telmomarques / xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks

Hacks for the Xiaomi Mi 360 1080p camera (MJSXJ02CM).
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Mi360 2k Pro MJSXJ06CM #91

Open tozzer opened 2 years ago

tozzer commented 2 years ago

In a similar vein has anyone had any luck with the MJSXJ06CM version of the camera? Mine came with 4.1.6 firmware installed, so I suspect downgrading to 3.x may not even be possible.

cvachta commented 2 years ago

I have same camera. I have firmware version 4.1.6_0309. Camera MJSXJ06CM factory id IPC021A04.

I have downloaded firmware from this

I'm not sure if the firmware can be unpacked, patched and reloaded without using a programmer - just with sdcard.

# Extract parts
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/header.bin bs=1 count=64 skip=0
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/xzdata.xz bs=1 count=2097088 skip=64
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/squashfs.bin bs=1 count=7733248 skip=2097152
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/jffs2.bin bs=1 skip=9830400

# Remove 0xFF from end of file
sed '$ s/\xff*$//' files/xzdata.xz > files/xzdata_without_pad.xz

# Unpack
xz -d files/xzdata_without_pad.xz
unsquashfs files/squashfs.bin
tomacoglu commented 2 years ago

Hello, any progress? Can we install it on Mi 360 2K, this hack? thanks.

yokrysty commented 2 years ago

my solution to not damage the board: dump the NOR flash using a SOIC test clip image a little tool to read UART using POGO pins and a wooden clip image image

AAngold commented 2 years ago

@yokrysty Can you list the equipment used for pulling the backup? (E.g. USB to SOIC Adaptor)

yokrysty commented 2 years ago


milhouse-dev commented 2 years ago

@yokrysty have you been successful with downgrading? If so, I would be very thankful if you could provide me with instructions on how to accomplish it. Thanks in advance!

yokrysty commented 2 years ago

I don't need downgrade, I am experimenting with OpenIPC and other personal development, but I don't see any reason why you can't downgrade when you connect directly to the NOR flash

milhouse-dev commented 2 years ago

I understand. Sorry, but I'm new to this IP cam stuff. OpenIPC looks pretty interesting :) I was looking to downgrade in order to have web access to the Xiaomi mentioned above. I have ordered the hardware and will try to figure out how to flash. Shouldn't be rocket science I guess. Thanks for your reply!

firedevel commented 2 years ago

I found an older version (4.0.6_0132) from here, but its factory id is IPC021 not IPC021A04.

firedevel commented 2 years ago

Now the latest version is 4.3.4_0372, I didn't find any link to download it. Does anyone find it?

delarqueen commented 1 year ago

i need 4.3.4_0372 recovery file please help me

xTREMIST33 commented 1 year ago

i need 4.3.4_0372 recovery file please help me

Has anyone find it? it keeps bricking when I try to update from XIAOMI HOME ME app

xTREMIST33 commented 1 year ago

Has anyone find 4.3.4_0372 recovery file / update file ? it keeps bricking when I try to update from XIAOMI HOME ME app

delarqueen commented 1 year ago

Has anyone find 4.3.4_0372 recovery file / update file ? it keeps bricking when I try to update from XIAOMI HOME ME app

I found and its work if you want to night i can attach

Antonisrrr commented 1 year ago

i fix it with this file

copy to sd car fat 32 tf_update.img leave the camera to rotate Thanks

sparkle9400 commented 1 year ago

can anyone attach the newest frimware for mjsxj06cm (2k Pro)?

yokrysty commented 1 year ago

can anyone attach the newest frimware for mjsxj06cm (2k Pro)?

For me its 4.1.6_0310. I am in EU. I can make you a flash dump. Let me know if that helps you.

thiagothomes commented 1 year ago

can anyone attach the newest frimware for mjsxj06cm (2k Pro)?

For me its 4.1.6_0310. I am in EU. I can make you a flash dump. Let me know if that helps you.

Please, May someone know a reliable source to download latest firmware for mjsxj06cm (2k Pro) ? It looks like that my camera bricket itself updating to latest firmware (it is stucked with orange light indicator) ...

dongFangTuring commented 1 year ago

@yokrysty I need the flash dump.My camera is stucked with orange light indicator.thanks.

sparkle9400 commented 1 year ago

Use this link to download the tf_update.img (to unbrick) @dongFangTuring

dongFangTuring commented 1 year ago

Use this link to download the tf_update.img (to unbrick) @dongFangTuring I put the file to sdcard,but not work.So i think use CH341A write other camera flash dump to flash chip maybe useful.

