Closed RafaelMontegordoFelix closed 6 years ago
Thank you for reporting this, @RafaelMontegordoFelix , we will strive to release a fix for this problem with a new version of the theme by the end of the week.
Thank you very much.
Hello guys, was this fix pushed to version 2.51.0?
Yes, here is a sample that shows this with the latest theme.
Hello, After Upgrading to version 2.50.0, i started to get red color on some text.
I find that a new style was introduced ->[class*=-wrap].
As i was using a class called content-wrapper in my form, so when the ng-invalid and ng-touched is set on the form, all the text become red.
I believe that allot of people are using names that contains "-wrap" and, so i know that you wouldn't put this class and break all that css.
My question is how can i use classes that contains "-wrap" and continue updating kendo ui theme package?