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https://ceas.yale.edu/events/digital-sources-chinese-history #263

Open temberature opened 4 years ago

temberature commented 4 years ago

https://culturalrevolution.pitt.edu/ https://github.com/fccsdigitalchina/digital-china https://www.maoistlegacy.de/

temberature commented 4 years ago

https://kjc-sv034.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/ecpo/index.php https://exhibits.lib.berkeley.edu/spotlight/fonoroff-collection http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b22331904~S1 https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/lqrcn/?a=q&hs=1&r=1&results=1&txq=%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB&dafyq=&dafmq=&dafdq=&datyq=&datmq=&datdq=&puq=&laq=&txf=txIN&ssnip=img&o=25&e=-------en-25--1--img-txIN-%E5%AD%99%E4%B8%AD%E5%B1%B1-------- http://www.minguotupian.com/

temberature commented 4 years ago

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-chinese-history/article/big-data-for-the-study-of-qing-officialdom-the-china-government-employee-databaseqing-cgedq/08012BBACCA482B19D7FE2724FDCC840?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=1d3b69662bb7148ae95965f4931c56784d766087-1594255966-0-AXXLa_8p9rNskBxUfsGDfDafDeLMk5VZpS6bZ-Ad96U5Xcpkpe0YGMJO7oKLTnzrjUabvl26deL1QmKr8hlZcFY_Odq93ZL7Ek6IurYqw2URbQsEc7wAHNHdrrp3QJ5ZAL8N6NsY1kCqqRuhssEypbhSzBZpMP1Hc8R2pvJiL5bC28j6EqS8K4h7XwjjjQq6J3k1W1rnoS47-D8ta7FRmmmudv4e05evZyA824tNQV_fr-Bi57iKgLWij5p5Y-M4Vgdee9FsVilPUFEsUOiBLrc6gZ9a0uNoP-qH4w5E8P7rIG7ZTcIvFQLwdc6izLWXHbAtOBQd3vs1QZOM3WHQ7lQKDbyDxRvhD-JpHM39QD05xedKvFMUMWNb1w-_8SEWv_KmxIHbmiaG9e7gqlxrjvBjMZtK134YlhiZM3YbUMonJV7XnEZl6NQsxbmDF3g9X_5fbKxUCpw56MlaVUOdXp7shpwoFOY-gRj7CfZweMbcpFPWI1o-tnpTitJNeitmvbbn_YQYwJZxCIm4r8hzYKxURGYBiY_TE0Q7lNWpO6n_0cS9EVup3dMf7Ek3u7GG8g https://dataspace.ust.hk/bib/E9GKRS https://manc.hu/zh https://www.hpcbristol.net/collections/ephgrave-jack http://search.kongfz.com/product_result/?key=%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E9%9D%92%E5%B9%B4%20%E5%85%89%E7%9B%98&status=0&_stpmt=eyJzZWFyY2hfdHlwZSI6ImFjdGl2ZSJ9 https://chineseposters.net/ https://maoeraobjects.ac.uk/

