telmomarques / xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks

Hacks for the Xiaomi Mi 360 1080p camera (MJSXJ02CM).
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Strange situation with mjsxj09cm #74

Open KhArtNJava opened 3 years ago

KhArtNJava commented 3 years ago

Hello. I've already successfully started RTSP on MJSXJ05CM ( ) and now I am working on mjsxj09cm.

I dumped firmware from camera with CH341A to backup.bin .

My script is

# extract firmware
mkdir -p files

dd if=backup.bin of=files/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2097152 skip=327680
dd if=backup.bin of=files/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7733248 skip=2424832
dd if=backup.bin of=files/data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=10158080
dd if=backup.bin of=files/vendor.bin bs=1 count=131072 skip=16646144

# patch jffs2 partition
sudo modprobe mtdblock
sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=6336
sudo dd if=files/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1
mkdir mount
sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mount

echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/

echo 'echo qqq >> /mnt/sdcard/qqq.txt' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/
echo '/mnt/sdcard/' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/

sudo chmod 755 mount/bin/

sudo umount mount
rmdir mount
sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=files/data.bin bs=1

# update flash backup
mkdir -p out
cp backup.bin -f out/flash.bin
dd if=files/kernel.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=2097152 seek=327680
dd if=files/rootfs.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=7733248 seek=2424832
dd if=files/data.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=6488064 seek=10158080
dd if=files/vendor.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=131072 seek=16646144

sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w out/flash.bin

The board of mjsxj09cm is same to MJSXJ05CM board

20201127_202639 20201127_202812

Here is dump of it

The camera has different authorisation in Mi Home process - after QR code it saying in Chinese randomly generated 4 digit password, that you should type in Mi Home App. I used Google Audio Translate to understand those 4 digits.

The problem is that they are possibly changed something in firmware, because it can't start *.sh file from sdcard.

I especially added line in the code echo 'echo qqq >> /mnt/sdcard/qqq.txt' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/ To check that it can access sdcard. In result, /mnt/sdcard/qqq.txt created with qqq text, so it can access sdcard.

But /mnt/sdcard/ doesn't execute, in log/diagnosis.txt there is an error

/mnt/data/bin/ line 3: /mnt/sdcard/ not found

Log folder archive

main() {
  # start telnet
  /mnt/sdcard/busybox telnetd

if [ ! -f /tmp/.override ]; then
 touch /tmp/.override

May be they are locked execution of *.sh scripts on sdcard? How to make it run sh scripts?

And yeah, I checked many times, and busybox are on my sdcard, sdcard are recognizable in Mi Home app in camera settings, camera writing videos on it successfully. The similar configuration works well on MJSXJ05CM.

xrays72 commented 3 years ago

Привет, Артур. Получается завести RTSP на mjsxj09cm?

KhArtNJava commented 3 years ago

Привет, Артур. Получается завести RTSP на mjsxj09cm?

Пока что не занимался, времени не было... Постараюсь на днях время выкроить, собрать для ipc029 frame grabber.

xrays72 commented 3 years ago

Спасибо, очень бы хотелось RTSP получить с этой камеры, а если бы прошивка с хаком была и завести эту камеру в home assistant, то вообще бы сказка была =)

wangshuo2020 commented 3 years ago

Hello bro, can rtsp work on mjsxj09cm now?

cstrassburg commented 3 years ago

You have to change your script :


echo qqq >> /mnt/sdcard/qqq.txt
exec /mnt/sdcard/ &

You have to use exec because there are is no x (execute) bit on the fat file and send it to background with &

cstrassburg commented 3 years ago

@KhArtNJava If you have already read out the flash chip, why don't you change the init.d scripts directly? you can add a hook or call a telnetd / ssh inside the rootfs or data jffs2 partition?

SubZero77 commented 2 years ago

Привет, Артур. Получается завести RTSP на mjsxj09cm?

Пока что не занимался, времени не было... Постараюсь на днях время выкроить, собрать для ipc029 frame grabber.

Дружище привет! Я готов заплатить за взлом этой камеры. Купил себе 2 таких и понял что это развод от Xiaomi. Хочу чистую rtsp и onvif без всяких китайских серверов :) (5 т.р. за взлом готов отдать)

nickthegreek commented 2 years ago

I assume you're using Windows to create the override script. You need to do EOL conversion. If you use Notepad++ go to Edit->EOF conversion -> Unix(LF).

