tempoCollaboration / OQuPy

A Python package to efficiently simulate non-Markovian open quantum systems with process tensors.
Apache License 2.0
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Computing smaller process tensors from larger ones #121

Open gefux opened 4 months ago

gefux commented 4 months ago

It could be useful to have a function that computes smaller process tensors (in MPO form) from larger ones by:

The function header would then look like this:

def reduce_process_tensor(pt, system=None, control=None, start_index=1, end_index=-1, coarse_graining=1, epsrel=None, chi=None):

This could be particularly useful if one has a library of different process tensors (as I proposed in #119). Then the library only needs to hold the most accurate, fine, and long process tensors. The coarser ones could then be straightforwardly generated from the finer ones.