temberature commented 4 years ago

Amy Lantrip 08:01 AM Thank you for sharing all of these databases, can I ask which of them are the best for late Qing studies? Jianye He 08:25 AM for the two databases I introduced, "Asian Digital Library" has more. The second newspaper platform does not have late Qing materials yet. The best twitext for study Qing history are: 清实录, 清史稿,they are also available online freely now. Devin Ouellette 08:08 AM Hi! Are there any digital sources for newpapers and/or periodicals from before 1911? From what I can tell, the Late Qing and Republican Era Chinese Newspapers database seems to only go back as early as 1911. Many thanks. Jianye He 08:27 AM You are right. So far, only the Republian Era Chinese newspapers are digitized. For any title befor 1911, you have to use the commer database 民国时期期刊全文数据库, also proquest old newspaper has many early English newspapers published in China too. They are not open access. Mindy Su 08:08 AM Thank you for holding this webinar. I’m interested in the legal system and woman history in colonial Taiwan. Does any of the databases discussed contain such information? Kwok Leong Tang 08:32 AM http://mhdb.mh.sinica.edu.tw/index.php You can use some of the databases after registration. Junyi Han 08:09 AM Hi thank you so much for your presentations and these databases are super helpful! I am wondering if there are digital databases holding oral history collections. Thank you. Kwok Leong Tang 08:12 AM University of Pittsburgh has a project called CR/10: https://culturalrevolution.pitt.edu/ Denise Ho 08:14 AM Also Duke University’s project on GLF Yu Qin 08:10 AM Question for Dr. Tang: are all the documents or 县志 in the Chinese village gazetteer database digitalized? It seems like some 县志 are not available digitally? Thank you! Kwok Leong Tang 08:14 AM Sorry for the confusion. They are 村志 and 乡镇志。They are not available in full-text format. Yifei Yao 08:21 AM Thank you for taking the time to prepare this webinar and sharing your knowledge! I’m a film student and I’m just curious if you have came across any online database useful for doing research on Chinese cinema (especially those that highlight contemporay Chinese documentaries). There’s a film section in the online collection introduced by Librarian He just now. It features early Chinese cinema and I find it very helpful. When I google ‘Chinese cinema online collection’ I also get a bunch of good results, but I’d like to know if you have any recommendations. Thank you! Jianye He 08:36 AM Our library (UC Berkeley East Asian Library) has a special collection on Chinese films. https://exhibits.lib.berkeley.edu/spotlight/fonoroff-collection Also, I heard Columbia also has a special collection 翁万戈特藏. but neither of them are fully digitized yet. Patrick Buck 08:23 AM Question for Dr. Gerth: has your research using blogs changed now that shorter social media posts are more popular now than full blog posts these days? Any advice on using social media posts for research? Karl Gerth 08:29 AM Sorry, Patrick. I have no idea, as I ended research for this book without exploring shorter posts. We have someone here at UCSD who downloads the Chinese internet (!) to study macro issues of censorship, Margaret Roberts. You might check out her new book on the same. She may have a idea how to search such posts. 匿名参会人 08:31 AM Thank you for holding this webinar. Are there any digital databases on the New Life Movement? Thank you. Jianye He 08:33 AM http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b22331904~S1 This database has a lot of coverage on New Life movement. Also the newspaper database I just introduced also has much coverage. https://gpa.eastview.com/crl/lqrcn/?a=q&hs=1&r=1&results=1&txq=%E6%96%B0%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB&dafyq=&dafmq=&dafdq=&datyq=&datmq=&datdq=&puq=&laq=&txf=txIN&ssnip=img&o=25&e=-------en-25--1--img-txIN-%E5%AD%99%E4%B8%AD%E5%B1%B1--------

Kwok Leong Tang对所有人说: 08:17 AM Sorry for self-propaganda. You may find the databases you need from this imcomplete list: https://github.com/fccsdigitalchina/digital-china Ian Chapman对所有人说: 08:44 AM https://kjc-sv034.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/ecpo/index.php Peng Xu对所有人说: 08:45 AM How about huojidang? Is it available online? Nate Lovdahl对所有人说: 08:47 AM This is for Patrick Buck concerning the use of social media posts for research: Charles Chang, most recently a postdoc at Yale, uses just such social media sources in his work. (His Yale profile: https://ceas.yale.edu/people/charles-chang) Tim Cheek对所有人说: 08:50 AM Don’t forget the limitations of CNKI—political culling of articles, per Glenn Tiffert’s AHA article “Peering Down the Memory Hole.” Ian Chapman对所有人说: 08:50 AM 民國图片: http://www.minguotupian.com/ Joan Judge对所有人说: 08:52 AM Ian mentioned ECPO in passing: https://kjc-sv034.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/ecpo/ this includes an ongoing collection of women’s journals, xiaobao, movie magazines, and many other genres of journals from the late Qing and Republic. Please check it out and contact us with any questions and suggestions. Maxwell Joslyn对所有人说: 08:52 AM Re-sharing this to "all attendees" and not just panelists: the June 2020 release, Big Data for Study of Qing Officialdom: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-chinese-history/article/big-data-for-the-study-of-qing-officialdom-the-china-government-employee-databaseqing-cgedq/08012BBACCA482B19D7FE2724FDCC840

with publicly released data here https://doi.org/10.14711/dataset/E9GKRS Kwok Leong Tang对所有人说: 08:53 AM Manc.hu | 满文学习网 https://manc.hu/zh https://github.com/fccsdigitalchina/digital-china Lyric Hale对所有人说: 08:53 AM University of Bristol collection: https://www.hpcbristol.net/collections/ephgrave-jack Yifan Shi对所有人说: 08:55 AM I purchased a 中国青年 database from Kongfuzi two years ago. It should be searchable, but because the database was made in the 1990s, it can only be properly installed on windows 95 or 98. The database is still available on Kongfuzi (http://search.kongfz.com/product_result/?key=中国青年%20光盘&status=0&_stpmt=eyJzZWFyY2hfdHlwZSI6ImFjdGl2ZSJ9). I wonder whether librarians can fix this technical problem to make it more handy. Yifan Li对所有人说: 08:56 AM https://chineseposters.net/ Mao Era in Objects https://maoeraobjects.ac.uk/