On a meeting on 2024-04-10 with Denitsa Pencheva, Preslav Atanasov, and Milen, was discussed:
lack of pages dedicated to a technology, namely ASP.NET Core and Blazor. DevEx have one: https://docs.devexpress.com/XtraReports/119717/web-reporting/aspnet-core-reporting. Right now our technology-specific pages mostly concern viewers, which is not the best presentation from user's point of view. DX have info about viewer, designer, Docker, cross-platform on their page. We will create such pages too, starting after Q2 release.
Dedicated page for VS Designer. Our page lacks structure, which is considered bad SEO practice. Needs to be structured like DX page (see recommendations on page 10 of linked doc "Reporting - Top 5 Keywords"
SEO optimizations in .md articles. Denitsa will send an article with specific suggestions.
On a meeting on 2024-04-10 with Denitsa Pencheva, Preslav Atanasov, and Milen, was discussed:
Documents: https://progresssoftware-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/pencheva_progress_com/EWR6Wy0vxA5LqEkbfM4ScS4BO-13l-mfFqUdUv19ALyCVQ?e=450Vcg https://progresssoftware.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/digitalmarketing/EXF863ZvUc1CgPZ9Tjup0oABHDuWJmJYh9u4JffkTZo2cA?e=4S3yNt