OpenKilda is an open-source OpenFlow controller initially designed for use in a global network with high control-plane latency and a heavy emphasis on latency-centric data path optimisation.
it starts with
Initiating client connection, connectString=zookeeper.pendev/kilda ...
and may repeat several attempts like:
Failed to init zk client, retrying... Attempt: 1. Error: Failed to validate zookeeper connection/state for component
Failed to init zk client, retrying... Attempt: 2. Error: Failed to validate zookeeper connection/state for component
We have retry mechanism in Kilda to connect to ZK
it starts with Initiating client connection, connectString=zookeeper.pendev/kilda ... and may repeat several attempts like: Failed to init zk client, retrying... Attempt: 1. Error: Failed to validate zookeeper connection/state for component Failed to init zk client, retrying... Attempt: 2. Error: Failed to validate zookeeper connection/state for component
Now they are linked with same correlation ID