tempusdominus / bootstrap-4

Tempus Dominus Bootstrap 4 Datetime Picker
MIT License
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TypeError: Cannot read property ... of undefined #34

Open ianchlee opened 6 years ago

ianchlee commented 6 years ago

When I remove the value of the input field, I get an error for: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isSame' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'clone' of undefined

It seems that it read the empty value as an error

tamarokun commented 6 years ago

+1, using .clear() function or setting null value will trigger isSame() bug

seltix5 commented 6 years ago

hello, same problem here :

VERSION : Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4 v5.0.0-alpha15

tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isSame' of undefined at k._updateMonths (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at k._fillDate (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at k.i._update (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:6) at k.i._setValue (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:6) at k.i.clear (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:6) at k._doAction (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at HTMLAnchorElement.e (jquery.min.js:2) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3) at HTMLDivElement.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3)

tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clone' of undefined at k.hide (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at Function.k._jQueryHandleThis (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at r.fn.init.k._jQueryInterface [as datetimepicker] (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at HTMLInputElement. (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7) at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3) at HTMLDocument.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3) at Object.trigger (jquery.min.js:4) at Object.simulate (jquery.min.js:4) at HTMLDocument.c (jquery.min.js:4)

mahesh139 commented 6 years ago

+1 Same problem as explained by @tamarokun when useCurrent option is set to false.

Vladimir25 commented 6 years ago

+1 Same problem.

Loni2Shoes commented 6 years ago

+1 Same problem.

radionoise commented 6 years ago

+1 Same problem.

ada3m0n666 commented 6 years ago

yes same here. It's an initialization problem. tempusdominus seems to auto initialize when it finds css class 'datetimepicker-input' or a data-toggle attribute with value 'datetimepicker'. I had to remove them to prevent from auto initializing. And add them manually and call .datetimepicker() to init when i want.

Dahkon commented 6 years ago

Same here with alpha18

seltix5 commented 6 years ago

hello, so after so mutch time without solution I craft my custom solution. The problem here is in the _getLastPickedDate() that will return null and because of this there will be function calls on a null object. To solve this I just changed this line : https://github.com/tempusdominus/bootstrap-4/blob/aaa4b3b948be276d475c9129d0c7b7c5482a9ade/build/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.js#L771 return this._dates[this._getLastPickedDateIndex()] || moment(null);

ggjersund commented 6 years ago

@seltix5 This solution triggers TypeError: row is undefinedat tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.js:2111:21. Happens when I select a date, and remove it manually from the textfield (leaving it blank) and try to open the picker again.

seltix5 commented 6 years ago

hello @ggjersund. I try that in my side and dint get any error. maybe it is duo to some specific setting. can you create a demo e codepen or something to isolate the problem?

yusuke50 commented 6 years ago


(version 5.0.0-alpha18). my steps are: step1. open modal and choose a date on the datetimepicker input step2. close modal, I set datetimepicker('date', null) on hidden.bs.modal event step3. open modal again and choose another date on the same datetimepicker

Console prompts error of "Cannot read property 'isSame' of undefined" at step2 if without @seltix5 's solution, but console prompts error of "Cannot read property 'clone' of undefined" when applying this solution.

Is there other ways? Thank you.

denisdiniz001 commented 6 years ago

Hello, i tried alter the lib and it worked:

h.prototype._getLastPickedDate = function() { var lastDate = this._dates[this._getLastPickedDateIndex()]; if(typeof lastDate == "undefined" || lastDate == null){ lastDate = this.getMoment(); } return lastDate }

RoanBrand commented 6 years ago

Try this workaround if you don't want to alter the library:

Run the following just after running .clear():

$('#datetimepicker1').datetimepicker({ useCurrent: false });

The docs say the destroy function removes all the attached event listeners, but for me they stayed.

oberzan commented 6 years ago

+1 Same problem.

teiv91 commented 6 years ago

Same problem. When will this be fixed? I dont want to alter the lib.

daniapa commented 6 years ago

The problem still happening with the option {useCurrent: false}.

I have done a jsfiddle with the example.

