telekom-security / tpotce

🍯 T-Pot - The All In One Multi Honeypot Platform 🐝
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.28k stars 1.03k forks source link

error del servidor web #1573

Closed jorge4684 closed 3 weeks ago

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

ya instalado todas las distribuciones y en ninguna me funciona la web me dice que el servidor esta ocupado y apagado y ya cheque y estan funcionando tanto docker como tpot

alguien que me pueda decir el porque esta pasando esto

nu11secur1ty commented 3 weeks ago

Could you please ask this in English? Thank you.

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

sorry I have already installed all the distributions and none of them work, the website tells me that the server is busy and turned off and I already checked and both docker and tpot are working

Can someone tell me why this is happening?

nu11secur1ty commented 3 weeks ago

Could you give me the hardware parameters of your machine, please? And how do you install the software, step by step? Best Regards

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

amd 8core 24gb ram After trying and trying so much I managed to access the website but since this repo doesn't create a user for me, I don't know how to enter it?

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm trying again with debian11 and the last repo which is the one that gave me access to the website but it won't let me enter for the same reason that it doesn't create me as a user, I'm going to try with the same debian

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

I imagine it fences at/or at home?

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

Excuse me if you create the username and the web password but it doesn't work, it tells me it's wrong

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

Screenshot 2024-06-06 172028

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

I already managed to enter but the kibana does not work and the attack map appears blank Screenshot 2024-06-06 172028 Screenshot 2024-06-06 193753 Screenshot 2024-06-06 201521 Screenshot 2024-06-06 201533 Screenshot 2024-06-06 201555 Screenshot 2024-06-06 201611

nu11secur1ty commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, it looks good, what is the method that you use, do you use the script for installation? Go ahead... So. First > follow the steps

git clone && cd tpotce && bash && sudo telinit 6

Then follow the steps

git clone && cd tpotce && bash

follow the steps and reboot, then everything will be ok! WARNING: Do not forget your credentials! ;)

more: link BR

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

I am working with virtualbox and it is the latest script that is published on github One question: would you know why I don't receive an attack and I don't appear on the attack map? Screenshot 2024-06-07 102424

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

The rest, everything is excellent, everything works 100%, I only have that little detail left that I don't appear online, it's as if the server was turned off.

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

Screenshot 2024-06-07 103009 I just realized that some things are also giving errors in the tpot and the meerkat

nu11secur1ty commented 3 weeks ago

Leave the system to collect enough information ;) BR & exit 0;

jorge4684 commented 3 weeks ago

thank you very much it has been a great help

nu11secur1ty commented 3 weeks ago

You are welcome, dear friend. =)