tellor-io / dataSpecs

Data specifications for oracle queries
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Change AwsSpotPrice to Morphware query type #33

Closed oraclown closed 2 years ago

oraclown commented 2 years ago

Rename AwsSpotPrice query type to Morphware, and include the changes discussed with the Morphware team:

The Morphware query type will have only one parameter, version, a uint256, which will map to a more detailed specification in docs on Morphware's end. It'll include info about the required data to report (return value), dispute considerations, and where reporters can find this data (e.g. APIs). This is similar how we refer to more detailed specs of the DivaProtocolPolygon query.

Why? Although, at first, they'll need only per-hour rental prices of a fixed list of Amazon Web Services (AWS) compute instances in a single region (zone), the region, the cloud provider, and the specific instance names may change in the future, or more may be added. Using a single parameter in the query data keeps things simple for the reporters. After decoding the version from the query data, they'll refer to the corresponding data specification on Morphware's end.

The return type will remain bytes to account for the possible change of Morphware query data specs.