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Kendo grid Inline Editing not working with the grouping #4311

Closed SahilHamand closed 4 weeks ago

SahilHamand commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug If I edit the cell with inline editing, it works, but inline editing does not work with column grouping. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Group the column header and then try to edit the cell The cell value is not working as expected. HTML :-

<kendo-grid kendoGridExpandGroupBy id="my-grid" [groupsInitiallyExpanded]="initiallyExpanded" [(expandedGroupKeys)]="expandedGroupKeys" [columnMenu]="{ filter: true }" [kendoGridBinding]="advanceGridData" [hidden]="!isAdvanceGrid" [ngClass]="{'report-display-none': !(groups.length > 0 || aggregates.length >0) }" [filter]="state.filter" [navigable]="true" [groupable]="true" [height]="'auto'" [resizable]="true" [skip]="state.skip" class="grid-page-number" [filterable]="isFilter" [sortable]="{mode:'multiple'}" [sort]="sort" [group]="groups" (cellClick)="cellClickHandler($event)" (cellClose)="cellCloseHandler($event)" (filterChange)="applyFilter($event)" (sortChange)="sortChange($event)" (columnVisibilityChange)="checkHiddenColumns($event)" (groupChange)="groupChange($event)" (dataStateChange)="dataStateChange($event)" (keydown)="keyPress($event)" (excelExport)="onExcelExport($event)" [kendoGridSelectBy]="selectedKey" [selectedKeys]="excludedRow" [selectable]="{enabled: true, checkboxOnly: true }" >

                         <kendo-grid-column *ngFor="let header of headers"
                                   [field]="'[\'' + header.field + '\']'"
                                   [headerStyle]="{'font-weight': 'bold'}"
                                   [style]="{'background-color': header['backgroundColor'], 'color':header['textColor'], 'text-align': header['alignment'], 'border-bottom':header['backgroundColor']? '1px solid #A9A9A9': ''}">


public cellClickHandler(args: any) { const { sender, rowIndex, columnIndex, dataItem, isEdited, column } = args; this.isEditingCell = true; this.currentlyEditingDataItem = dataItem; sender.editCell(rowIndex, columnIndex, this.createFormGroup(dataItem, column)); this.editedRowIndex = rowIndex; }

public createFormGroup(dataItem: any, column): FormGroup {
    const formGroup ={});
    const propertyName: string = column.field;
    const normalizedKey = Array.isArray(propertyName) ? propertyName[0] : propertyName;
    formGroup.addControl(normalizedKey, this.formBuilder.control(dataItem[normalizedKey]));
    formGroup.valueChanges.subscribe(formValues => {
        Object.keys(formValues).forEach(key => {
            const normalizedFormKey = Array.isArray(key) ? key[0] : key;
            dataItem[normalizedFormKey] = formValues[key];

    return formGroup;
cellCloseHandler(args) {
    const { formGroup, dataItem, column } = args;
    if (!formGroup.valid) {
    } else if (formGroup.dirty) {
        this.editService.assignValues(dataItem, formGroup.value);

        if (this.editedRowIndex !== -1) {
            const fieldName = column.field.replace(/[\[\]']+/g, '');

            Object.keys(formGroup.value).forEach(key => {
                this.headers.forEach(item => {
                    if (fieldName === item.title) {
                        const updatedValueAsString = formGroup.value[key];
                        if (item.dataType === 'Float') {
                             this.updatedValue = parseFloat(updatedValueAsString);
                        } else if (item.dataType === 'Integer') {
                            this.updatedValue = parseFloat(updatedValueAsString);
                        } else {
                            this.updatedValue = updatedValueAsString;

                        this.advanceGridData[this.editedRowIndex][fieldName] = this.updatedValue;
               = aggregateBy(this.advanceGridData, this.aggregates);

Expected behavior It should replace the ordiginal value with edited value while grouping the column Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

dtopalov commented 4 weeks ago

Hello @SahilHamand,

This repository is for bug reports only. If you need assistance with specific scenario setup or component configuration, please open a ticket in our support system.