telerik / kendo-themes

Monorepo for SASS-based Kendo UI themes
148 stars 70 forks source link

Unable to customize the theme #707

Closed blemaire closed 5 years ago

blemaire commented 5 years ago

I'm submitting a ...

Current behavior

According to the documentation, the recommended method to customise the theme is to use our project build tool:

(Recommended) Use the build process of your application (webpack/angular-cli)—This approach simplifies upgrades to new component and theme package versions.

This is however no longer working due to the extension of compound selectors in some of the theme files:

There are probably more instances of this.

Expected behavior

We should be able to build from the scss source files.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

Currently attempting to reproduce in stackblitz

What is the motivation or use case for changing the behavior?



Package versions:

nwa-uikit-web-demo@0.2.6 /Users/bastien.lemaire/workspace/nwa-uikit-web
├── @angular-devkit/build-angular@0.13.8
├── @angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr@0.13.8
├── @angular/animations@7.2.13
├── @angular/cli@7.3.8
├── @angular/common@7.2.13
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/compiler@7.2.13
├── @angular/compiler-cli@7.2.14
├── @angular/core@7.2.13
├── @angular/forms@7.2.13
├── @angular/language-service@7.2.14
├── @angular/platform-browser@7.2.13
├── @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@7.2.13
├── @angular/router@7.2.13
├── @angularclass/hmr@2.1.3
├── @compodoc/compodoc@1.1.9
├── @ngx-prism/core@2.0.1
├── @ngxs/devtools-plugin@3.4.3
├── @ngxs/hmr-plugin@3.4.3
├── @ngxs/logger-plugin@3.4.3
├── @ngxs/schematics@0.0.1-alpha.5
├── @ngxs/store@3.4.3
├── @oclif/command@1.5.13
├── @oclif/config@1.12.12
├── @oclif/dev-cli@1.22.0
├── @oclif/plugin-help@2.1.6
├── @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available@1.7.0
├── @oclif/tslint@3.1.1
├── @progress/kendo-angular-buttons@4.4.0
├── @progress/kendo-angular-dateinputs@3.7.2
├── @progress/kendo-angular-dropdowns@3.5.3
├── @progress/kendo-angular-inputs@4.2.1
├── @progress/kendo-angular-intl@1.7.0
├── @progress/kendo-angular-l10n@1.4.0
├── @progress/kendo-angular-layout@3.3.0
├── @progress/kendo-angular-ripple@1.1.1
├── @progress/kendo-theme-material@2.4.1
├── @types/execa@0.9.0
├── @types/inquirer@6.0.0
├── @types/jasmine@3.3.12
├── @types/jasminewd2@2.0.6
├── @types/lodash@4.14.123
├── @types/node@11.11.8
├── @types/prismjs@1.16.0
├── chalk@2.4.2
├── classlist.js@1.1.20150312
├── cli-ux@5.2.1
├── codelyzer@4.5.0
├── core-js@2.6.5
├── del@4.1.0
├── execa@1.0.0
├── globby@8.0.2
├── gulp@4.0.1
├── gulp-watch@5.0.1
├── husky@1.3.1
├── inquirer@6.3.1
├── jasmine-core@3.3.0
├── jasmine-spec-reporter@4.2.1
├── karma@4.0.1
├── karma-chrome-launcher@2.2.0
├── karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@2.0.5
├── karma-jasmine@2.0.1
├── karma-jasmine-html-reporter@1.4.0
├── karma-scss-preprocessor@4.0.0
├── lint-staged@8.1.5
├── listr@0.14.3
├── lodash@4.17.11
├── lodash-es@4.17.11
├── matches-selector-polyfill@1.0.0
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY ng-packagr@5.1.0
├── ngx-build-plus@7.8.1
├── node-sass-package-importer@5.3.1
├── node-sass-tilde-importer@2.0.0-alpha.1
├── path@0.12.7
├── prettier@1.17.0
├── prismjs@1.16.0
├── protractor@5.4.2
├── rxjs@6.5.1
├── rxjs-compat@6.5.1
├── ts-node@8.0.3
├── tsickle@0.34.3
├── tslib@1.9.3
├── tslint@5.14.0
├── tslint-config-prettier@1.18.0
├── tslint-plugin-prettier@2.0.1
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY typescript@3.2.4
├── url-polyfill@1.1.5
├── web-animations-js@2.3.1
└── zone.js@0.8.29



I'm building the theme using angular cli (see version in npm ls logs) the command used is ng serve app --open --host --disable-host-check --port=6660

joneff commented 5 years ago

Dart-sass does not allow composite selectors inheritance. With #775 we added support for dart-sass compilation and since it was a breaking change we bumped the major version of the themes.