telekom / scale

Scale is the digital design system for Telekom products and experiences.
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File-Uploader #1645

Open KlonAnon opened 1 year ago

KlonAnon commented 1 year ago

Description and use case - File-Uploader I'd like to suggest a component to upload files. Maybe this already exists and I overlooked it, in that case I'd be sorry. In my opinion this is a component that is fairly often used. Files should be imported via a dropzone (drag and drop) or by choosing it form the computer filesystem. There should be the possibility to trigger a function when inserting the file or after pressing a button (the file could be uploaded directly after dropping it or after pressing a button, I don't know which one is better). The function should be something the developer defines himself (e.g. the logic to upload it to the server/database). Also I think there should be a way to make sure only the right files can be inserted (maybe it should only be allowed to upload a certain filetype or filesize)

Alernatives I've considered While it is possible to implement this on your own for example with a scale-modal as basis , I think it would be something nice to have directly. As I already mentioned, I think this is a component that needs to be implemented fairly often, so I think it would save time for the Telekom-Developer-Community to have this component implemented within this library.

Additional context This component could possibly look something like this: image

Leif-US commented 1 year ago

Gute Idee!

Vettl5 commented 1 year ago


Traciges commented 1 year ago

Wichtig und richtig

robertgebhard commented 10 months ago

Yes please we are building something similar. A one-size-fits-all solution would be awesome.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-06 um 14 23 33
Darkavid commented 3 months ago

any update on this one?