telerik / kendo-react

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Manually installing the entire Kendo UI React library #2313

Open tachyon1337 opened 3 months ago

tachyon1337 commented 3 months ago

I'm submitting a...

An issue with manual installation.

Current behavior

yarn add @progress/kendo-react-all

only installs a kendo-react-all.js distributable accompanied by a "has unmet peer dependency" error for each individual component.

Expected behavior

yarn add @progress/kendo-react-all

installs all components of the kendo react ui library that can then be directly imported into an es6 module for use.

Additional Question

From reading current issues, there appear to be refactored code issues w/ 7.4.0-8.00 with no fixes that have yet to make it to a production. What is the last stable release to use without having to worry about build issues from naming conflicts?


Mac OS Catalina Node 14.1.0

iadnonov commented 3 months ago

Hi, @tachyon1337,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It will be very helpful for us and I will appreciate if you can share why you prefer to use @progress/kendo-react-all instead of individual projects? Also, which are the issues you mention that still are not in production?
