telmomarques / xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks

Hacks for the Xiaomi Mi 360 1080p camera (MJSXJ02CM).
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FW downgrade not possible #9

Closed seeers closed 5 years ago

seeers commented 5 years ago

unfortunately i cannot downgrade from FW 3.4.2_0077 to 3.4.2_0062 the file tf_recovery.img will be renamed to tf_recovery.img.bak after power on.

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

That's part of the normal flashing procedure. After the camera finishes flashing, the file is renamed "tf_recovery.img.bak"

Please confirm that the downgrade was successful.

seeers commented 5 years ago

I just tried it again. All files deleted from the SD card, just an empty log folder and the file tf_recovery.img in root. The yellow LED lights for about 15 seconds, then the camera pans back and forth and glows green. In the Mi Home app I checked for new firmware: Firmware is current: 3.4.2_0077 On the SD card, the file was renamed to tf_recovery.img.bak.

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

Is there any log file in the SD Card after the procedure? Is yes, please share it. Also, please confirm the model of your camera. You stated the led glows green but MJSXJ02CM should glow blue.

seeers commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately there is no logfile after the update start, only at the second start there is one (attached). Of course, in the led I meant blue and not green :) It is also the model MJSXJ02CM. I dismantled the camera the CPU is an ARM MSC313E, MediaTek MT7601U Wifi IC, an unknown IC "MS41929" (presumably the stepper driver) and a W25Q128FV (128M-bit) serial flash memory

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

Since you've opened the camera, any chance you have a USB FTDI adapter? That way you can get a serial monitor and see what's happening during the flashing procedure.

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

@seeers any news?

seeers commented 5 years ago

campcb Not until now. I am not sure if the RX0 / TX0 are on the board of the CPU or if it is DI DO from the flash memory. I'm trying to find out this evening.

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

The RX0 and TX0 (marked red) are the right pads. Just connects those to the USB adapter and power on the camera.

seeers commented 5 years ago

I got a boot log :) ... RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4a86ea0! RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4a86ba8! Start detecting tf_recovery.img /mnt/sdcard/tf_recovery.img exist, will rename RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4a86bdc! it to /mnt/sdcard/tf_recovery.img.bak RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4a86c10! RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4b081fc! Starting netcheck... .... output_2019-03-11_19-32-20.log

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

Weird, I can see you have "tf_recpvery.img" in the SDCard because of this:

Start detecting tf_recovery.img
/mnt/sdcard/tf_recovery.img exist, will rename RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c4a86bdc!
it to /mnt/sdcard/tf_recovery.img.bak

But this is missing from the beginning of your bootlog:

read file start
reading tf_recovery.img
read len = 0, actlen = 16318544
data check start
Verifying singature using libsodium
Hashing 1048576 bytes, 0 %
Hashing 1048576 bytes, 6 %

Are you sure the image file is not corrupt?

seeers commented 5 years ago

I tried two different image files, one from here and one from (maybe the same? ) I'll try another SD card.

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

Yes, they should be the same, that's where I got it too. Is the SDCard formatted as FAT32?

seeers commented 5 years ago

it could have been so easy ... other sd card and it works .... thak you

telmomarques commented 5 years ago

It's more fun when thing's aren't easy! Glad everything worked out.

RFXMed commented 4 years ago

Thanks ... I flash my camera ... i access to telnet but i want now to get rtps stream ... How i can ? In VLC rtps://ip don't work ...

telmomarques commented 4 years ago

Hi @RFXMed! As stated in the repo readme, RTSP is not yet available. We're still working on that...

RFXMed commented 4 years ago

Thanks .... I understand after ... I would like to use camera with a domotics box ... Is it easy to make an http server to access to a grab jpg picture ?

telmomarques commented 4 years ago

Hi, there's currently no functionality to support that. Feel free to follow the conversation on telegram (you can find a link in another issue, here on github)!

pedrosimao commented 1 year ago

@seeers I am also facing the same issue. I have tried a 32gb card and a 64gb one. I had no luck with any of those. Can you better describe the card you have used with success and how you formatted it?

tomec7 commented 5 months ago

facing the same. tried 4 different luck. formatted by camera to FAT32. formatted by PC to luck. can we have details about SD card which worked? thank you

wwwDESIGN-basti commented 3 months ago

same here.