temerkhanov / SetTimerService

SetTimerService is a tiny Windows NT4/2000/XP compatible service intended to fix distorted sound in VMWare guests. This is done by setting the kernel timer resolution early during the bootup process.
MIT License
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does not work #6

Open idk1234567896 opened 1 year ago

idk1234567896 commented 1 year ago

does nothing, infact it made it to where the audio does not work.

jdel4913 commented 1 year ago

I too lost audio in VMware after trying this. I read through the error log and from all accounts it looks like it failed but will not automatically connect audio device at start up. Reinstalling drivers using VMtools returns audio but requires a restart and voila you have the issue again. The read me says something about an uninstall command but that didn't seem to work for me. Still working on a fix.

stemerk commented 1 year ago

No configuration is specified.