telekom / scale

Scale is the digital design system for Telekom products and experiences.
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Implementing Checkbox Toggle with Scale Components in React Data Grid #2152

Open henrisco82 opened 11 months ago

henrisco82 commented 11 months ago

Scale Version "@telekom/scale-components": "^3.0.0-beta.132", "@telekom/scale-components-react": "^3.0.0-beta.132"

Framework and version React "react": "^17.0.2"

Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 10 10 59 AM

Hello there,

I am trying to use a checkbox (switch) on data grid component in react that displays a list of users. I would like to be able to toggle the switch to activate or deactivate a user by calling a function. In other words, I will like to be able to respond to event when the switch(checkbox) is changed. I have tried using event handlers like onClick, onChange, onScaleChange but the function is not triggered. Please is there a way I can achieve this with Scale?

I have tried implementing it the following way

const rows = => ([,
          label: 'Activate',
          type: 'checkbox',
          onChange: () => {
            console.log('User Activation function here');

  const cols = [
      label: 'Email',
      label: 'Role',
      type: 'checkbox',
      label: 'Activate',
      style: 'switch',
      editable: true,
      sortable: true,

I have also noticed that the heading is the same as label of the switch. Is it possible to decouple them from each other?

Thanks a lot.

felix-ico commented 11 months ago

Hi @henrisco82, sorry for the late reply.

I'm not sure the checkbox field should be set like that, looking at the docs the checkbox field is just a boolean (true for active), and not a complex object like in your code snippet. So your rows should be defined as follows:

const rows = => ([,
    // if user object has an active property you could do:
    // ? true : false
    // judging by the mapped array name 'activeUsers' i guess they can only be deactivated

The scale-change event listener should be set on the ScaleDataGrid (or on window/document), so it would look something like this:

    onScaleChange={() => {console.log('changed', rows}}

and this should log the rows with the updated values (when switched off they will be false).

I based my answer on a little, where a somewhat similar issue was described, perhaps that can help you too.

Regarding the switch label, this seems not possible with the current implementation, and adding this would be a feature request (btw scale users are always welcome to open pull requests for such improvements 🤓).