telred / telred-overlay

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net-im/sky: add missing dependency #4

Closed wraeth closed 8 years ago

wraeth commented 8 years ago

If installed without media-libs/libv4l also being installed, launching Sky fails due to a dependency on

telred commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your report, we will resolve this problem in a while

wraeth commented 8 years ago

There are additional changes that I have made locally to resolve other issues, so I will close this pull request and resubmit as another (since this change will be incorporated as it includes other changes to the ebuilds).

wraeth commented 8 years ago

Apologies - I'm still figuring out github - it appears that my additional changes have been included in this pull request - cleaning up of the ebuilds and making them conform to QA requirements.

telred commented 8 years ago

No problem. Since current sky ebuild is based on ours ubuntu package, it's known to have some minor issues... We're working hard on improving sky for every distribution we support. Suggestions and bug reports are always welcome

wraeth commented 8 years ago

That's fine, and I'm happy to offer the suggestions I can.

As you can see, the changes made are only syntactical and structural within the ebuild, such as masking arches for which a binary has not been built and ensuring the license is listed and available.

Also, as a point of interest, if you are managing this repository on a Gentoo system, the repoman[1] utility (which is distributed with sys-apps/portage itself) can be used to validate an ebuild and ensure that it satisfies most QA requirements.

Please let me know if you have any queries or comments.


telred commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your support. We will verify and incorporate the changes you suggest. Gentoo is highly volatile, as you know, ebuilds always have something to improve, especially for binary distributions

telred commented 8 years ago

You changes were accepted & merged into current sky overlay branch. Thank you for your support