Alternatively run dos2unix -u

dpolyakov commented 2 years ago

@KhArtNJava this link may be help

SuperJack1967 commented 2 years ago

Hi Artur, Can you have any news in your work with RTSP on MJSXJ05CM?

usehelloworld commented 2 years ago framegrabber from ipc019

Hello, I'm running now MJSXJ09CM with following steps:

  1. Connect to serial console
  2. boot with:
    setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs ro init=/bin/sh LX_MEM=0x3fe0000 mma_heap=mma_heap_name0,miu=0,sz=0x1400000 mma_memblock_remove=1
    sf probe 0;sf read 0x22000000 ${sf_kernel_start} ${sf_kernel_size};bootm 0x22000000
  3. mount data mount /dev/mtdblock3 /tmp -t jffs2
  4. create file and update
    echo "#!/bin/sh" >
    echo "/mnt/sdcard/busybox-armv7l telnetd &" >>
    echo "mkfifo /tmp/f" >>
    echo "mkfifo /tmp/s" >>
    echo "/mnt/data/bin/framegrabber -f /tmp/f -c 0 2>&1 >/dev/null &" >>
    echo "/mnt/data/bin/framegrabber -f /tmp/s -c 1 2>&1 >/dev/null &" >>
    echo "/mnt/data/bin/rtspserver -m /tmp/f -s /tmp/s -c /mnt/data/bin/config.json  2>&1 >/dev/null &" >>
    chmod +x
    echo "#!/bin/sh">
    echo "">>
    echo "case \"\$2\" in">>
    echo "    CONNECTED)">>
    echo "    pidof framegrabber && echo \"running fg\" || /mnt/data/bin/">>
    echo "  PID=\`/bin/pidof udhcpc\`;">>
    echo "        /bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $PID;">>
    echo "  ;;">>
    echo "    DISCONNECTED)">>
    echo "        ;;">>
    echo "esac">>
    chmod +x
  5. delete sound files (cn,hk,en) to have some free space, keep only en/error and link everything to that
    cd /tmp/sound/hk
    rm -f 5GHz_wifi_supported
    rm -f alarm1
    rm -f alarm2
    rm -f alarm3
    rm -f binding_fail
    rm -f binding_success
    rm -f booting
    rm -f connecting_pease_wait
    rm -f ding
    rm -f error
    rm -f numb_eight
    rm -f numb_five
    rm -f numb_four
    rm -f numb_nine
    rm -f numb_one
    rm -f numb_seven
    rm -f numb_six
    rm -f numb_three
    rm -f numb_two
    rm -f numb_zero
    rm -f ota
    rm -f pincode_input
    rm -f pincode_supported1
    rm -f pincode_supported2
    rm -f qrcode_success
    rm -f qrcode_supported
    rm -f reset_success
    rm -f waiting_connection
    rm -f wifi_connected
    rm -f wlan_passwd_err
    ln -s ../en/error 5GHz_wifi_supported
    ln -s ../en/error alarm1
    ln -s ../en/error alarm2
    ln -s ../en/error alarm3
    ln -s ../en/error binding_fail
    ln -s ../en/error binding_success
    ln -s ../en/error booting
    ln -s ../en/error connecting_pease_wait
    ln -s ../en/error ding
    ln -s ../en/error error
    ln -s ../en/error numb_eight
    ln -s ../en/error numb_five
    ln -s ../en/error numb_four
    ln -s ../en/error numb_nine
    ln -s ../en/error numb_one
    ln -s ../en/error numb_seven
    ln -s ../en/error numb_six
    ln -s ../en/error numb_three
    ln -s ../en/error numb_two
    ln -s ../en/error numb_zero
    ln -s ../en/error ota
    ln -s ../en/error pincode_input
    ln -s ../en/error pincode_supported1
    ln -s ../en/error pincode_supported2
    ln -s ../en/error qrcode_success
    ln -s ../en/error qrcode_supported
    ln -s ../en/error reset_success
    ln -s ../en/error waiting_connection
    ln -s ../en/error wifi_connected
    ln -s ../en/error wlan_passwd_err

cd /tmp/sound/cn rm -f 5GHz_wifi_supported rm -f alarm1 rm -f alarm2 rm -f alarm3 rm -f binding_fail rm -f binding_success rm -f booting rm -f connecting_pease_wait rm -f ding rm -f error rm -f numb_eight rm -f numb_five rm -f numb_four rm -f numb_nine rm -f numb_one rm -f numb_seven rm -f numb_six rm -f numb_three rm -f numb_two rm -f numb_zero rm -f ota rm -f pincode_input rm -f pincode_supported1 rm -f pincode_supported2 rm -f qrcode_success rm -f qrcode_supported rm -f reset_success rm -f waiting_connection rm -f wifi_connected rm -f wlan_passwd_err ln -s ../en/error 5GHz_wifi_supported ln -s ../en/error alarm1 ln -s ../en/error alarm2 ln -s ../en/error alarm3 ln -s ../en/error binding_fail ln -s ../en/error binding_success ln -s ../en/error booting ln -s ../en/error connecting_pease_wait ln -s ../en/error ding ln -s ../en/error error ln -s ../en/error numb_eight ln -s ../en/error numb_five ln -s ../en/error numb_four ln -s ../en/error numb_nine ln -s ../en/error numb_one ln -s ../en/error numb_seven ln -s ../en/error numb_six ln -s ../en/error numb_three ln -s ../en/error numb_two ln -s ../en/error numb_zero ln -s ../en/error ota ln -s ../en/error pincode_input ln -s ../en/error pincode_supported1 ln -s ../en/error pincode_supported2 ln -s ../en/error qrcode_success ln -s ../en/error qrcode_supported ln -s ../en/error reset_success ln -s ../en/error waiting_connection ln -s ../en/error wifi_connected ln -s ../en/error wlan_passwd_err

