temporalio / helm-charts

Temporal Helm charts
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Visibility config doesn't get rendered if visibility and default store types are different #466

Closed np-we360 closed 1 month ago

np-we360 commented 4 months ago

What are you really trying to do?

I'm trying to install Temporal with Cassandra as the default store and PostgreSQL as the visibility store.

Describe the bug

While rendering visibility store config, instead of checking for .visibility key, it was checking for .default. (The chart works when both your default and visibility store are same)

Responsible line of code: https://github.com/temporalio/helm-charts/blob/master/charts/temporal/templates/server-configmap.yaml#L60

Minimal Reproduction

         # cassandra config
        driver: cassandra
      defaultStore: default
        driver: sql
           # sql config
          driver: postgres12


Not applicable.

smktpd commented 4 months ago

Isn't that because you didn't set up visibilityStore (under persistence)?

np-we360 commented 4 months ago

Isn't that because you didn't set up visibilityStore (under persistence)?

That shouldn't be the case afaik. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

It defaults to "visibility" from my understanding of the template.

smktpd commented 4 months ago

You might be right. I don't understand some helm constructs, yet. https://github.com/temporalio/helm-charts/blob/master/charts/temporal/templates/server-configmap.yaml#L60

      defaultStore: {{ $.Values.server.config.persistence.defaultStore }}
    {{- if or $.Values.elasticsearch.enabled $.Values.elasticsearch.external }}
      visibilityStore: es-visibility
    {{- else }}
      visibilityStore: visibility
    {{- end }}
          {{- if eq (include "temporal.persistence.driver" (list $ "default")) "sql" }}

includes temporal.persistence.driver, which is defined here: https://github.com/temporalio/helm-charts/blob/master/charts/temporal/templates/_helpers.tpl#L144-L159 like this:

{{- define "temporal.persistence.driver" -}}
    {{- $global := index . 0 -}}
    {{- $store := index . 1 -}} 
    {{- $storeConfig := index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store -}}
    {{- if $storeConfig.driver -}}
        {{- $storeConfig.driver -}}
    {{- else if $global.Values.cassandra.enabled -}}
        {{- print "cassandra" -}}
    {{- else if $global.Values.mysql.enabled -}}
        {{- print "sql" -}}
    {{- else if $global.Values.postgresql.enabled -}}
        {{- print "sql" -}}
    {{- else -}}
        {{- required (printf "Please specify persistence driver for %s store" $store) $storeConfig.driver -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

what does {{- $store := index . 1 -}} get resolved into? still, it looks like temporal.persistence.driver is a wrongly introduced key: there is no driver for 'persistence', there are only drivers for some stores, and since temporal basically has 3 possible stores (default + visibility, visibility-es)) - it should've instead been 3 different keys: temporal.persistence.default.driver temporal.persistence.visibility.driver temporal.persistence.visibility_es.driver (I guess - is forbidden in the key paths)

robholland commented 1 month ago

This should be fixed now via https://github.com/temporalio/helm-charts/pull/436