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Provide Homebrew release of OSS version "tel2oss" of Telepresence #3609

Open tonur opened 3 weeks ago

tonur commented 3 weeks ago

I have implemented a sample Homebrew formula for the "tel2oss" here:

Please describe your use case / problem. Installing from a binary download link is not preferred, as the Telepresence install page for the standard release also suggests installation via brew. My use case would be much improved if I could install the "tel2oss" version of Telepresence with such a command: brew install datawire/blackbird/telepresence-oss

Describe the solution you'd like Add the "tel2oss" as a separate Homebrew formula as part of the release build which currently uses packaging/ to only release the "tel2" standard version.

The best solution would be to host this Homebrew formula on a Datawire controlled repository, likely the current Homebrew tap location for this: as a formula called "telepresence-oss". As mentioned, this formula for the "tel2oss" can perhaps serve as inspiration: This requires changes to the packaging/ file to automate new releases.

Describe alternatives you've considered Hosting the formula myself, but this is undesirable for other users, as a random Github users private repository is less trusted than the official Datawire controlled repository.

Versions (please complete the following information)

Additional context This applies only to MacBook and perhaps Linux, as these are the only users of Homebrew.

tonur commented 1 week ago

I could try my luck at adding this feature by modifying the same files as in #3282. I can make a Pull Request this afternoon, if this is something Telepresence/DataWire is okay with.