temporalecologylab / TreeRings

Project developing methods and tools needed to collect tree ring dendrology data
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We need a project name #5

Open DeirdreLoughnan opened 8 months ago

DeirdreLoughnan commented 8 months ago

This is a cool project and deserves an equally cool name! Please submit you name ideas here. We will decide on a name at our first November meeting.

Since we are basically building a computer numerical control (CNC) machine, but for measuring trees, my first name idea is TreeNC.

Good luck and may the best name win!

lizzieinvancouver commented 8 months ago

ADAMSPB -- Automatic dendro: apparatus to measure plant biomarkers (or just ADAMS? And probably better acronyms)

Anagrams of dendro? Anagrams of skippy?

afong3 commented 8 months ago

To continue with the peanut butter flair...

ADAMS - Arborial data acquisition and measurement system

DeirdreLoughnan commented 5 months ago

I have been thinking about recursive acronyms and tried coming up with a few ideas.

I came up with some bad ones (YAS ain't skippy) and one that I kinda like: Trcs: Trcs ring capture system (pronounced trix)

lizzieinvancouver commented 5 months ago

@DeirdreLoughnan I like 'trix' (has peanut butter)... I will offer ABS: Adams is Better than Skippy.

afong3 commented 4 months ago

How about a triple alliteration - Conifer Cookie Capture (CCC)

lizzieinvancouver commented 4 months ago

@afong3 I like the cookie capture! But we study so many deciduous species ....

afong3 commented 6 days ago

After more brainstorming I'd like to present -


M: Mosaic O: Obtains S: Sets of A: Aligned I: Images of C: Cookies

chloecurry commented 6 days ago

a reverse recursive naming option... not totally sure what is meant by alignment SCANS: Sharp Contrast Alignment Not Scans

afong3 commented 6 days ago

MOSAIC: Mosaic Observation and Stitching Automation for Image Creation

with a little help from ChatGPT

DeirdreLoughnan commented 6 days ago

MOSAIC: Mosaic Observation and Stitching Automation for Image Creation with a little help from ChatGPT

To riff on this: Mosaic Observes and Stitches Automatically for Image Creation

lizzieinvancouver commented 6 days ago

Trees aren't real, but their rings are (and we have pictures): TARRA

lizzieinvancouver commented 6 days ago

Or is it TARTRA?

lizzieinvancouver commented 6 days ago

Arachide: are rings actually ch-ronosequences in dendro or ecology?

lizzieinvancouver commented 13 hours ago

Also, Truffela (which is close to Truffula tree): Tree ring understanding from fancy/fun/fantastic/etc. engineering of lens analytics or Truffula: Tree ring understanding from fancy/fun/fantastic/etc. uber-engineering lenses and analytics