templaza / astroid-framework

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HTTP 500 error when using astroid 3.0.x with kunena 6.2.0 #412

Open BlackBrix opened 11 months ago

BlackBrix commented 11 months ago

Hi, i can't get astroid 3.0.x to work with kunena 6.2.0 -> apparently something "interferes" with each other (?):

`$number: null is not a number.: libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/tp_business/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss on line 13, at column 5
Call Stack:

0 mixin _assert-ascending libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/tp_business/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss on line 494

1 import libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/tp_business/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/tp_business/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss on line 8

2 import libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/tp_business/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss (unknown file) on line 1`

tested under PHP 8.1.21 with Joomla 4.3.4 and 4.4.0 and with astroid 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2

but: if you select the style "Cassiopeia - Default" instead each and every combination runs without any errors in frontend.

if you ask the kunena support they say something is wrong with astroid 3.0.x (because kunena 6.2.0 works well with the Joomla default template) ... ;-)

you can see the debug output of the frontend here -> https://joomlatest.hilgermissen.eu/joomla4_clone/ you can get admin access if needed (it's just a test site)

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

It look likes a problem from scss file of tp_business template. @Joomlaplates may you help me check it?

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

Astroid 3 is using Bootstrap 5.3.2. May be some function was changed. Let's check your template scss function. Make sure it is compatible with Bootstrap 5.3.2.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

but (as I wrote) astroid 3.0.x with "JP-Business" works well without kunena 6.2.0, only whith kunena 6.2.0 installed the problem occurs... does that make any sense ? does kunena use scss functions of the active template somehow ?

let me know if you need admin access you can do / try out everything there - it's just a test site

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

May you send me admin account via sonlv@templaza.com? I will check it.

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix It look like Kunena scssphp library override Astroid scssphp library. I tried to debug (using ff explore) in found their autoload class. Please help me use ftp unblock code on line 5 in libraries/kunena/External/autoload.php. I can't go to your site again. Because their system plugin.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

great, I will give you full FTP access later this day (not at home at the moment)

Do you need Database access too ?

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

...Please help me use ftp unblock code on line 5 in libraries/kunena/External/autoload.php. I can't go to your site again. Because their system plugin...

I 'unblocked' the line 5 in "../libraries/kunena/External/autoload.php" for you (removed the comment syntax '//' ) I think you should have access again ...

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

Thank you! I will check it in this week and response to you.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

at first after I "unblocked' the line 5 in "../libraries/kunena/External/autoload.php" the frontend works without errors, but only until I entered the kunena dashboard in the backend, then the frontend was immediately on HTTP error 500 again... ...very strange

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix It's because Astroid Cache stored the css. And you can see the front-end is working. But when you access to Kunena Dashboard, It remove all Astroid cache and it happens again. It's very strange when Kunena use a System plugin to trigger to another extension like that. But I will check it, if I have time in this week.

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

I will also check as I use Kunena.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

Thanks a lot,

maybe you can communicate to the kunena people as well (?) -> https://github.com/Kunena

It would be nice if the astroid and kunena extensions (both widely used) could work together flawlessly in a Joomla 4.4. or 5.x installation ...

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

Thank you! I am working to migrate all function to Joomla 5 and Joomla 6.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

Thank you! I am working to migrate all function to Joomla 5 and Joomla 6.

nice, but that is not the root cause of this Problem (#412) , or is it ?

@sonvnn : is it better to switch the affected site to PHP 8.2 then -> https://joomlatest.hilgermissen.eu/joomla4_clone/ (still on PHP 8.1 now)

I will also check as I use Kunena.

@Chacapamac : how did it go ? -> did you run into the same problem ?

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix Everything work fine with JOOMLA 4.3.4 - ASTROID 2.6.6 - KUNENA 6.1.1

• I update to KUNENA 6.2 — NO PROBLEMS! • I update to JOOMLA 4.4.0 and get a frontend 500 error!

The server error is —> [fastcgi:error] [pid 4144] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/Applications/MAMP/fcgi-bin/php8.1.0.fcgi", referer: MyMampLocalhost/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=install

• So far, I didn’t update Astroid

Searching for the problem now!

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

Update to Astroid 3.02 —> Same Frontend 500 Error I look in my Aphache error log and the FastCGI error (that I reset) that I note above is not created?????

Searching for the problem now!

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

Don't look into the server log files, but enable the joomla debug mode in the backend (to the highest reporting level) and see what errors the joomla debug engine puts out on the frontend.

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

Changing for Casiopea template bring the frontend correctly — No server error

My first Trace items is:

$number: null is not a number.: /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss on line 13, at column 5
Call Stack:
#0 mixin _assert-ascending /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss on line 494
#1 import /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss on line 8
#2 import /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/./../../../../../media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss (unknown file) on line 1

