Describe the issue
t_stress.test_stress.TlsWrkStressDocker.test_concurrent_connections fails on remote CI with
ERROR: Unable to add via: header to msg [00000000e2b9b6a4]
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
run t_stress.test_stress.TlsWrkStressDocker.test_concurrent_connections on remote CI
nonidempotent.test_nonidempotent.NotRetryNonIdempotentH1Test.test on CI with TCP segmentation
Version or commit hash
Tempesta FW 717cbd08d4ef028e1beefb723f094dae96762c2f (current master also)
tempesta-test 9a4a485344767239f82bb9fb7b2e10b2d1e96648 (current master also)
Describe the issue t_stress.test_stress.TlsWrkStressDocker.test_concurrent_connections fails on remote CI with ERROR: Unable to add via: header to msg [00000000e2b9b6a4]
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior.
on remote CInonidempotent.test_nonidempotent.NotRetryNonIdempotentH1Test.test
on CI with TCP segmentationVersion or commit hash Tempesta FW 717cbd08d4ef028e1beefb723f094dae96762c2f (current master also) tempesta-test 9a4a485344767239f82bb9fb7b2e10b2d1e96648 (current master also)