The solution seems to be alter the lib as says @denisdiniz001

teiv91 commented 6 years ago

The problem happening also if you clear the input field and try to select a date again.

gamevnlc commented 6 years ago

Same issue. Any idea how to fix

alinaalam commented 6 years ago

Please notify us when it'll get solved. It's annoying to find out that there is no way to tackle this issue without having to alter the library

terrylow commented 6 years ago

i received a similar issue TypeError: this._getLastPickedDate(...) is undefined when i try to remove a few characters from the picked date string in the textfield, which causes a invalid date and clear automatically then the error show.

jorgecf commented 6 years ago

Any update? I can't set a simple example with an empty date without crashing in _getLastPickedDate. @denisdiniz001 workaround works just right as a temporary solution

gertsteyn commented 6 years ago

Having the same issue, mine surfaces as "Cannot read property '_options' of undefined"...

There have been two stable releases since this issue and a solution was proposed.

@Eonasdan I am not a JavaScript specialist, some feedback from you on if this is a bug that will be addressed (and a ballpark idea of timeline) or caused by incorrect implementation would be very helpful.


ThomasDotCodes commented 6 years ago

submitted a PR. Couldn't find the code in src, only in build


fielde commented 6 years ago

A better way to fix this issue is to look at the root cause. When the _setValue is called with a NULL is does not restore the dates[], causing subsequent tests on it to fail. The clue is that when the control is initialised with a null value the originator has ensure the dates[] has a value at position 0.

I simply modified the _setValue to handle the null and restore the _dates[] to ensure there was always a value at position 0 by adding the code below to line 407 in the _setValue method.


Hope this save some time for all.

shayneoneill commented 6 years ago

Yeah I'm getting it too :(

lianee commented 5 years ago

This issue won't likely be fixed here since I think it belongs to 'core', not 'bootstrap-4', this is why one has to patch the library as a workaround. I reported it to core here

uladzimir-miadzinski commented 5 years ago

when will the fix?

kylelynchkurzawa commented 5 years ago

@fielde Your fix worked for me, thank you so much!

karatektus commented 5 years ago

for me too, how is this still not fixed? :D

kevinbrydon commented 5 years ago

@fielde fix worked! for those who prefer copy and pasting the code

this._dates[0] = this.getMoment();
this._viewDate = this.getMoment().clone();
sander-lameco commented 5 years ago

When will the PR get accepted or when will a permanent fix be published? I'm using NPM to install this package so I can't alter the files.

mrlss commented 5 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the great plugin, you did awesome job!

While looking for a workaround of this issue, i founded that @fielde solution is working, but working with default locale. When you reseting datepicker with this code

this._dates[0] = this.getMoment();
this._viewDate = this.getMoment().clone();

you getting your current locale from the moment.js, not the one that was changed in the options. Playing a little with code, i founded that just adding .locale(this._options.locale) fixing this, here updated code:

this._dates[0] = this.getMoment();
this._viewDate = this.getMoment().locale(this._options.locale).clone();

Hope this would help someone and issue will we solved soon, because we are unable to use you lib from NPM unfortunately due to the source changes :(


boikoeugene commented 5 years ago

why hasn't this been solved for a long time?! i need clear function, but it doesn't work correctly

tushar2004 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I was also having the same problem. I was trying to use 'clear' function but it wasn't working properly. But now I have got it fixed.

Just try this out: $('datetimepicker').datetimepicker('clear'); $('datetimepicker').datetimepicker('destroy');

Hope it'd save some time of yours.

leechogas commented 5 years ago

Hi, Is this issue has been resolved?

heroselohim commented 4 years ago

Resolved removing the class "input-group" in the HTML.

