telosnetwork / open-block-explorer

The Open Block Explorer (OBE) is the first open source block explorer that is designed to support all AntelopeIO-based blockchains.
Apache License 2.0
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WALLET - Connect External Wallets via a "Connect" widget #70

Open ramijames opened 2 years ago

ramijames commented 2 years ago

To be able to access a user's account information securely, we're going to allow a user to "attach" and "detach" accounts. This will happen through the "connect" button in the top-right of the page.

image image

Let's take a look at the dropdown itself. First, it has an empty state which new users will first encounter.


For the connected state, we will have a dropdown selector that has the following functionality:


The Detach account functionality (the X) only shows on hover.

The Attach an Account functionality opens the Attach an Account Modal.

Disconnect all removes all accounts, and should clear the local storage, leaving a clean reset state.

donnyquixotic commented 2 years ago