PecceG2 commented 1 year ago

Has anyone managed to install the hacks on the new model (MJSXJ06CM)? Or at least achieve a downgrade? I am completely stuck in a camera that, at any moment, goes flying out the window. Thanks!

tomacoglu commented 1 year ago

I understand that cheats are not installed on the new model (MJSXJ06CM). I wish I had bought 1080p instead of 2K :)

mlaeng commented 1 year ago

@yokrysty were you able to do anything with this cam?

yokrysty commented 1 year ago

@yokrysty were you able to do anything with this cam?

yes i explained a couple of posts above how connecting directly to the flash

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Just picked up the camera today, trying to see if I can make it work "offline" from Xiaomi. I am exploring it from a networking perspective. Since I run my own router in pure ubuntu/iptables etc, I ran tcpdump to capture the whole connection (including initial Wifi connection - see DHCP offer).

Unfortunately it seems that it uses TLS, so after the initial handshake there isn't much to see:


Interestingly though, it seems the SSL cert is self signed. I've attached the OpenSSL connection attempt:

OpenSSL connection to pairing server ``` $ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts CONNECTED(00000003) Can't use SSL_get_servername depth=0 O = Mijia Cloud, C = CN, CN = Mijia Cloud verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate verify return:1 depth=0 O = Mijia Cloud, C = CN, CN = Mijia Cloud verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate verify return:1 depth=0 O = Mijia Cloud, C = CN, CN = Mijia Cloud verify return:1 --- Certificate chain 0 s:O = Mijia Cloud, C = CN, CN = Mijia Cloud i:O = Mijia Root, C = CN a:PKEY: id-ecPublicKey, 256 (bit); sigalg: ecdsa-with-SHA256 v:NotBefore: May 23 06:28:50 2018 GMT; NotAfter: May 10 06:28:50 2068 GMT -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBjjCCATSgAwIBAgIBATAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjAiMRMwEQYDVQQKEwpNaWppYSBS b290MQswCQYDVQQGEwJDTjAgFw0xODA1MjMwNjI4NTBaGA8yMDY4MDUxMDA2Mjg1 MFowOTEUMBIGA1UECgwLTWlqaWEgQ2xvdWQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNOMRQwEgYDVQQD DAtNaWppYSBDbG91ZDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABKdS7NRLazsX q8NPgwDGMg8uTL7FelEDS17K33NH10XfjD28+q7bZ7BMrOWv95gYLkPFpES2J8LX 82FinT+RSAKjQjBAMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFJa3onw5sblmM6n40QmyAGDI5sURMB0G A1UdDgQWBBRaKb/7L7dQDOnEIPI9iZtv4IAykzAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiEA khRZlgi2UbYZSoBSDiE5sUfdGwzVHXkxVFYlHygkdJACIAueLVcYN+Nqel5ginX3 l8cAHK+6lKHgOoQJ+XZ34a+t -----END CERTIFICATE----- --- Server certificate subject=O = Mijia Cloud, C = CN, CN = Mijia Cloud issuer=O = Mijia Root, C = CN --- No client certificate CA names sent Peer signing digest: SHA256 Peer signature type: ECDSA Server Temp Key: ECDH, secp521r1, 521 bits --- SSL handshake has read 795 bytes and written 487 bytes Verification error: unable to verify the first certificate --- New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Server public key is 256 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE No ALPN negotiated SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1.2 Cipher : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Session-ID: 0C9BB10A9C2176F43E7F6AA21B63C2A20BB2AC7BD90494FCDA7F2CC2464ACE45 Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: 5A099185AD4FED7F931A4E5A727D7164A9B672D322DCD7CE240561830D8E0D7834185DE1263267F32C6824F3A2DE542C PSK identity: None PSK identity hint: None SRP username: None Start Time: 1676906073 Timeout : 7200 (sec) Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate) Extended master secret: yes --- ```

I'm gonna play around with some SSL downgrade or similar stuffs.

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Another thing I did is use iptables to prevent the smart camera from actually connecting to the internet (just drop all connections).