  at /MyLocalhostPath/libraries/kunena/External/scssphp/scssphp/src/Compiler.php:565
  at ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Compiler->compileString('@import "../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/functions";@import "custom/variable_overrides";@import "variable_overrides";@import "../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";@import "../../../../astroid/assets/vendor/astroid/scss/astroid";@import "style";@import "custom/custom";')
  at Astroid\Document->renderScss('/MyLocalhostPath/media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/css/compiled-6e9abea4700a1c5dd07a2ea3e4d14dae.css')
  at Astroid\Document->astroidCSS()
  at Astroid\Helper\Head::styles()
  at require('/MyLocalhostPath/templates/astroid_template_one/error.php')
  at Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate('/MyLocalhostPath/templates/astroid_template_one', 'error.php')
  at Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate(array('template' => 'astroid_template_one', 'directory' => '/MyLocalhostPath/templates', 'debug' => true, 'csp_nonce' => null, 'templateInherits' => '', 'params' => object(Registry), 'file' => 'error.php'))
  at Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse(array('template' => 'astroid_template_one', 'directory' => '/MyLocalhostPath/templates', 'debug' => true, 'csp_nonce' => null, 'templateInherits' => '', 'params' => object(Registry), 'file' => 'error.php'))
  at Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->render(false, array('template' => 'astroid_template_one', 'directory' => '/MyLocalhostPath/templates', 'debug' => true, 'csp_nonce' => null, 'templateInherits' => '', 'params' => object(Registry), 'file' => 'error.php'))
  at Joomla\CMS\Document\ErrorDocument->render(false, array('template' => 'astroid_template_one', 'directory' => '/MyLocalhostPath/templates', 'debug' => true, 'csp_nonce' => null, 'templateInherits' => '', 'params' => object(Registry), 'file' => 'error.php'))
  at Joomla\CMS\Error\Renderer\HtmlRenderer->render(object(CompilerException))
  at Joomla\CMS\Exception\ExceptionHandler::render(object(CompilerException))
  at Joomla\CMS\Exception\ExceptionHandler::handleException(object(CompilerException))
  at Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()
  at require_once('/MyLocalhostPath/includes/app.php')

So Far, I’m not smart enough to find the problem (Kunena or Astroid) — This is important as Kunena is the ultimate forum component for Joomla...

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

same like on my site, I think -> https://joomlatest.hilgermissen.eu/joomla4_clone/

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

Personally, I dont have the knowledge to fix this, so far. I will still try.

This is a big problem for me as I’m using Kunena on all my clients website that need a forum.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

Personally, I dont have the knowledge to fix this, so far. I will still try.

don't get me wrong, but I think that's not your (our) job ...

In my case: I paid for my template subscription, if it doesn't work, or won't be fixed in reasonable time, I will quit the subscription very soon, and choose another template/framework... it's as simple as that.

But I am still confident that @sonvnn will find a solution very soon !

sonvnn commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix hello, all of people here are working for Astroid as volunteers, me too. It is free project.

Sure! I will find a solution for this issue. Althrough it happen from Kunena project. But I think it will come after I complete some major tasks first.

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix hello, all of people here are working for Astroid as volunteers, me too. It is free project.

yes sure, I know ... but another truth is: for other people/companies (e.g. TemPlaza, JoomlaPlate) it is the base of their business, and they earn money with it. and I am a (paying) customer of these companies. I pay them for their template support on a subscription base, but if there is a problem with the framework, they usually can't help anymore ...

Joomlaplates commented 10 months ago

Hello together, 1.) this error happens with Zero Template too. I just clone the site with PHP 8.2, Joomla 4.4 and Kunena 6.2 2.) There something strange in Kunena 6.2, sorry I dont know why theyre using the scsss.php compiler too!! 3.) But I need to find a solution becasue we are running our Joomlaplates.com site with Kunena too .. Anyway, we can refund you the Template price. Therefore write me on Joomlaplates, or send an email! Reagards Peter

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

The Kunena guys now made a huge change to no longer use the same namespace that astroid uses (ScssPhp\ScssPhp\...) -> https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/commit/ae0e19f28b95e17e02276b0dd40ba7430205b0c7

I think it should work now, could not test it yet ...

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago


I think it should work now,

Great News. • Do we have to update Kunena to test?

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

@sonvnn From @BlackBrix above:

The Kunena guys now made a huge change to no longer use the same namespace that astroid uses (ScssPhp\ScssPhp...)


It is weird that both Astroid and Kunena use the exact same code?, Is this a convention? If it is, maybe Astroid should also use a personalize code like they did —> 'KunenaScssPhp\ScssPhp\??

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

It is weird that both Astroid and Kunena use the exact same code?, Is this a convention?

a common rule is: one should avoid "generic" namespaces wherever possible -> https://neos.readthedocs.io/en/8.3/References/CodingGuideLines/PHP.html#naming and use kindof (unique) "vendor" namespaces instead ...

so "ScssPhp\ScssPhp\" is IMHO a very bad idea for a namespace, because "everyone" will use it at first because of the original libraries examples -> https://scssphp.github.io/scssphp/ ;-)

If it is, maybe Astroid should also use a personalize code like they did —> 'KunenaScssPhp\ScssPhp\??

yes (@sonvnn), that would definitely be better (in my opinion). see here as well: https://www.dionysopoulos.me/book/concepts.html#idm140634930431856 ( https://www.dionysopoulos.me/media/com_docimport/books/assets/JoomlaExtensionNamespace.png )

Do we have to update Kunena to test?

you can wait until Kunena v6.2.1 is released and then make an update (https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/issues/9574#issuecomment-1786954954)

or you generate your own kunena package out of their K6.2 branch https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/tree/K6.2 (I don't know how to do)

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

@Chacapamac you may take this "nightly" for testing purposes only: https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/issues/9574#issuecomment-1788708506

[Edit]: I tested yesterday and it works in my installation without errors: tested the Kunena 6.2.1-DEV with:

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

@BlackBrix I just install and it work.

Did you have a Jason error when installing, I did? JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data Screen Shot 2023-11-04 at 10 20 11 AM

Joomla 4.4.0 Astroid 3.0.2 Astroid Template One PHP 8.1.0

BlackBrix commented 10 months ago

Did you have a Jason error when installing, I did?

no, i did not see any error

Chacapamac commented 10 months ago

Cool @BlackBrix — It Seems to work anyway!