Since the Teloscan redesign, the wallet is branded quite differently to the block explorer. We should investigate how we can streamline these dapps to look more in line with each other.
Create 3x streamlined logos for each product (@rozzaswap ask chris waxa)
Add the teloscan gradient to the wallet vertical bar
Add the teloscan gradient to the bridge, take inspiration from teloscan
Bridge add white background to match Wallet/teloscan
Enable dark mode on wallet, using colours taken from teloscan
Fix colours in existing dark mode on bridge to match teloscan
Add light mode to bridge
Add bridge link to telos wallet menu
Make external links in telos wallet larger + add logo
Since the Teloscan redesign, the wallet is branded quite differently to the block explorer. We should investigate how we can streamline these dapps to look more in line with each other.