I can see several TCP SYN being sent to that pairing server, as some as some UDP messages to another one. Here are some UDP messages, I've no idea what it is trying to send:

15:22:02.637758 IP > UDP, length 32
    0x0000:  4500 003c 0000 4000 4011 2208 c0a8 1e6c  E..<..@.@."....l
    0x0010:  08db 30ba d431 1f75 0028 c979 2131 0020  ..0..1.u.(.y!1..
    0x0020:  ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 07dd 6062 9bb0  ............`b..
    0x0030:  98ba 8ad0 dc2e 9eb1 0c59 59ce            .........YY.
15:22:04.978633 IP > UDP, length 32
    0x0000:  4500 003c 0000 4000 4011 2208 c0a8 1e6c  E..<..@.@."....l
    0x0010:  08db 30ba d431 1f75 0028 7ccc 2131 0020  ..0..1.u.(|.!1..
    0x0020:  ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 07df 62b9 855c  ............b..\
    0x0030:  e476 527f be5c 218e ef0b 5f4e            .vR..\!..._N
15:22:07.464734 IP > UDP, length 32
    0x0000:  4500 003c 0000 4000 4011 2208 c0a8 1e6c  E..<..@.@."....l
    0x0010:  08db 30ba d431 1f75 0028 7e69 2131 0020  ..0..1.u.(~i!1..
    0x0020:  ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 07e2 a469 015a  .............i.Z
    0x0030:  8e90 e1c9 3718 f187 e10a 2be8

Note: for UDP it tried to lookup the domain , as opposed for the TCP/TLS attempts it tried

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

I also tried blocking just TLS (via iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP , and then attempt to pair. However it fails with network error, even though there is some UDP activity going on with .

I've attached the pcap if anyone wants to try and take a look at the UDP stuffs (need to zip for Github)

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

So I got a bit further along - there was an issue with my mitmproxy because of which I couldn't perform an EC handshaek, but with that fixed, the camera rejects my MITM attempt:


I downloaded some of the firmware you guys shared, and ran binwalk on it. I discovered that apart from a standard linux filesystem, there is some addition stuff, specifically of interest to me is they include their "Fake CA" public cert:

IPC021A04_4.1.6_0309/_tf_update.img-1.extracted/jffs2-root/data$ cat MijiaRootCert.pem

Since it is actually checking the signature, my nooby attempts to MiTM won't work directly...

copy to sd car fat 32 tf_update.img leave the camera to rotate Thanks

@Antonisrrr were you able to use this to "reload" firmware onto the device? I am wondering if I could patch the current firmware to add my custom CA, then I can sniff all the camera's traffic, which would greatly help in my attempts to reverse engineer their network protocol side of things

PecceG2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much in advance for all the work you are contributing @ckcr4lyf . I'm not very good with low-level programming, but I have a camera on my desk and electronics/programming tools and I'm willing to help in any way I need.

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Here is a part of the extracted filesystem, which seems to have all the mijia specific stuff. I'll upload the whole FS if I find something that allows > 25MB uploads


ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Seems like passive recon is a no go... I tried with a valid cert but incorrect Common Name (just had lets encrypt issue a cert for a domain I own), and unfortunately the camera won't accept it.


I will attempt to link the camera normally and just try to analyze the non TLS traffic instead.

firedevel commented 1 year ago

I think that code could be executed via wifi SSID injection, but I haven't had time to try it yet e.g. SSID: $(ls > /mnt/sdcard/a.log)

Stif007 commented 1 year ago

I found some good stuff on the internet! maybe he will help you?

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

I found some good stuff on the internet! maybe he will help you?

What exactly is this @Stif007 ? Unable to figure out if its some kind of API docs / request format

djangobits commented 1 year ago

@ckcr4lyf seems to be for this

This might be handy too:

And this (maybe outdated or only for older devices)

P3run commented 1 year ago

@yokrysty I would really appreciate if you could share your dump with me. I haven't been able to flash my camera with SD card, so my only hope is to push the dump directly to memory.

yokrysty commented 1 year ago

@P3run hello, i cannot give you the full dump, because there is some private data in some sections (config, factory) i will give you the rest of them and you need to reconstruct the image with your private sections

the flash image layout is:

0x000000 0x0050000 boot
0x050000 0x0250000 kernel
0x250000 0x09b0000 rootfs
0x9b0000 0x0fe0000 data
0xfe0000 0x0ff0000 config
0xff0000 0x1000000 factory

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

By connecting directly to the chip, is it possible to overwrite the flash?

