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RETs, librets, and Perl #264

Open tempire opened 12 years ago

tempire commented 12 years ago


Of all the protocols I've had to learn, RETS, (Real Estate Transaction Standard) is the worst.  Maybe it's because the entire real estate industry thrives on secrecy.  Maybe it's because there just aren't that many people working with real estate data.  Maybe it's because the Fort Lauderdale Real Estate IT department has no interest in helping anyone not working on Windows.


Four points worth knowing

If you're a RETS n00b, these four points of information will save you quite a bit of time:

Fortunately, librets provides a relatively easy API in C++, and via Swig: Perl, Python, PHP, Java, C#, and Ruby.  They provide some very helpful examples that work with their demo server, but not in my case. 

My examples work with a active MarketLinx server, based on RETS 1.72, as is necessary when working with Fort Lauderdale listings.  MarketLinx supports only standard names, so working with the metadata is a must.

To install librets on OSX 10.5 or 10.6:

  1. Install Macports
  2. Install dependencies
    sudo port install boost swig
  3. Download & install librets
    curl -O http://www.crt.realtors.org/projects/rets/librets/files/librets-1.3.3.tar.gz
    tar xzf librets-1.3.3.tar.gz
    cd librets-1.3.3
    make install
    I didn't want to install everything, so I left off the make install above. To install only the perl library:
    cd build/swig/perl
    perl Makefile.PL
    make install

You should now have a working librets installation. 

To search for properties:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib "blib/lib", "blib/arch"; 
use strict; 
use librets;

my $rets = new librets::RetsSession(


if (!$rets->Login("USERNAME", "PASSWORD"))
    print "Invalid login\n";
    exit 1;

# Very useful for determining differences between RETS servers
# and understanding the metadata

# Get metadata
my $metadata = $rets->GetMetadata;

# Get classes, and put all properties features into hashref, 
# with system names as keys
# ex: { 137 => "List Price", "19" => "Bedrooms" }
my $class = $metadata->GetClass( "Property", "1" );
my $tables = $metadata->GetAllTables( $class );
my %features;
foreach my $table ( @$tables ) {
   $features{ $table->GetSystemName } = $table->GetLongName;

# Search for MLS Listing F1027824
my $request = $rets->CreateSearchRequest( 
   "Property", "1", "(157=F1027824)" 

# Search for MLS Listing F1020131 or F1027824
# my $request = $rets->CreateSearchRequest( 
#    "Property", "1", "(157=F1020131)|(157=F1027824)"
# );

# Search for MLS Listings having a List price between 300k and 310k
# my $request = $rets->CreateSearchRequest( 
#    "Property", "1", "(137=300000-310000)"
# );

# Turn off standard names - necessary if server does not support it

# SetSelect accepts system names (number codes) as parameters, 
# to only return certain property features
# By default, all features are returned
# $request->SetSelect("137,19");

$request->SetLimit( $librets::SearchRequest::LIMIT_DEFAULT );

# Offset is optional in the RETS spec, unfortunately.  
# Marketlinx does not support it :(
$request->SetOffset( $librets::SearchRequest::OFFSET_NONE );


my $results = $rets->Search( $request );
print "Record count: " . $results->GetCount() . "\n\n";

# All features for results (system names)
my $columns = $results->GetColumns();

# Loop through each property
while ($results->HasNext())
    foreach my $column (@$columns)
       # Print each feature with code, name, and value
       print "($column) $features{$column}: " . 
          $results->GetString($column) . "\n";
    print "\n";

my $logout =  $rets->Logout();

Running this script will give you output similar to the following:

Record count: 1

(1) Property Type: Single Family
(10) Zip Code: 33312
(100) Additional Furnished Info.: 
(101) Furnished Info (Sold): 
(102) #Garage Spaces: 0
(103) Garage Description: 
etewiah commented 7 years ago

4 years later and RETS is still a pain to work with but still important in the Real Estate sector!

clipartinc commented 1 year ago

11 years later and RETS is still a pain to work with in my local Real Estate division.

tempire commented 1 year ago

Dear goodness was just arbitrary content I uploaded to test something else - not even the original blog entry. I can't believe someone found it via the googles.

I hope it helps.

But yes. RETs is awful. I am sorry for all that had a need for this at all.