals[1:, None] * map_ni), axis=0)
output[ifreq] = hp.pixelfunc.reorder(output[ifreq], n2r=True)
interp_spec_nf = np.copy(spec_nf)
interp_spec_nf[0:2] = np.log10(interp_spec_nf[0:2])
x0 = interp_spec_nf[0, left_index]
x1 = interp_spec_nf[0, left_index + 1]
y0 = interp_spec_nf[1:, left_index]
y1 = interp_spec_nf[1:, left_index + 1]
x = np.log10(freq)
interpolated_vals = (x * (y1 - y0) + x1 * y0 - x0 * y1) / (x1 - x0)
output[ifreq] = np.sum(10.**interpolated_vals[0] * (interpolated_vals[1:, None] * map_ni), axis=0)
output[ifreq] = hp.pixelfunc.reorder(output[ifreq], n2r=True)
if self.data_unit == 'TCMB':
conversion = 1. / K_CMB2MJysr(1., 1e9 * freq)
elif self.data_unit == 'TRJ':
conversion = 1. / K_RJ2MJysr(1., 1e9 * freq)
conversion = 1.
output[ifreq] *= conversion
# output.append(result)
if len(output) == 1:
output = output[0]
# map_data = np.row_stack(output)
self.generated_map_freqs = freqs
self.generated_map_data = output
return output
class GSMObserver2016(BaseObserver):
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize the Observer object.
Calls ephem.Observer.__init__ function and adds on gsm
super(GSMObserver2016, self).__init__(gsm=GlobalSkyModel2016)
Updated proof of concept code from R. Braun:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, pchip
import h5py
from astropy import units
import healpy as hp
import ephem
from .component_data import GSM2016_FILEPATH
from .plot_utils import show_plt
from .base_observer import BaseObserver
from .base_skymodel import BaseSkyModel
kB = 1.38065e-23
C = 2.99792e8
h = 6.62607e-34
T = 2.725
hoverk = h / kB
def K_CMB2MJysr(K_CMB, nu):#in Kelvin and Hz
B_nu = 2 * (h * nu)* (nu / C)**2 / (np.exp(hoverk * nu / T) - 1)
conversion_factor = (B_nu * C / nu / T)**2 / 2 * np.exp(hoverk * nu / T) / kB
return K_CMB * conversion_factor * 1e20#1e-26 for Jy and 1e6 for MJy
def K_RJ2MJysr(K_RJ, nu):#in Kelvin and Hz
conversion_factor = 2 * (nu / C)**2 * kB
return K_RJ * conversion_factor * 1e20#1e-26 for Jy and 1e6 for MJy
def rotate_map(hmap, rot_theta, rot_phi, nest=True):
nside = hp.npix2nside(len(hmap))
# Get theta, phi for non-rotated map
t, p = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)), nest= nest) # theta, phi
# Define a rotator
r = hp.Rotator(deg=False, rot=[rot_phi, rot_theta])
# Get theta, phi under rotated co-ordinates
trot, prot = r(t, p)
# Inerpolate map onto these co-ordinates
rot_map = hp.get_interp_val(hmap, trot, prot, nest= nest)
return rot_map
class GlobalSkyModel16(BaseSkyModel):
""" Global sky model (GSM) class for generating sky models.
def __init__(self, freq_unit='MHz', data_unit='TCMB', resolution='hi', theta_rot=0, phi_rot=0, interpolation='pchip'):
""" Global sky model (GSM) class for generating sky models.
Upon initialization, the map PCA data are loaded into memory and interpolation
functions are pre-computed.
freq_unit: 'Hz', 'MHz', or 'GHz'
Unit of frequency. Defaults to 'MHz'.
data_unit: 'MJysr', 'TCMB', 'TRJ'
Unit of output data. MJy/Steradian, T_CMB in Kelvin, or T_RJ.
resolution: 'hi' or 'low'
Resolution of output map. Either 300 arcmin (low) or 24 arcmin (hi).
For frequencies under 10 GHz, output is 48 arcmin.
interpolation: 'cubic' or 'pchip'
Choose whether to use cubic spline interpolation or
piecewise cubic hermitian interpolating polynomial (PCHIP).
PCHIP is designed to never locally overshoot data, whereas
splines are designed to have smooth first and second derivatives.
The scipy `interp1d` function does not allow one to explicitly
set second derivatives to zero at the endpoints, as is done in
the original GSM. As such, results will differ. Further, we default
to use PCHIP interpolation.
if data_unit not in ['MJysr', 'TCMB', 'TRJ']:
raise RuntimeError("UNIT ERROR: %s not supported. Only MJysr, TCMB, TRJ are allowed." % data_unit)
if resolution.lower() in ('hi', 'high', 'h'):
resolution = 'hi'
elif resolution.lower() in ('low', 'lo', 'l'):
resolution = 'low'
raise RuntimeError("RESOLUTION ERROR: Must be either hi or low, not %s" % resolution)
super(GlobalSkyModel16, self).__init__('GSM2016', GSM2016_FILEPATH, freq_unit, data_unit, basemap='')
self.interpolation_method = interpolation
self.resolution = resolution
# Map data to load
labels = ['Synchrotron', 'CMB', 'HI', 'Dust1', 'Dust2', 'Free-Free']
self.n_comp = len(labels)
if resolution=='hi':
self.nside = 1024
self.map_ni = np.array([self.h5['highres_%s_map'%lb][:] for lb in labels])
self.nside = 64
self.map_ni = np.array(self.h5['lowres_maps'])
self.spec_nf = self.h5['spectra'][:]
if theta_rot or phi_rot:
for i,map in enumerate(self.map_ni):
self.map_ni[i] = rotate_map(map, theta_rot, phi_rot, nest=True)
def generate(self, freqs):
""" Generate a global sky model at a given frequency or frequencies
freqs: float or np.array
Frequency for which to return GSM model
gsm: np.array
Global sky model in healpix format, with NSIDE=1024. Output map
is in galactic coordinates, ring format.