I am thinking if it might be worth investing in some wires / pins etc. tooling to do that, then I can add my own CA to the firmware to analyze the TLS traffic (since they hardcode the root cert in their firmware ->

Supremo1119 commented 1 year ago

-- Can someone help me, i think i brick my cam while updating i accidentally unplug it's power. Model: mi 360 home security camera 2k pro (mjsxj06cm) Serial: 28309 Problem: stuck yellow light

Thank you from Philippines :)

P3run commented 1 year ago

@P3run hello, i cannot give you the full dump, because there is some private data in some sections (config, factory) i will give you the rest of them and you need to reconstruct the image with your private sections

the flash image layout is:

0x000000 0x0050000 boot
0x050000 0x0250000 kernel
0x250000 0x09b0000 rootfs
0x9b0000 0x0fe0000 data
0xfe0000 0x0ff0000 config
0xff0000 0x1000000 factory

Thank you so much! I'll try to fix it this weekend :).

hyunho-yoon commented 1 year ago

So far, no one has succeeded in Hack or RTSP in Mi360 2K PRO MJSXJ06CM, right?

IulianMm commented 1 year ago

-- Can someone help me, i think i brick my cam while updating i accidentally unplug it's power. Model: mi 360 home security camera 2k pro (mjsxj06cm) Serial: 28309 Problem: stuck yellow light

Thank you from Philippines :)

Hello @Supremo1119 ! Did you managed to solve the problem with the camera? If yes, what were the steps you have taken?

firedevel commented 1 year ago

-- Can someone help me, i think i brick my cam while updating i accidentally unplug it's power. Model: mi 360 home security camera 2k pro (mjsxj06cm) Serial: 28309 Problem: stuck yellow light Thank you from Philippines :)

Hello @Supremo1119 ! Did you managed to solve the problem with the camera? If yes, what were the steps you have taken?

unzip this and copy to tf card

ONLY for MJSXJ06CM A04 (SN: 30486) Please MAKE SURE the SN is 30486

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

unzip this and copy to tf card

@firedevel do you know if the firmware is signed? If I modify it a bit, would it sitll work if I try and update it?

IulianMm commented 1 year ago

-- Can someone help me, i think i brick my cam while updating i accidentally unplug it's power. Model: mi 360 home security camera 2k pro (mjsxj06cm) Serial: 28309 Problem: stuck yellow light Thank you from Philippines :)

Hello @Supremo1119 ! Did you managed to solve the problem with the camera? If yes, what were the steps you have taken?

unzip this and copy to tf card

Hello @firedevel ! Thank you for the information you've shared. Sadly, didn't worked on my device. I still have my camera blocked with the yellow/orange light. I see version for the folder is "4.1.6_0309". Does this come from the firmware version? Looking in my app i see the my firmware is 4.3.4_0372.
Also, I'm using a 64GB SD card for the camera.

Thanks again for your help!

IulianMm commented 1 year ago

-- Can someone help me, i think i brick my cam while updating i accidentally unplug it's power. Model: mi 360 home security camera 2k pro (mjsxj06cm) Serial: 28309 Problem: stuck yellow light Thank you from Philippines :)

Hello @Supremo1119 ! Did you managed to solve the problem with the camera? If yes, what were the steps you have taken?

unzip this and copy to tf card

Hello @firedevel ! Thank you for the information you've shared. Sadly, didn't worked on my device. I still have my camera blocked with the yellow/orange light. I see version for the folder is "4.1.6_0309". Does this come from the firmware version? Looking in my app i see the my firmware is 4.3.4_0372. Also, I'm using a 64GB SD card for the camera.

Thanks again for your help!

Problem solved! The reason why the provided image didn't "do the trick" was because I was using a god damn 64 card for the camera. I switched to a 16GB card where I had the option to format it in FAT32. I used the image from the IPC021A04_4.1.6_0309 folder and the magic happened!

@firedevel , thanks a lot for your help!

HC23393 commented 10 months ago

Thanks to Mi home security 360 2K Pro..,MJSXJ106 S)N 28309. Stuck at orange light. Flashed Bios IPC021A04_4.1.6_0309. Firstme worked... everything intact.18.Aug.2023. I m from Malaysia.

javi0701 commented 7 months ago

Hola mi camara mi 360° de xiaomi, no conecta y la luz es naranja fija y aveces intermitente. Me podrian ayudar intente con el finware IPC021A04_4.1.6_0309. y no funciono. Sospecho que necesito una version mas antiigua. Quedo atento.

firedevel commented 7 months ago

Thanks to Mi home security 360 2K Pro..,MJSXJ106 S)N 28309. Stuck at orange light. Flashed Bios IPC021A04_4.1.6_0309. Firstme worked... everything intact.18.Aug.2023. I m from Malaysia.

Sorry, the firmware is for MJSXJ06CM A04 (SN: 30486) and not for SN 28309.
there is another firmware for MJSXJ06CM (SN: 26537
): hope it helps.

See my repository for more details: Xiaomi-Camera-firmware