lesilent commented 4 years ago

Previously I was using a modified version that applied the fix from @mrlss but I wanted to see if it was possible to use the original build and simply override the functions. Below is my code, and it seems to work:

jQuery.fn.datetimepicker.Constructor.prototype._origSetValue = jQuery.fn.datetimepicker.Constructor.prototype._setValue;
jQuery.fn.datetimepicker.Constructor.prototype._setValue = function _setValue(targetMoment, index) {
    var oldDate = this.unset ? null : this._dates[index];
    var outpValue = '';
    if (!targetMoment && (!this._options.allowMultidate || this._dates.length === 1)) {
        this.unset = true;
        this._dates = [this.getMoment()];
        this._datesFormatted = [];
        this._viewDate = this.getMoment().locale(this._options.locale).clone();
        if (this.input !== undefined) {
        this._element.data('date', outpValue);
            type: jQuery.fn.datetimepicker.Constructor.Event.CHANGE,
            date: false,
            oldDate: oldDate
        this._origSetValue(targetMoment, index);

This should allow those that install the library using a cdn or NPM to apply the fix without having to modify the source.

JasminSAB commented 4 years ago

yes same here. It's an initialization problem. tempusdominus seems to auto initialize when it finds css class 'datetimepicker-input' or a data-toggle attribute with value 'datetimepicker'. I had to remove them to prevent from auto initializing. And add them manually and call .datetimepicker() to init when i want.

Thanks, what I did is that I removed id's with datetimepicker"NN", and removed datetimepicker-input classes from elements, now it works like charm.

Aporie commented 4 years ago

Same here, I've removed data-toggle attribute and datetimepicker-input class from the html. I then initialize it and add data-toggle just right after.

garbinmarcelo commented 4 years ago

2017.. by the way this error is more terrible than I thought hehehe.. I started using the package today and came across it.. Any news on adjusting this or the package is abandoned?

JasminSAB commented 4 years ago

2017.. by the way this error is more terrible than I thought hehehe.. I started using the package today and came across it.. Any news on adjusting this or the package is abandoned?

Hi, what I did is that I removed id's with datetimepicker"NN", and removed datetimepicker-input classes from elements, now it works like charm.

garbinmarcelo commented 4 years ago

2017.. by the way this error is more terrible than I thought hehehe.. I started using the package today and came across it.. Any news on adjusting this or the package is abandoned?

Hi, what I did is that I removed id's with datetimepicker"NN", and removed datetimepicker-input classes from elements, now it works like charm.

Right, I went back to version 4 which seems to be working better. Some errors that I found in this version do not happen in the previous one, I ended up wasting some time trying to adjust this, it seems that this package stopped at "time" =/

Yeshwanth-Surabhi commented 4 years ago

Hi @fielde you had modified bootstrap js right?

Yeshwanth-Surabhi commented 4 years ago

2017.. by the way this error is more terrible than I thought hehehe.. I started using the package today and came across it.. Any news on adjusting this or the package is abandoned?

Hi, what I did is that I removed id's with datetimepicker"NN", and removed datetimepicker-input classes from elements, now it works like charm.

Thanks @JasminSAB, your solution did the trick for me.

manhquang144 commented 4 years ago

Hi, is this issue expected to be resolved soon ?

paulwellnerbou commented 4 years ago

@JasminSAB I tried your workaround, but without success. I already have completely different IDs than datetimepicker1 (e.g. #datePickerStart). And removing the class datetimepicker-input did not make any difference. What exactly did you do?

jmmaguigad commented 4 years ago

2017.. by the way this error is more terrible than I thought hehehe.. I started using the package today and came across it.. Any news on adjusting this or the package is abandoned?

Hi, what I did is that I removed id's with datetimepicker"NN", and removed datetimepicker-input classes from elements, now it works like charm.

i just removed datetimepicker-input and it works. thanks

hugogcorrea commented 4 years ago

Hi, i have tried this solution:

else {
if (!this._options.keepInvalid) {
    if (this.input !== undefined) {
      //fixed bug, index set 0 if undefined at line 473
        index = index == undefined ? 0 : index;
        this.input.val('' + (this.unset ? '' : this._dates[index].format(this.actualFormat)));


and worked for me

link of cnd: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4/5.1.2/js/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.js

khuongphp commented 3 years ago

@JasminSAB I tried your workaround, but without success. I already have completely different IDs than datetimepicker1 (e.g. #datePickerStart). And removing the class datetimepicker-input did not make any difference. What exactly did you do?

Thank you. That should be right answer