# convert frequency values into Hz
freqs = np.array(freqs) * units.Unit(self.freq_unit)
freqs_ghz ='GHz').value
if isinstance(freqs_ghz, float):
freqs_ghz = np.array([freqs_ghz])
assert np.min(freqs_ghz) >= 0.01
assert np.max(freqs_ghz) <= 5000
except AssertionError:
raise RuntimeError("Frequency values lie outside 10 MHz < f < 5 THz: %s")
map_ni = self.map_ni
# if self.resolution == 'hi':
# map_ni = self.map_ni_hr
# else:
# map_ni = self.map_ni_lr
spec_nf = self.spec_nf
nfreq = spec_nf.shape[1]
# Now borrow code from the orignal GSM2008 model to do a sensible interpolation
pca_freqs_ghz = spec_nf[0]
pca_scaling = spec_nf[1]
pca_comps = spec_nf[2:]
# Interpolate to the desired frequency values
ln_pca_freqs = np.log(pca_freqs_ghz)
if self.interpolation_method == 'cubic':
spl_scaling = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, np.log(pca_scaling), kind='cubic')
spl1 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[0], kind='cubic')
spl2 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[1], kind='cubic')
spl3 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[2], kind='cubic')
spl4 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[3], kind='cubic')
spl5 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[4], kind='cubic')
spl6 = interp1d(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[5], kind='cubic')
spl_scaling = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, np.log(pca_scaling))
spl1 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[0])
spl2 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[1])
spl3 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[2])
spl4 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[3])
spl5 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[4])
spl6 = pchip(ln_pca_freqs, pca_comps[5])
self.interp_comps = (spl_scaling, spl1, spl2, spl3, spl4, spl5, spl6)
ln_freqs = np.log(freqs_ghz)
comps = np.row_stack((spl1(ln_freqs), spl2(ln_freqs), spl3(ln_freqs), spl4(ln_freqs), spl5(ln_freqs), spl6(ln_freqs)))
scaling = np.exp(spl_scaling(ln_freqs))
# Finally, compute the dot product via einsum (awesome function)
# c=comp, f=freq, p=pixel. We want to dot product over c for each freq
#print comps.shape, self.pca_map_data.shape, scaling.shape
output = np.single(np.einsum('cf,pc,f->fp', comps, map_ni.T, scaling))
for ifreq, freq in enumerate(freqs_ghz):
output[ifreq] = hp.pixelfunc.reorder(output[ifreq], n2r=True)
if self.data_unit == 'TCMB':
conversion = 1. / K_CMB2MJysr(1., 1e9 * freq)
elif self.data_unit == 'TRJ':
conversion = 1. / K_RJ2MJysr(1., 1e9 * freq)
conversion = 1.
output[ifreq] *= conversion
# output.append(result)
if len(output) == 1:
output = output[0]
# map_data = np.row_stack(output)
self.generated_map_freqs = freqs
self.generated_map_data = output
return output
class GSMObserver16(BaseObserver):
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize the Observer object.
Calls ephem.Observer.__init__ function and adds on gsm
super(GSMObserver16, self).__init__(gsm=GlobalSkyModel16)
I've just tested this code, and it does get rid of the discontinuity:
def test_interp():
f = np.arange(40, 80, 5)
for interp in ('pchip', 'cubic'):
for SkyModel in (GlobalSkyModel, GlobalSkyModel16):
name = str(SkyModel).strip("<>").split('.')[-1].strip("' ")
gsm = SkyModel(freq_unit='MHz', interpolation=interp)
d = gsm.generate(f)
sky_spec = d.mean(axis=1)
fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(f, sky_spec, 5))(f)
plt.plot(f, sky_spec - fit, label=f'{name}: {interp}')
plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]")
plt.ylabel("Residual [K]")
Here, I am plotting the residuals after fitting a 5th order polynomial.
Curious that the cubic interpolation agrees between sky models, but the PCHIP gives larger residuals. I don't recall why I went out of my way to use PCHIP interpolation in the first place 🤔 .
Note: Issue based on discussions with R. Braun
There are discontinuities in the slope of the GSM2016 spectra, as seen here at 45 MHz:
(Fig 25, Price et al, 2018)
This kind of behaviour is quite problematic for foreground removal attempts if people are trying to get down to signal levels much fainter than the Galactic foreground.
Currently, the GSM2016 code is hard-wired for a linear interpolation in log(frequency) for every frequency that one wishes to generate. R. Braun suggests quadratic (or N>=2) interpolation instead.