temainowu / Optimality-Theory

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describing phones #3

Open temainowu opened 1 year ago

temainowu commented 1 year ago

the IPA is imperfect for describing phones especially the subset of it that I am allowing myself to use where I am allowed to describe phones with only a single character, the underspecification of dental/alveolar/postalveolar, laminal/apical is problematic and will necessitate a change in the Phone type.

temainowu commented 1 year ago

thats what the other branch is for now, but it makes it a lot harder to use when describing phones with all of their information rather than just one symbol so I need a way to convert back to symbols from their abstract representations, probably with a lookup table.

temainowu commented 8 months ago

its the main branch now :), this is still not ideal but it is better than IPA, I think...