cd /tmp/sound/en rm -f 5GHz_wifi_supported rm -f alarm1 rm -f alarm2 rm -f alarm3 rm -f binding_fail rm -f binding_success rm -f booting rm -f connecting_pease_wait rm -f ding rm -f numb_eight rm -f numb_five rm -f numb_four rm -f numb_nine rm -f numb_one rm -f numb_seven rm -f numb_six rm -f numb_three rm -f numb_two rm -f numb_zero rm -f ota rm -f pincode_input rm -f pincode_supported1 rm -f pincode_supported2 rm -f qrcode_success rm -f qrcode_supported rm -f reset_success rm -f waiting_connection rm -f wifi_connected rm -f wlan_passwd_err ln -s error 5GHz_wifi_supported ln -s error alarm1 ln -s error alarm2 ln -s error alarm3 ln -s error binding_fail ln -s error binding_success ln -s error booting ln -s error connecting_pease_wait ln -s error ding ln -s error numb_eight ln -s error numb_five ln -s error numb_four ln -s error numb_nine ln -s error numb_one ln -s error numb_seven ln -s error numb_six ln -s error numb_three ln -s error numb_two ln -s error numb_zero ln -s error ota ln -s error pincode_input ln -s error pincode_supported1 ln -s error pincode_supported2 ln -s error qrcode_success ln -s error qrcode_supported ln -s error reset_success ln -s error waiting_connection ln -s error wifi_connected ln -s error wlan_passwd_err

6. unmount partition

cd / umount /tmp

7. copy files to sdcard root
8. insert sdcard to camera
9. reboot - disconnect power, connect power
10. now telnet should run, so we can connect
11. copy files [framegrabber,rtspserver,config.json] from sdcard to  /mnt/data/bin

cp /mnt/sdcard/framegrabber /mnt/data/bin/ cp /mnt/sdcard/rtspserver /mnt/data/bin/ cp /mnt/sdcard/config.json /mnt/data/bin/

12. reboot - disconnect power, connect power
13. rtsp stream should start at rtsp://<IP_ADDR>:8554/mainstream

Any idea how to compile framegrabber from source? I tried to compile/crosscompile but without success (cannot compile or if it is compiled then it is not running on camera).
valentinbaud commented 2 years ago

Hello! Do you have any update on this issue ? Maybe consider doing a fork like for the mjsxj05cm. BR

WooDeNDark commented 2 years ago

Same problem. There is very little left, but here it is =(

darkfuncat commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I recently bought a MJSXJ09CM and custom firmware seems to be the only way to use this cam (dont want chinese servers). I understand that there is a way to hack whith a serial wired disasembled camera, but is it possible to hack/flash the camera only via sdcard ? I successfully hacked an old MJSXJ02HL with another project (full root access with only flash sd), but this model is much better. Many thanks !

chicaneau commented 2 years ago

@usehelloworld how did you connect the camera to your wifi? there doesnt appear to be anywhere to configure SSID and pass? for some reason mine wouldnt connect with mi home, hence trying to use a custom solution. I have shell access over UART and managed to run your command sequence above, however no wifi makes it kinda useless.


mrpg99 commented 2 years ago

Would love to get onvif / rtsp support on the mjsxj09cm model, is it possible with some form of sdcard hack?

moreni57 commented 1 year ago

one have the solution for hack RTSP MJSXJ09CM

M4K14 commented 1 year ago

@usehelloworld I formatted the sd-card as a FAT partition and then copied your 6 files inside the root of it. unplugged the MJSXJ09CM camera and inserted the sd-card inside. plugged it again to the power and tried to telnet local_ip 80 but it rejected the telnet. I use windows 10. telnet is enabled and usable on the machine. used two different sd-cards with no chance. any idea on how I can solve this issue?

r-science commented 1 year ago

@usehelloworld I formatted the sd-card as a FAT partition and then copied your 6 files inside the root of it. unplugged the MJSXJ09CM camera and inserted the sd-card inside. plugged it again to the power and tried to telnet local_ip 80 but it rejected the telnet. I use windows 10. telnet is enabled and usable on the machine. used two different sd-cards with no chance. any idea on how I can solve this issue?

@Agha-Shadi remember to "cd /tmp/bin" before 4. step from usehelloworld tutorial :)

glemag commented 1 year ago

Can't get this camera to HA, any updates?

geldelo commented 1 year ago

Can't get this camera to HA, any updates?

Рабочего варианта по интеграции в HA нет. Единственное решение RTSP, но я не пробовал, предложил выше usehelloworld, но там паять надо…

geldelo commented 1 year ago

ARMarchetti commented 9 months ago

Hi. Not sure if this project is complete and if you managed to get this working for the MJSXJ09CM. If so pls can you help me to get RTSP hack on my cameras. Sorry I am a NOOB to this so any help would be appreciated.

nik-prostok commented 8 months ago