telekom / scale

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IDE | Autocomplete for web-components and their prop names and types #2056

Open Darkavid opened 1 year ago

Darkavid commented 1 year ago

Scale Version 3.0.0-beta.56

Framework and version Web-components with Vue3 and Vite.

Additional context Hi!

The documentation says: image

That is true, however, I think we can all agree that developer experience is not only about how cool something under the hood. Proxy packages were really great because they provided the autocomplete suggestions for components and props in the IDE (e.g.: WebStorm). Without them, all I have is custom web-components added run-time, totally unknown by the IDE. Meaning, I have to rely only on basically pure text when using your components, which makes the frontend code hard to maintain and to refactor.

Please, help me, if you remove the proxy packages, what alternatives do I have to avoid losing autocomplete functionality for your package? How am I going to have type-check and autocomplete for components & props?

Maybe I'm just missing something here 😃

Many thanks! Dave

christopherGdynia commented 1 year ago

Hello @Darkavid,

honestly I've never used vue yet,

I can give you a solution which worked for react and solid, maybe you can find a solution based on this one here

If you need more help, you can reach out to me :)


EDIT: Check this out, you should be able to modify the answer from the link above to view :)

Darkavid commented 3 months ago

Hello team, Hi @christopherGdynia,

I have found it:

We can use this output in VSCode to get autocompletion for your custom webelements. Otherwise, I'm just typing from the top of my head which is hardly considered to be a good DX in 2024.

Could you add this option to your stencil config for builds?

Thanks in advance!

Darkavid commented 3 months ago

An investigation with @christopherGdynia lead us to the following conclusions:

This makes this issue rather a bug than a support ticket.

Can you please fix this issue in your next release?